
  • Jianchang;【地名】【越南】Kien Xuong
  1. 建昌-喀左盆地石油地质条件初步分析

    Preliminary analysis of petroleum geological condition of Jianchang & Kazuo basin

  2. 安哥拉山羊与建昌黑山羊杂交效应分析

    Analysis of Crossbreeding Effect of Angora Goat and Jianchang Black Goat

  3. 这种差异正是建昌马对不同地域的生态适应。

    This difference is ecological adaptation for Jianchang Horses to different areas .

  4. 建昌鸭羽色遗传规律及杂交组合试验

    The inheritance of plumage color in Jianchang duck and combinations of crosses

  5. 建昌黑山羊体尺体重相关性研究

    A Research on Correlation Between Body Size and Body Weight of Jianchang Black Goat

  6. 建昌&喀左盆地中生代构造演化

    Tectonic evolution in Jianchang-Kazuo basin in mesozoic era

  7. 不同因素对建昌鸭种蛋孵化效果的影响试验

    Experiments on the Influence of Various Factors upon Incubation of Stud Eggs of Jianchang Duck

  8. 辽宁省建昌县作为全国甲级贫困县,在城镇化的过程中面临着很大的机遇和挑战。

    As a impoverished country , Jianchang faced both opportunities and challenges during urbanization period .

  9. 建昌县作为农业大县,具备中国农村的典型特征,是中国农村的缩影,具有研究的普遍意义。

    As an agricultural county , Jianchang can be said to be the epitome of the whole country .

  10. 复合驱羊蠕虫药物对建昌黑山羊和绵羊增重影响的研究

    Researches on the Effects of Compound Anthelmintic Medicines upon Increasing the Weights of Jianchang Black Goats and Sheep

  11. 明初平定建昌卫月鲁帖木儿叛乱浅析从张格尔叛乱看清朝边疆防御之得失

    Gains and Losses of the Frontier Defense of the Qing Dynasty Viewing from the Zhang ' ge ' er Rebellion

  12. 本文根据沉积学和地球化学原理,对建昌&喀左盆地烃源岩系进行了比较深入的研究。

    Based on sedimentological and geochemical theories , this paper have studied and discussed more profoundly about the source rock measures of Jianchang-Kazuo basin .

  13. 结果表明,所测建昌鸭的十一个体性状中,体重与肝重的相关关系最为密切,其次是胸骨长。

    Among the 11 measured traits in JD , body weight is of closest relationship with liver weight , and keel bone length , of the second .

  14. 这一演变可以看出,建昌府公共事务修建的主导权经历了由官府向士绅阶层过渡的变化过程。

    This evolution can be seen that the construction of Jianchang dominance of government public affairs experience to the gentry by the official change of the transition process .

  15. 经过三百多年的发展,到明清时期,建昌府的商业已十分繁荣,往来客商络绎不绝。

    After three hundred years of development , to the Ming and Qing Dynasties , Jianchang government business has been very prosperous , demand constant stream of customers .

  16. 作者作为一名农业科技工作者,对农民社会流动问题倾注了大量心血,利用两个多月时间深入建昌农村对此进行系统的调查与研究,取得了重要资料,为完成此项课题奠定了坚实基础。

    As an agricultural scientific worker , the author spent a lot of care on rural social mobility and spent two months in researching systematically on this in villages in Jianchang County .

  17. 结合辽宁省建昌县的实际情况,指出建昌县的城镇化仍存在的主要问题有:1.隐形城镇化问题凸出。

    Combined with the actual situation in Jianchang County of Liaoning Province , points out the main problems of Jianchang county urbanization still has : ( 1 ) contact problems of urbanization .

  18. 雄厚的经济实力为府内的教育事业奠定了坚实的基础,使建昌府成为明清时期江西三大进士聚集地之一,并涌现出大量的科举之家。

    Strong economic strength of education within the government laid a solid foundation for the Ming and Qing Dynasties to become the government of Jiangxi Jianchang Scholars gathered one of the three , and the emergence of a large number of " examination family . " .