
kù ěr dé yǔ
  • Kurdish language
  1. 他缓解了对库尔德语的长期禁止,并且减弱军队的影响力。

    He eased restrictions on the long-banned Kurdish language and blunted the army 's influence .

  2. 伊拉克选送了一部由贾米勒·罗斯塔米执导的库尔德语影片《雪的挽歌》,该片讲述了伊拉克库尔德人在干燥炎热的地区祈求上天降雨的故事。

    Iraq entered " Requiem of Snow ," a Kurdish language film from director Jamil Rostami about Kurds praying for rain in a drought-parched area of the country .

  3. 库尔德语库尔德人讲的伊朗语系的语言。

    The Iranian language of the kurds .

  4. 像是库尔德语,我试试希腊语。

    Sounds like kurdish . I don 't understand it . I 'll try greek .

  5. 语言:阿拉伯语为官方语言,少数人讲库尔德语、土耳其语、亚述亚语、亚美尼亚语和英语。

    Language : arabic is the official language , although a substantial minority speaks kurdish , turkish , assyrian , Armenian and English are also spoken .

  6. 语言:官方语言为阿拉伯语,也讲库尔德语、亚美尼亚语、阿拉米语和土耳其语,广泛使用法语及英语。

    Language : arabic is the official language . kurdish , armenian , aramaic , and Turkish are also spoken , while French and English are widely understood .

  7. 9月起,北外将开设库尔德语、毛利语、汤加语、萨摩亚语、科摩罗语、茨瓦纳语、恩德贝莱语、克里奥耳语、绍纳语、提格雷尼亚语和白俄罗斯语等本科专业。

    BFSU will offer Kurdish , Maori , Tongan , Samoan , Comorian , Tswana , Ndebele , Creole , Shona , Tigrinya and Byelorussian majors to undergraduates from September .

  8. 这家医院用阿拉伯语和库尔德语等语言制作和发放传单,警告难民不要食用这种蘑菇。这种欧洲土产的蘑菇会对肝脏和肾脏造成致命损伤。

    The hospital made and distributed posters in Arabic , Kurdish and other languages cautioning migrants to avoid the fungus , which is native to Europe and can cause fatal liver and kidney damage .

  9. 库尔德人,他们中很多人讲库尔德语,占人口的10%,大多数住在叙利亚的东北角,尽管相当多的库尔德族的居民也住在主要的叙利亚城市。

    The Kurds , many of whom speak Kurdish , make up10 % of the population and live mostly in the northeast corner of Syria , though sizable Kurdish communities live in most major Syrian cities as well .