
  • 网络Culture
  1. 广场文化建设需要健康有序的发展,如:领导重视、组织协调是搞好广场文化的关键;

    The square culture building needs the healthy and orderly development .

  2. 对中国城市广场文化表达的思考

    On the Expression of Culture of City Squares in China

  3. 大连广场文化景观具有自身特点。

    Squares in Dalian have their own characteristics .

  4. 丰富演出内容是广场文化繁荣的动力。

    Enriching the performance content is the power for the prosperity of square culture .

  5. 重庆都市广场文化研究

    Research into Metropolitan Square Culture of Chongqing

  6. 对广场文化的美学探讨

    Aesthetics of Square Culture Culture Culture

  7. 广场文化刍议

    On the Square Culture

  8. 重庆广场文化发展具有大众休闲化、个性鲜明化、社会组织化、商业运作化等趋势。

    The development of Chongqing 's square culture possesses the tendency of recreation , individual , social and commercial character .

  9. 此外,又从城市文化引入广场文化,分析研究了城市广场的文化内涵与文化创造;

    Thirdly , the article introduces square culture from city culture , analyzes cultural connotation and creation of City Square .

  10. 城市广场文化表达与形态的融合&重庆市三峡广场评析

    The Integration of Cultural Expression and Patterns of City Square & A Case Study of Three Gorges Square in Chongqing

  11. 此外,丰富的广场文化活动组织和完善的广场管理策划制度对改善目前寒地城市广场现状起到积极的作用。

    Moreover , square plentiful cultural activities and square perfect management are advantageous to enhance the conditions of city squares in winter cities .

  12. 广场文化的美育特征表现为鲜明的时代性、审美客体内容的通俗性、审美主体与审美客性的相容性。

    Vivid time character , popularity of objective contents , consistency between aesthetical main body and object illustrate characteristics of aesthetic education of square culture .

  13. 广场文化是以群众文化为基础,以专业文化为引导,以人民群众为主体,以满足自身的精神生活和知识需求为目的的社会文化现象。

    Under the guidance of special culture , square culture takes the basis of the mass culture with the majority of the masses to meet their demands of mental life and knowledge .

  14. 在现代社会,各种文化现象已渗透到社会生活的各个层面,广场文化是知识经济条件下诞生的集文化、学习、娱乐、休闲、培训、旅游、商务、交流于一体的综合性文化。

    Nowadays , all kinds of culture phenomenon have gotten through all kinds of the society . Square culture is a kind of comprehensive culture concluding culture , study , amusement , training , tourism , business and communication in the knowledge economy .

  15. 它是广大人民群众对现实生活审美体验的艺术结晶,并与人们的理想、道德、情操、文化知识、审美趣味、创造能力等个体素质相联系,因此,广场文化的本质是美。

    It is an artistic fruit that people collect in experiencing the aesthetics of real life and connect with their individual qualities such as ideal , morality , sentiment , culture , knowledge , aesthetical taste , creativity , etc. Therefore , beauty is the essence of square culture .

  16. 影响城市广场体育文化活动发展的多元因素分析

    Analysis on Multi-Factors Influencing Development of City Plaza Sport Culture Activity

  17. 世纪广场的文化与生活意义探索

    On the Culture of the Century Square and the Meaning of Living

  18. 城市中心广场的文化内涵&兼论中国城市中心广场的现状与缺陷

    Cultural Connotation of City Central Square Square City and Chinese Traditional Cultural Principle

  19. 论城市广场体育文化

    A Study on the Sports Culture in City Square

  20. 广场体育文化活动发展过程具有曲折性。

    The process of development about plaza sports cultural activities are twists ; 3 .

  21. 广场的文化特色表现不足。

    The characteristics of local culture showed deficiently .

  22. 城市广场的文化与生活意义探讨&以深圳市为例

    Exploration of culture and living meaning of the city square - taking Shenzhen as an example

  23. 活动内容地域差异性逐渐缩小。(5)广场体育文化活动价值包括:①和谐价值。

    The differences of regional in contents are narrowing gradually . ( 5 ) Square sports cultural activities value includes : 1 .

  24. 依据文化结构的三个层次&物质层面、行为层面与精神层面着重对城市广场体育文化建设进行探讨。

    To explore square sports culture based on three levels of culture - the material level , the behavioral dimensions and spiritual dimensions .

  25. 巴赫金以狂欢节民间广场诙谐文化的怪诞现实主义理论对拉伯雷《巨人传》的完满解读,证明世界上客观存在着正常态和反常态两类艺术,它们的评价标准是不能混用的。

    Bakhtin makes perfect interpretation of Rabelais 's " Gargantua et Pantagruel " by applying grotesque realism theory , which stems from piazza carnival culture .

  26. 发挥城市广场的文化效应,必须重视其文化的展示功能、调节功能和凝聚功能。

    To capitalize on the cultural effect of city squares , due attention must be paid to its multi-functions : for display , adjustment and gathering .

  27. 将选好的旅游开发用地进行功能分区:餐饮休憩区、游客服务管理区、购物广场、文化教育基地、游乐区。

    The suitable land is chosen for developing red tourism first and made functional zoning : land for food and rest area , the tourist management area , shopping plaza , cultural education base , recreation facilities .

  28. 目前西方城市广场研究文化高于中国,因为西方城市广场设计文化始终贯穿于西方建筑文化艺术,所以早在古代,西方城市广场设计就达到了极高的艺术成就。

    In the western city of cultural square than China , because western city square design culture always throughout the western architectural culture art , so early in ancient times , western city square design to reach high art achievement .

  29. 营造具有良好空间品质的人性化的文化广场&千金文化广场设计构思

    Constructing Humanized Culture Market of High Spacial Quality & Design Concept of Qianjin Culture Market

  30. 上海松江假日酒店是由全球知名的洲际酒店集团管理的国际商务酒店,坐落于松江古城区中心,贸易商圈、金融广场和历史文化景点均近在咫尺。

    As the first international branded hotel in the old town centre of Songjiang District , Holiday Inn Shanghai Songjiang is managed by renowned InterContinental Hotels Group .