
  • 网络advertising effect
  1. 基于广告效应视角下的地方政府最优招商引资行为分析

    Behavioral Analysis on Local Government 's Optimum Invitation for Outside Investment in Prospective of Advertising Effect

  2. 高科技企业通过上市所起的品牌广告效应,能帮助高科技企业开拓市场;

    The advertising effect through coming into the market can help the high-tech enterprises exploit the market .

  3. 名人广告效应与策略

    The Effectiveness and Strategy of Celebrity Advertisements

  4. 果汁饮料的广告效应、价格和便利性是影响消费者偏好的主要因素。

    Advertising , price and convenience of fruit juice are the main factors which influence consumer preference .

  5. 这可以解释为,顾客满意可能产生了免费的口碑广告效应,并节省了随后的营销费用。

    This finding can be explained by the possibility that customer satisfaction generates free word-of-mouth advertising and saves subsequent marketing costs .

  6. 本文阐述了大冬会在基础设施、体育场馆建设、广告效应等方面,对哈尔滨区域经济发展和地方体育产业的积极推动作用。

    This paper illustrates the primitive effects of World Winter University Games on the local economy development and sport industry in Harbin .

  7. 分别从科技计入成本,降低成本时的考虑,成本否决观念及广告效应几方面加以研究。

    Four functions will be studied : they are adding science cost , dropping material cost , cost veto and advertisement effecting .

  8. 它能给公司带来更加广泛的知名度和广告效应,更加愉悦的公众声誉,提高公司形象。

    It can provide a company with extensive publicity and advertising , a brighter public reputation , and an improved corporate image .

  9. 1998&2000年,由于假日旅游和广告效应影响,生态旅游的可持续性受到冲击。

    The sustainable of ecotourism was pounded , due to the affect of holiday tourist and advertising effect during 1998 2000 year .

  10. 结合工作实际对如何有效利用监测数据进行了探讨,并引申出监测数据的4种效应,即信息效应、价值效应、广告效应和政治效应。

    How to effectively utilize the monitoring data was discussed . The four effects-information , value , advertisement and politics effect were presented .

  11. 企业集群的效应,主要有外部经济效应、空间交易成本的节约、学习与创新的效应、品牌与广告效应,所以,企业集群可以带来区域的核心竞争力。

    Enterprise Clusters have many effects , such as outer economic effects , effects of saving the exchanging cost and creation , and advertisement effects .

  12. 我猜想《名利场》一定借此赚取足够的网络广告效应,以便能带来更多的订阅。

    I assume that vanity fair believes it can generate enough digital advertising and , more importantly , drive subscriptions to its magazine that way .

  13. 首先是符号消费理论的内容,其中着重阐述了符号消费的差异性原则以及符号消费的广告效应。

    First is a symbol consumption theory content , including emphatically expounds the principle and the differences of symbol consumption of symbol consumption effect of advertisement .

  14. 体育赛事是典型的受众创造型双边市场,赛事尽量吸引多的观众到平台上,使企业能在这平台上得到广告效应。

    Sports event is a typical two-sided markets , it based on the competition to attract as many viewers as possible to the platform , so that enterprises can get on this platform advertising effectiveness .

  15. 这一转型,对于迎合受众心理需要、提高广告效应、满足社会供需,促成社会的健康、和谐和可持续发展,都具有重要的作用。

    The turn has important function in catering to the psychological need of the mass , increasing the effect of advertisement , satisfying social demand , promoting the smooth , harmonious and sustainable development of the society , etc.

  16. 由于预算原因,影片实际上是在温哥华拍摄的。而这部在中国的票房收入达到5亿元人民币(合7800万美元)的影片的通用英文标题也完全没有显示出这部影片会有何等的广告效应。

    For financial reasons , the movie was actually shot in Vancouver , while the generic English title does not even hint at the promotional power of a movie that made 500 million yuan ( $ 78 million ) at the box office in China .

  17. 上述营收预期反映出Facebook后来在其移动应用上引入广告的效应,Facebook近期对其移动应用进行了大幅改进。

    The revenue forecasts reflect Facebook 's later introduction of advertising to its mobile apps , which have recently been overhauled .

  18. 对存在广告溢出效应出口企业进行补贴的理论依据

    An Analysis of Subsidizing Domestic Export-Oriented Oligopoly with Advertising Spill-Over Effect

  19. 谈广告轰动效应的误区

    A Misconception in " Stir Effect " in Advertising

  20. 自传体广告优势效应的实验研究

    A Study on the Advantages of Autobiographical Advertising

  21. 论网络广告心理效应及其对创作的影响

    Psychological Effects and Influence on Advertisement Creation

  22. 论广告记忆效应的策划

    On Planning Memory Efficiency in Advertisements

  23. 网络广告心理效应的有效实现是其深度发展的关键。

    The effective implementation of psychological effect of network advertisement is the key of its further development .

  24. 而网吧桌面广告规模效应的产生即需要最大化其广告平台也就是电脑数量。

    But the Internet bar tabletop advertisement scale effect production namely needs to maximize its advertisement platform also is computer quantity .

  25. 他称之为“广告牌效应”,反映出更多量的产品在货架上,起到了茶的广告牌作用。

    He dubbed this the " billboard effect ," reflecting that the larger amount of product on the shelf acted as a billboard for the tea .

  26. 针对包装设计中如何来创造色彩印象的美感问题,结合实例从色彩的选择、广告的效应、包装材料肌理3个方面来论述。

    The creation of color image beauty in packaging design was discussed from the three aspects of color selection , advertising effect and packaging material texture .

  27. 消费者行为是在一定情境或背景下产生的,其中,社会情境中的广告心理效应是最重要的情境性影响因素。

    Consumer behavior is generated from a certain context or background , and the advertisement psychological effect of social context is the most important contextual influential factors .

  28. 广告牌效应被复制到了网站上,在页面顶部有个导航条,显示公司提供的每一种茶的包装盒图片。

    The billboard effect was replicated on the website with a navigation bar at the top of the page showing images of boxes of every type of tea the company offers .

  29. 这一体系的建立结合了电话营销和电子渠道的功能优势,实现了拓展分销渠道规模,降低渠道成本投入,扩大广告宣传效应,增加客户资源积累,提升客户服务水平的一系列目标。

    This system , which combines the advantages of telemarketing and electronic channels , achieves to extend the scale of distribution channels , reduce the channel cost , expand the advertising effect , increase customer resource accumulation , and improve customer service levels .

  30. 本文认为,对电视广告负面效应的论述固然重要,但要从根本上突破广告的控制,关键还在于揭示电视广告消费主义神话背后的运作方式。

    This paper thinks that the argumentation about the negative effects of television advertising no doubt is important , but to break through control of advertising fundamentally , the key still lies in revealing the operation way behind the consumerism mythology of television advertising .