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  • Pyloric caecum;pyloriccaecum
  1. 幽门盲囊蛋白酶活力摄食后开始降低,而从摄食后4h开始升高(P<0.05);

    That of protease in pyloric caeca lowered at the beginning of feeding , and raised 4h after feeding ( P < 0.05 );

  2. 淀粉酶活性大小顺序为:肝脏>幽门盲囊>胃>肠;

    The amylase activity sequence was liver > pyloric caeca > stomach > intestine ;

  3. 幽门盲囊每排54&82个、肝为网管腺。

    Every range of pyloric caeca is 54 to 82 . Liver is reticulo tubular gland .

  4. 其脂肪酶活性大小由高到低的顺序为:肠道胃肝脏幽门盲囊。

    And the intestine tract had the highest activity of lipase activity , followed in sequence by stomach , liver and pylorus .

  5. 裂体生殖和配子生殖发生在幽门盲囊和前肠上皮细胞核之上方。

    Both schizogony and gametogony occur at the place above the nucleus of the epithelia cells of pyloric caeca and anterior intestine .

  6. 幽门盲囊组织学特征与肠道相似,上皮为柱状上皮,其中的杯状细胞少于肠道。

    The histological features of pyloric caeca were similar to those of small intestine , with columnar epithelium and less goblet cells .

  7. 胃与肠相接处有8~9个指状幽门盲囊,其形态学和组织学特征与前肠类似;

    There were 8-9 pyloric caeca at the joint of the stomach and intestine , of which the morphologic and histological characters were similar to the cranial intestine 's.

  8. 第24天和第48天,在同一盐度下,各消化器官蛋白酶活力和淀粉酶活力高低顺序依次均为:幽门盲囊、肠道、胃和肝脏;

    On the24th and48th day , at the same salinity , the protease and amylase activity in descending order were as follows : pyloric caeca , intestine , stomach and liver ;

  9. 在0M-0.5M的盐度变化范围内,幽门盲囊蛋白酶、肠蛋白酶随盐度增高被激活,胃蛋白酶、脂肪酶和淀粉酶均先被激活后被抑制。

    At salt concentration range of OM-0.5M , the activity of proteases in pylorus cecum and gut of turbot are activated when the salt concentration is increased . And the activity of stomach protease is activated in low salt concentration but inhibited in high salt concentration .

  10. 幽门腺和直肠盲囊呈现蛋白酶、脂酶和非特性酯酶活性。

    The pyloric gland and the intestinal caecum show activity of proteinase , lipase and non-specific esterase .

  11. Y型的胃分为贲门部、幽门部和胃盲囊3部分。

    The Y-shaped stomach is composed of 3 parts : cardiac part , pyloric part and caecum gastricum .