
  • 网络In Happiness;Happy Lane
  1. 他要把他的灾祸搀杂在他们两人的幸福里吗?

    Should he place his catastrophe as a third associate in their felicity ?

  2. 幸福里的很重要一部分,是对你现在所拥有的怀着一颗感恩之心。

    A big part of this is simply being grateful for what you have .

  3. 当我沉浸在幸福里时,我相信你会永远爱我,那时候我多么傻啊!

    How silly I was in my happiness when I thought I could trust you always to love me !

  4. 愿您在生日和平日,天天都沉浸在爱和欢乐里,因为您让身边亲人,个个生活在这样的幸福里。

    On your special day and every day , may love and joy surround you , because you bring such happiness to everyone around you .

  5. 燕子低飞显示了一种可爱的威胁②,这里万物都浸沉在幸福里,生命是何等的美好,整个自然界处于真诚、救助、支援、父爱、温存和曙光中。

    He who was there aspired to happiness ; life smelled good ; all nature exhaled candor , help , assistance , paternity , caress , dawn .

  6. 一阵和风把奥立和特鲁法带到空中,他们在只有解放自己进入永恒才能领悟到的无限幸福里冲入云宵。

    A breeze came and lifted Ole and Trufa in the air and they soared with the bliss known only by those who have freed themselves and have joined with eternity .

  7. 我那一去不复返的幸福时代里的亲爱的老朋友呀-他照旧在那角落里。

    The dear old friend of the happy days that were never to come again-there he was in the old corner .

  8. 既然不朽的天堂诞生了一名新生儿,他们的幸福社会里又增加了一名新成员,我们为什麽还要悲伤呢?

    Why then should we grieve , that a new child is born among the immortals , a new member added to their happy society ?

  9. 我认识的一个川菜爱好者说,麻辣的感觉就像“舌尖上的高潮”,能让你脉搏加快,瞳孔扩大,往往还会让你流鼻涕,让你的大脑在一个充满幸福的空间里飘荡。

    One Sichuan devotee I know describes the ma la sensation as a “ tonguegasm . ” The pulse increases and the pupils dilate2 , often accompanied by a postnasal drip . The brain floats in a euphoric ether .

  10. 他们希望生活在一个永远幸福的世界里。

    They hoped to live in a world of perpetual happiness .

  11. 他们将生活在永远幸福的天堂里。

    They would live in a nirvana of perpetual happiness .

  12. 她的记忆永远停留在了人生最幸福的时光里。

    Her memory stopped at the happiest period of her life forever .

  13. 我认为我非常幸运地生活在这样一个幸福的家庭里。

    I am very blessed to be who I am .

  14. 祝福你在这个和平幸福的年代里节日快乐!

    Bless you in this era of peace and happiness , happy holidays !

  15. 在艰苦的日子更要坚强,在幸福的日子里更要谨慎。

    One should be sturdy in hard , times , and prudent in happy day .

  16. 朋友,在这幸福的时光里,让快乐和美好永远陪伴着你!

    Friends , in this time of happiness , joy and good will to accompany you !

  17. 在美国西南部幸福饼屋餐馆里,黄油已被麦淇淋(人造黄油)所取代。

    Butter has now been replaced by margarine in Happy Pancake House restaurants throughout the southwestern United States .

  18. 我出生在幸福的家庭里,成长的过程中享受到他们无限的关爱。

    I was born in a happy family . My parents give me the best care when I was growing up .

  19. 你要好好照顾他和我们的孩子。会有一天我们将重逢在一个更幸福的世界里的,人们死后就会到来的那个世界。

    Take care of him and our child , and one day we shall all meet again in the happier world that comes after death .

  20. 路茜没有被告知这些,而且在她婚后宁静而幸福的日子里,马内特医生始终保持着强健的心理和身体状态。

    Lucie was never told , and in the quiet and happy years that followed her marriage , Dr Manette remained strong in mind and body .

  21. 身处逆境时,要坚强不屈;在幸福的日子里,尤其要谨慎小心。

    In days of adversity , we should stand firm and be unyielding ; in days of happiness we should , all the more , be prudent and careful .

  22. 家庭就像我们的大树,我生活在幸福的家里,爸爸妈妈就像树枝让我快乐的生活着,我就像一片叶子。

    As our family tree , I live in a happy home , Mom and Dad let me happy as a branch of life , I 'm like a leaf .

  23. 她吻着祖母。这个幸福的吻里藏有金子,心里的金子。嘴唇是金子,全身是金子,这个早晨的时刻也是金子。这个呀!这就是我的故事!??金凤花说。

    e knows her grandmother . There was gold , pure virgin gold in that blessed kiss . There , that is my little story , " said the Ranunculus .

  24. 三年半以来他一直生活得很幸福,医院里的医生和护士都帮助他,许多要人来拜访他。

    It was his first good home , and for three and a half years he lived here happily . The doctors and nurses of the hospital helped him , and many important people visited him .

  25. 而且,阿难,由于建立在信仰之上的朝拜,他死时,在身体毁坏后,死亡之后,将在幸福的天堂里重生。

    And whoever , Ananda , should die on such a pilgrimage with his heart established in faith , at the breaking up of the body , after death , will be reborn in a realm of heavenly happiness ( 09 ) .

  26. 过上幸福生活是村里人的祈盼。

    To lead a happy life is the villagers'hope .

  27. 他们从此幸福地在房子里过着衣食无忧的日子。

    They lived happily with good heavy food in the house .

  28. 生活在一个有幸福感的国家里,人们更乐于帮助别人。

    And people in " happy " nations are more likely to help others .

  29. 我的幸福结局在哪儿里?

    Where is my happy ending ?

  30. 最后成就了真爱,罗莎莉顺理成章就成为了永远幸福快乐的罗曼史里一个瞩目的角色。

    It turns into true love , and Rosalie has the staring role in the happily-ever-after-romance .