
  1. 周平王东迁后,一些诸侯国社会经济迅速发展。

    After the eastward move of King Ping , some vassal states progressed in social economy .

  2. 对于平王东迁的原因,学术界存在着好几种不同的观点。

    There are various viewpoints in the academia about the reason of the eastward migration of Zhou Pingwang .

  3. 周自公元前770年周平王东迁洛邑,到公元前256年被秦所灭,共传二十五王,前后经历了514年。

    Eastern Zhou Dynasty came into being in 770 B. C. , when King Ping of Zhou moved the capital eastward to Luoyi , and ended in 256 B.C. , when conquered by the Qin , lasting 514 years under the reign of 25 kings .