
  • 网络Yard;square yard;sq yd
  1. 偏偏太阳能板需要一个无尘的环境:每平方码只要有七分之一盎司的尘土就会降低太阳能板40%的转换效率。

    And the panels have to stay dust-free : just a seventh of an ounce of dust per square yard of panel can decrease solar power conversion by40 percent .

  2. 每平方码的成本差价可以带来大约1万美元的节省。

    The difference in cost per square yard saves approximately US S10000 .

  3. 女神像的外袍有4000平方码之大

    Her robes have over 4000 square yards to cover her .

  4. 这个房间不会超过4平方码。

    The room couldn 't have been more than four yards square .

  5. 每平方码密集地聚集着300个。

    Packed as densely as300 to the square yard .

  6. 在最火的时候,他700平方码的店铺一天能包10000个包子。

    At peak production , his 700-square-foot shop can pump out 10000 buns a day .

  7. 在我们家的后院和理查兹家的大车库间有一块100平方码的荒地。

    Between our back fence and the Richardses 's monumental brick garage there were a hundred square yards of barren ground .

  8. 一份正式合同让茹珊娜得到大约价值3500美元的金子,以及500平方码(约418平方米)的土地。她的家人说,这是以防万一婚姻破裂。

    A formal contract awards Rukhsana roughly $ 3,500 in gold , and500 square yards of land , in case , her family says , the marriage doesn 't work .

  9. 英亩(4840平方码,约为4050平方米)一片三英亩的林地每座房屋四周都有大量空地。

    a unit for measuring an area of land ; 4 840 square yards or about 4 050 square metres a three-acre wood ( informal ) Each house has acres of space around it ( = a lot of space ) .

  10. 新算法作为一种完全译码算法,不仅适用于Golay码,而且适用于任何循环码,特别是平方剩余码的译码。

    The new algorithm , as a complete decoding algorithm , is suitable to decoding not only the Golay code , but also all the cyclic codes , especially , the quadratic residual codes .

  11. 在常用的平方律PN码捕获检测器中,相关器输出信号的概率密度函数是估计检测概率和虚警概率的重要依据。

    In the commonly used square law PN code acquisition detector , the probability density function of the correlator output signal is the important basis for evaluating the probabilities of detection and false alarm .

  12. 本次滑坡灾害最终覆盖面积约38万平方米(45.5万平方码),相当于50多个足球场大小。

    The landslide eventually blanketed a vast area of 380000 sqm ( 455000 sq yards ) - the equivalent of about 50 football fields .