
  • 网络close position;Closing a Position;Cover;close;close a position
  1. 在今年年末基金管理者平仓后,债券交易明显减少。

    Bond trading typically tapers off at the end of the year as fund managers close out their positions .

  2. 止损指令是指价格达到指定水平时,自动对价差交易头寸(空头或多头)进行平仓。

    Stop-losses are orders to close out automatically a spreadbetting position short or long when the price reaches a specified level .

  3. 激光制导平仓技术在三峡工程RCC围堰施工中的应用

    Application of Levelling Technology by Laser Control and Guide to Cofferdam Construction for Three Gorges Project

  4. 东京基金经理和分析师称,日本散户和机构投资者近日无视市场对于全球日元利差交易(carrytrade)一直在平仓的担忧,依然将资金投向海外。

    Japanese retail and institutional investors have continued to put money overseas in recent days , defying concerns that the global yen carry trade has been unwinding , according to fund managers and analysts in Tokyo .

  5. aig金融产品部门选择了回避该议定书,但与200多宗未平仓的衍生品交易的交易对手签订了双边协定。

    AIG financial products opted to eschew the protocol and make bilateral agreements with counterparties on more than 200 outstanding derivatives trades .

  6. 人们普遍相信发行、有时甚至持有这些CDS合约的大银行并没有准备好足够多的资金用于平仓。

    It is widely believed that the large banks , which issue and sometime hold on to all those CDS contracts , have not set aside enough capital to payout claims .

  7. 因此,虽然对冲希腊违约风险的CDS价格上涨,合同总数也在增加,但这些合同的实际未平仓额呈现下降。

    So while prices for CDs insuring against a Greek default have risen and the overall number of contracts has increased , the actual outstanding value of those contracts has been declining .

  8. 这种困惑会引发一些大豆多头平仓。

    This confusion may have triggered some long liquidation in soybeans .

  9. 提款前帐户内所有的持仓部位必须已平仓。

    All open positions must be closed prior to any withdrawals .

  10. 日益扩大的损失引发了进一步的平仓举动。

    As losses have snowballed , further unwinding has been triggered .

  11. 由于获利平仓和技术性卖盘,小麦是领跌品种。

    Wheat was the downside leader , finding profit-taking and technical selling .

  12. 强行平仓实施主体有两个,即期货交易所,和期货公司。

    The implementing bodies have Futures Exchange and Futures Company .

  13. 常平仓:美国制度中的中国思想

    The Ever Normal Granary , A Chinese Idea in the American Systems

  14. 那是为了完成当天平仓。

    Well , to square the account for that day .

  15. 强制平仓的会计处理与上述规定相同。

    The accounting disposal for forcedcompulsory closing is the same as above .

  16. 中国古代常平仓思想:美国1930年代的一场争论

    The Ever Normal Ganary : A Debate in the 1930s ' US

  17. 客户不能取消已经确认的开仓或平仓。

    The confirmed open or closed position cannot be cancelled by Client .

  18. 外国基金仍在平仓,逃向安全港。

    Foreign funds are still liquidating positions and fleeing for safe havens .

  19. 稳定农业生产,借鉴、建立现代常平仓制度

    Establish the Modern Ever Normal Granary to Stabilize the Farm Prices in China

  20. 此后直到北宋灭亡,常平仓的变化不大。

    Thereafter until the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty , Changping change .

  21. 能够满足平仓式谷物干燥机的工作要求。

    This is satisfied with the operating requirement of pin grain drying machine .

  22. 人们预计,任何此类平仓行为都会促使日元汇率强势上扬。

    Any such unwinding is expected to cause the yen to rally strongly .

  23. 文章对股票透支交易的基本问题进行了阐述,并对透支交易中的强制平仓行为及其法律后果进行了深入分析。

    This paper discusses the legal consequences resulted from the overdraft transactions in shares .

  24. 显而易见,两宋常平仓管理机构的变更相当频繁。

    Obviously , two the Song Changping warehouse management institutions to change quite frequently .

  25. 当公司发现这一情况后,这些合约被有序平仓。

    When this was discovered , the positions were closed in an orderly fashion .

  26. 为何这类利差交易会平仓?

    Why will these carry trades unravel ?

  27. 强行平仓是期货法律制度和风险管理中的一项重要内容。

    Mandatory liquidation is so important matter in futures trading law system and venture management .

  28. 有传言说空头被迫平仓也推动玉米期价上涨。

    Rumors that short hedgers were forced to cover short positions also helped rally prices .

  29. 强制平仓的执行程序是强制平仓规则不可或缺的重要程序。

    The implementation procedure is the necessary and important procedure in the forced liquidation rules .

  30. 市场交投仍然稀疏,未平仓期货合约亦见减少。

    Market turnover remained low , coinciding with a reduction in open interest in futures .