
ɡān miàn bāo
  • Dry bread;rusk
  1. 在一些地区,干面包(paximadhi)是软化的水。

    In some regions , dried bread ( paximadhi ) is softened in water .

  2. 家有干面包,胜似他乡吃叉烧。

    Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad .

  3. 这个人除干面包以外从不买任何别的东西。

    Never did he call for anything but stale bread .

  4. 她在干面包上涂了一层蛋白,让它看起来更有光泽。

    She coated the crust with egg white to make it shine .

  5. 一片干面包和一杯水。

    A piece of dry bread , and a glass of water .

  6. 干面包,烘焙面包及类似烘焙制品,含肉者。

    Rusks , toasted bread and similar toasted products , containing meat .

  7. 这位主妇把干面包捣成碎屑。

    The housewife pounded the dried bread into crumbs .

  8. 然后,他就会准备午餐----干面包加白开水;

    Then he would prepare for his luncheon of dry bread and water ;

  9. 达芙妮不喜欢吃干面包。

    Daphne has a dislike for dry bread .

  10. 相亲相爱吃干面包胜过心惊胆战吃油炸鸡。

    Dry bread is better with love than friend chicken with fear and trembling .

  11. 他满足于吃干面包。

    He was content to eat dry bread .

  12. 让他们拿去涂在他们的干面包上。

    They spread it on their dry bread .

  13. 他们只得到了干面包和水作晚餐。

    They were given nothing other than dry bread and water for their evening meal .

  14. 我也是。我喝了橙汁,吃了燕麦粥和干面包。

    I did , too . I had orange juice , oatmeal , and dry toast .

  15. 不要浪费不新鲜的面包&把它做成干面包屑来包裹油炸食品。

    Don 't waste stale bread & make it into dried breadcrumbs for coating fried food .

  16. 既然没有奶油,我们只好吃干面包了。

    As there 's no butter , we shall have to content ourselves with dry bread .

  17. 里面主要是西红柿、黄瓜、甜椒、橄榄油和干面包。

    The main ingredients are tomato , cucumber , bell peppers , olive oil and stale bread .

  18. 只随意一瞥就能判断透视效果——而就是这样一个人居然以干面包充饥!

    To be able to judge perspective at a glance -- and to live on stale bread !

  19. 一点干面包的和平,比一家充满大吃和暴力行为更好。

    Better a bit of dry bread in peace , than a house full of feasting and violent behavior .

  20. 没人雇他,也没人给他一块干面包果腹。

    No one would employ him or give him so much as a crust of bread to keep him from starvation .

  21. 每一天,你可以有一个苹果,一个橘子,一块干面包,喝一杯水。

    Every day you can have one apple , one orange , one piece of dry bread , and a glass of water .

  22. 一天,那位顾客一如往常地来了,把五美分硬币往柜台上一放要了两条干面包。

    One day the customer came in as usual , laid his nickel on the showcase , and called for his stale loaves .

  23. 他总是买两条干面包----新鲜面包是五美分一条,干面包五美分可买两条。

    He always bought two loaves of stale bread -- fresh bread was five cents a loaf and stale ones were two for five .

  24. 我同时还为自己找到了一些干面包、一些蜜饯、一大把葡萄干和一块奶酪。

    And for myself I routed out some biscuits , some pickled fruits , a great bunch of raisins , and a piece of cheese .

  25. 无论发生什么事,这些干面包至少两天内不至于使我挨饿。

    These biscuits , should anything befall me , would keep me , at least , from starving till far on in the next day .

  26. 他依然要他的干面包&从不要蛋糕,不要馅饼,更不要橱窗里其它可口的糕点。

    He continued to order the stale bread never a cake , never a pie , never one of the other delicious pastries in the showcase .

  27. 很久前,英国的一些法官给一个人一些干面包以决定他是否说的是真话。

    A long time ago , in England , some judges used to decide whether a man was telling truth by giving him some dry bread .

  28. 他肯定住在一间小阁楼里,边画画边啃干面包,同时还想着玛莎小姐饼屋里的种种美味。

    No doubt he lived in a garret , where he painted pictures and ate stale bread and thought of the good things to eat in Miss Martha 's bakery .

  29. 当加里告诉我他想要当画家时,我拒绝给他钱。我告诉他说,如果绘画对他很重要的话,那么为取得成功,他会愿意啃干面包过活的。

    When Gary told me that he wanted to be a painter , I refused to give him any money . I told him that if painting was important for him , he would live on bread in order to succeed .

  30. 低温条件下干鲜面包酵母发酵特性的研究

    The Study of Fermentation Characteristics for the Active Dry Yeast and Fresh Yeast in Low Temperature