
  • 网络Stakeholder
  1. 他阐述了如何在Scrum中将项目干系人和产品价值结合起来,以衡量价值。

    He illustrated how Stakeholder and Product Values can be integrated with Scrum to measure value .

  2. 在William看来,要让利益干系人知道:代码在长期的表现能够帮助团队交付业务价值。

    According to William , stakeholder education on the long term implications of the type of code would help teams deliver business value .

  3. 是一种以观察和实验为依据的调查过程(empiricalinvestigation),该过程以测试为手段,为干系人提供产品或服务的质量信息。

    Is an empirical investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service under test .

  4. 这个委员会应该代表SOA治理的干系人,既包括业务人员,也包括IT人员。

    This board should represent the stakeholders of SOA governance ; from business and from IT .

  5. 此套件提供软件即服务(Softwareasaservice,SaaS),因此干系人无需关注基础结构。

    Software as a service ( SaaS ) is being offered by this suite and hence the infrastructure is not a concern for the stakeholders .

  6. ScottAmbler提出了项目干系人积极参与的重要性,他说道

    Scott Ambler suggested the importance of active stakeholder partition when he mentioned

  7. SOA在这一点上的附加价值就是,架构师和其他业务人员一道讨论和工作,而不仅限于项目干系人。

    The added value of SOA in this case , is that architects talk and work together with other business people as well , not just the project stakeholders .

  8. RyanShriver认为:价值是对已交付益处的度量,要由利益干系人决定。

    Ryan Shriver suggested that value is a measure of the delivered benefits , as perceived by the stakeholders .

  9. 联邦政府中的CIO们面临调和OMB、领域方面干系人和技术人员之间不同的关注点的挑战。

    CIOs throughout the sprawling federal government are challenged with appeasing the varied interests of OMB , subject-matter stakeholders , and technologists .

  10. 对TA公司投标项目案例采用了基于项目责任制的矩阵管理模式来构建团队组织,对项目干系人进行了分类,对项目团队内部群体进行了分析,完善内部沟通机制。

    Adopt matrix mode that basing on project responsibility mechanism to set up the team organization , classify relational people of the project , carry out the analysis to the internal community of the project team , and improve communication mechanism . 6 .

  11. 将沟通管理模型运用到CRM项目实施中,通过对项目最重要干系人&销售人员的沟通管理,提高他们对系统的接受度,从而保障了系统数据的可靠性,规避了项目最大的风险。

    At the same communication management on sales staff , the most important stakeholders will help to increase their acceptance of the system , therefore protect the reliability of system data . ( 3 ) Change control is the most important control process in CRM implementation .

  12. TimOttinger指出小故事能够提供更频繁的里程碑,从而帮助团队与干系人总是可以了解到项目的实际进展情况。

    Tim Ottinger pointed out that smaller stories provide more frequent milestones to help the team and stakeholders know how far along the work has actually progressed at any given time .

  13. 协调和项目相关的干系人。

    SP2.1 Manage the involvement of the relevant stakeholders in project .

  14. 利益干系人是自然会涉及到的,且可在几分钟内执行迭代。

    Stakeholders are naturally involved and iterations can be performed in minutes .

  15. 说起干系人的参与,没有消息可不是好消息。

    No news is not good news with stakeholder engagement .

  16. 没有尽力去确定谁是项目干系人。

    Not enough of an effort to determine who the stakeholders are .

  17. 及时地向项目干系人提供需要的信息。

    Information Distribution-making needed information available to project stakeholders in a timely manner .

  18. 在涉及各个干系人时是必要的。

    It is necessary in dealing with Trade-offs'take'various stakeholders .

  19. 沟通:要用正确的方式和干系人沟通。

    Communicate : Check you used the right communication methods with your stakeholder .

  20. 告诉项目干系人不能增加项目范围。

    C.tell the stakeholders the scope cannot be added .

  21. 这个需求是否是对干系人的需要的描述,而不是一个解决方案?

    Is the requirement a statement of stakeholder need , not a solution ?

  22. 项目的成功常常需要项目干系人的深入参与。

    Project success often requires a greater level of involvement by project stakeholders .

  23. 转化干系人的需要、望、束和接口要求为客户需求。

    Transform stakeholder needs , expectations , constraints , and interfaces into customer requirements .

  24. 愿景促使干系人创建特性集

    The vision pulls stakeholders to create feature sets

  25. 干系人会对执行项目进行决策。

    Stakeholder involvement in making executive project decisions .

  26. 与干系人保持一致(“谁需要这个功能?”)

    Stakeholder Alignment (" who needs this done ?")

  27. 要经常跟本地的利益干系人说离岸团队犯了哪些编码上的错误。

    Communicate frequently about the coding problems created by offshore team with onsite stakeholders .

  28. 不同的项目干系人所属的权重会随着开发的阶段发生变化。

    Different stakeholders will have different weightings based on the stage of the development .

  29. 计划识别和引入需求管理过程的相关干系人。

    Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the requirements development process as planned .

  30. 但是,项目干系人必须理解任何变更都有代价。

    However , stakeholders must understand that they can 't get something for nothing .