
fú pín tè xìnɡ
  • amplitude frequency characteristic
  1. FIR数字滤波器幅频特性的对象数字化方法

    Object digitization manner for amplitude frequency characteristic of FIR digital filter

  2. 本文介绍了基于DDS和MCU,适用于实验教学的数字频率特性测试仪的设计与实现方法,详细叙述了该仪器中扫频信号源以及幅频特性测试部分的硬件设计和软件设计。

    This text introduces the designing method of the digital frequency characteristic instrument for laboratory . This tester is based on the DDS and the MCU in the medium frequency scope , and describeds hardware and software designing of swept signal source and amplitude frequency characteristic detection in detail .

  3. 旋转Fourier自谱本身既包含幅频特性,也包含相频特性。

    The APSD of rotational Fourier spectrum contains both amplitude-frequency characteristics and phase-frequency characteristics .

  4. Excel在系统幅频特性分析中的应用

    The Application of Excel to Amplitude Frequency Characteristic Analysis

  5. 并以带通滤波器为例,讨论了N通道数字滤波器的幅频特性,编写了软件程序。

    As an example , tle frequency response characteristic of a band filter is described , and its program is given .

  6. 仿真结果表明,该滤波器的幅频特性增益比采用其它方法描述SETⅠ&Ⅴ特性所构成的滤波器的幅频特性增益高出1倍多。

    The simulation results show that the gain of the filter frequency characteristics is one time bigger than the gain of the other method describing SET ⅰ - ⅴ characteristics .

  7. 有限冲激响应(FIR)滤波器能在设计任意幅频特性的同时保证严格的线性相位特性。

    FIR filter can assure a strict linear phase identity while designing any range & frequency .

  8. 利用耦合电感改善EMI电源滤波器高频幅频特性的研究

    Using coupling inductance to improve the high-frequency amplitude frequency characteristics of EMI filter

  9. 本文利用计算机研究了Q值对二阶低通有源滤波器的幅频特性的影响。

    The effects of Q values on the amplitude-frequency characterstic of an active filter have been studied by using computer .

  10. 计算机对二阶有源滤波器的辅助分析&研究Q值对二阶低通有源滤波器幅频特性的影响

    Computer Aided Analysis on Second-Order Active Filters - Study the Effects of Q Value on the amplitude-frequency characteristic of a 2nd-order Lowpass Active

  11. 该CAD能计算出n阶滤波器中各元件参数值,同时能自动绘制出幅频特性曲线。

    The CAD can calculate all element values of n - order active filter . At the same time , it automatically outputs the graph of amplitude - frequency characteristic .

  12. IIR滤波器可以用较小的阶数满足幅频特性,然而相位却是非线性的。

    IIR filter can get the higer selectivity with lower order . But its phase is nonlinear .

  13. 采用液晶显示器(LCD)显示幅频特性和相频特性曲线,使仪器得以小型化;

    Amplitude and phase frequency characteristic curves are displayed with liquid crystal display ( LCD ) module , whose volume is smaller than other displayer .

  14. 研究二阶低通有源滤波器幅频特性的CAA

    CAA on Studying Second-Order Low-pass Active Filter

  15. 利用Matlab进行系统幅频特性仿真结果表明,设计的系统能较好满足预设指标,具有良好的稳定跟踪性能。

    The amplitude frequency property of the system is simulated with Matlab , and the bode plots show that the system designed satisfies pre-designed specifications and provides better stability and tracking performance .

  16. 电路理论中线性耦合电感知识的补充利用耦合电感改善EMI电源滤波器高频幅频特性的研究

    Supplementary Readings of Coupling Inductance to Course in Circuit Theory Using coupling inductance to improve the high-frequency amplitude frequency characteristics of EMI filter

  17. 关于RLC串联电路幅频特性曲线在不同坐标标度下的表现形式

    The Curve Shapes of the Extent and Frequency Special Property of RLC Series Circuit in Different Coordinate Standards

  18. 对这种电流模式TT结构进行了深入的理论研究,并利用PSPICE通用模拟电路程序,对其输出电压幅频特性和相频特性进行了仿真分析。

    Theoretical analysis is given . Voltage amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics of this current-mode ( TT ) circuit is investigated through PSPICE simulation .

  19. 最后应用Matlab语言实现了振幅、相位的参数计算,绘制出不同粘性阻尼和摩擦阻尼时幅频特性曲线和相频特性曲线。

    Then with the help of the software ( Matlab ), calculates the parameters about amplitude and phase , plots amplitude-frequency characteristic curves and phase-frequency characteristic curves of variable frictional damping and viscous damping .

  20. 该CAA能系统地研究和分析二阶低通有源滤波器的各元件值对幅频特性的影响。

    The CAA can study and analyse the effects of all elements on the amplitude-frequency characteristic of active Filter systematically .

  21. 提出了一种基于最佳线性变换的SAR目标识别方法。它是将样本的幅频特性进行最佳线性变换并与支持矢量机(supportVectorMachine,简称SVM)相结合,完成目标识别。

    Secondly , an optimal linear transform based SAR ATR approach is proposed , which takes optimal linear transform over the magnitude frequency response of target samples and uses the SVM ( Support Vector Machine ) as the classifier .

  22. 应用Runge-Kutta法求得了此模型的数值解,得到不同参数条件下的幅频特性曲线。

    We achieve the numerical solutions of the system with the Runge-Kutta method and obtain the amplitude-frequency characteristic curves under the conditions of different parameters .

  23. 利用Laplace变换求出了反映系统结构特征的传递函数,分析了系统的幅频特性和相频特性。

    The transfer functions reflecting on the structure characteristic of the system were found out , and the amplitude-frequency distribution and phase-frequency distribution were analyzed based on Laplace 's law .

  24. 随机法基于频响函数随机测试原理,并利用FFT谱分析与随机信号处理技术,可根据情况分别采用幅频特性检测法、分量检测法、矢量检测法;

    The random method that use the technique of the FFT spectrum analysis and the random signal processing take the principle of the frequency responds function tests as foundation , it includes three methods ;

  25. 给出了T型吸收电路的频率特性表达式及计算机对其幅频特性的模拟结果,并与简单LC串联电路的特性进行了比较。

    The expression of the frequency characteristic of the T absorbing circuit is given in this paper , and the calculated result of the amplitude frequency characteristic based on computer is given , too .

  26. 通过Pspice仿真研究表明在采用了幅度均衡技术后,滤波器的幅频特性良好;

    And its pass band ripple is less than 0.2 dB . The study of Pspice simulation shows that amplitude-frequency characteristic of the filter is good when amplitude equalizer is used .

  27. 试验结果显示,用该方法设计的带阻FIR滤波器克服了传统方法的主要缺陷,具有良好的幅频特性及衰耗特性,并且边界频率控制精确。

    The experimental results showed that it overcame the main defects of the conventional methods , and that the filter had good amplitude , frequency and attenuation performance , and that the edge frequency could be set exactly .

  28. 在转子感应电势定向环节中,引入了FIR数字滤波器对感应电势信号进行滤波,不仅有良好的幅频特性,而且有线性相频特性。

    At the link of rotor induction electric potential orientation , the FIR digit filter is introduced to filter the induction electric potential signal , not only good amplitude frequency characteristics but also linear phase-frequency characteristic have been obtained .

  29. 在该测试平台上可以开发出多种实验内容,如各种滤波器幅频特性实验、运算放大器实验、RLC测试实验、晶体管图示仪实验以及各种数字电路实验等等。

    A variety of experiments can be carried out on this testing platform , such as filter characteristics of amplitude and frequency , operational amplifier circuits , RLC testing , etc.

  30. 根据改变移相角可以改变输出电压的特性,测试了系统开环幅频特性,设计了PI控制参数,通过调整移相角使输出电压在负载变化时保持恒定。

    By changing the phase-shift angle to obtain different output characteristic and testing the open-loop bode plot , the PI control parameters was determined . The output voltage could keep stable while the load varied by adjusting the phase-shift angle .