
  • 网络amplitude distortion;AM-AM;Kpb
  1. 仔细分析了幅度失真、相位失真、幅相不一致性等对接收机性能的影响,提出了数字域校正的方法。通过计算机仿真,表明了该方法的可行性。

    The effect of amplitude distortion , phase distortion , amplitude and phase error on the performance of receiver is discussed in this paper , and a method of digital correction is proposed .

  2. 这种系统在复用路数无限增加时可以达到奈奎斯特速率,并且对传输媒介引超的延迟和幅度失真不灵敏。

    This system allows the transmission speed very close to the Nyquist rate with little sensitivity to delay and amplitude distortion caused by the transmission medium when a large number of channels are used .

  3. 正交复用QAM(OQAM)系统传输效率可以接近奈奎斯特速率,并对传输媒介引起的时延和幅度失真不敏感。

    The orthogonally multiplexed QAM ( OQAM ) system allows transmission speed very close to the Nyquist rate with little sensitivity to the delay and amplitude distortions introduced by the transmission medium .

  4. 声音节目中非线性幅度失真的去除

    Eliminating the non - linear distortion in audio programs

  5. 针对存在多径衰落的PCM/FM再入遥测系统,分析了双径模型的幅频、相频、群延迟等特性及幅度失真、延迟失真、信道衰减因子、码速率等对接收机带来的影响。

    Aimed at PCM / FM reentry remote sensing systems existed in multipath-Induced , the characteristic of amplitude , phase , group delay of the two-path model is analyzed based on presenting some typical theoretical models of reentry remote sensing transmission channel .

  6. 一种有效补偿功率放大器幅度相位失真的研究

    An Efficient Linearization Method of Compensating Amplitude and Phase Distortion of Power Amplifier

  7. 使用该模型对高斯二阶导数脉冲信号的波形失真进行仿真分析,得到了只发生相位响应失真、只发生幅度响应失真、以及同时发生相位&幅度响应失真的脉冲波形。

    The simulation of second derivative of Gaussian pulse as UWB signal waveform is conducted . The distorted waveforms are obtained from only experienced phase response distortion , only experienced amplitude response distortion , and experienced both phase and amplitude response distortion , respectively .

  8. 提出RF正交幂级数预失真线性功率放大器方案,可同时改善放大器幅度、相位失真。

    The contributions of the thesis are presented as follows : 1 . A RF quadrature power series predistortion linearizer is presented .

  9. 结合数字调幅广播(DRM)系统,分别对相位和幅度的线性失真作了具体分析和仿真,提出了DRM系统滤波器设计的指标要求。

    Based on DRM system , linear distortion of phase and amplitude is analyzed and simulated respectively , and the target of filter design in the DRM system is also given .

  10. 在多载波DMT通信系统中,同时采用时域均衡器和频域均衡器来补偿各个子信道的幅度和相位失真。

    In the multi-carrier modulation of DMT communication system , both time domain and frequency domain equalizers are used to compensate for the magnitude and phase distortion within each subchannel .

  11. 由于符号间干扰的存在,通信信道中高速数据的传输对所传信号的幅度与相位产生失真。

    High speed data transmissions over communication channels distort the transmitted signals in both amplitude and phase due to presence of Inter Symbol Interference ( ISI ) .

  12. 通过分析笛卡尔负反馈环路中信号幅度和相位非线性失真的影响,针对性的提出一种基带预失真技术。

    The nonlinear distortions of amplitude and phase in the Cartesian feedback loop are analyzed . To compensate the distortion , a digital base band pre-distortion technique is established .

  13. 实际的物理信道除存在随机噪声外,信道的有限带宽效应使得发射的宽带混沌信号产生幅度与相位的失真;

    Real physics channel except random noises , limited bandwidth impairs the amplitude and phase of the transmitted broadband chaotic signals , the multipath effect in wireless communication channel and the time-varying feature of channel can also distort the transmitted chaotic signals .

  14. 另外,通过调整权矩阵的模,消除了幅度模糊,使分离的序列没有幅度失真。

    Moreover , the problem of scale ambiguity is eliminated also by normalizing the norm of the weight matrices .