- power law

This paper outlines two theoretical approximation approaches , power law and first order velocity response models , to estimate the processing time for the fabrication of advanced composite parts .
The numerical results show that the infrared LED life is characterized by lognormal distribution , and the accelerated model meets the inverse power law .
The voltage drop at the interface , V I , obtained from the empirical power law and the approximate calculation of the I V curve is consistent with that obtained form the C V curve theory .
Coal Seam Gas Flow Model on Power Law
The properties of small-word , power-law , sparse and self-organize are in large-scale peer-to-peer networks .
Assumed the blood in arterioles is a non-Newtonian fluid governed by the power law , a detailed optimization analysis for arteriole blood vessels was conducted .
The relationship between biomass per ramet and population density conforms to - 3 / 2-power law . Similar relationship happened between bulbs production and population density .
The data from the experiments of laying up flat plates based on autoclave molding processing are fitted with the power law and first order models to the least-squares procedure .
Roughness measurement on finish turned and ground stainless steel surfaces have shown that the power spectrum of each of these surfaces follows two different power laws within their spectra regions .
Analysis co conducted shows that it ′ s of no evidence to believe that the coal seams gas flow model on power law is more in agreement with reality than that on darcy ′ s law .
For other cases , the relationship between normalized standard deviation and stability is in conformity with power 1 / 3 in vertical direction but not so good in horizontal direction , particularly in stable stratification data dots disperse greatly ;
In addition , the important forms used to calculate the formation parameters , such as shale volume , water saturation and permeability , are improved to be more suitable for the calculation of inhomogeneous formation parameters according to the power law of fractals .
The distribution of in-degrees of web pages follows a power-law nicely ;
Study shows that the displacement distribution of brittle fault population exhibits self-similarity and has the power-law relationship between displacement and accumulation .
The probability distributions of the size , the area and the time of avalanches all follow the power law , but the dynamic exponent varies with the degree of assortativity .
Some Comments on the - 3 / 2 Power Law of Self-Thinning