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  • 网络brut;Umut Bulut;BLUET;alliterative and rimed English verse
  1. 太空船布鲁特四号将由美国发射升空。

    The spaceship named Pluto No. 4 will be launched by the United States .

  2. 从信息室出来,我们去参观海立根布鲁特小教堂。

    Walking out from the information office , we went to visit the church in heiligenblut .

  3. 最高记录是奥地利因斯布鲁特的一个小组创作的,他们使用一种叫做离子阱的装置,其中每个丘比特以不同能量的原子叠加的形式存在。

    The record holders , a group in Innsbruck , use a device called an ion trap in which each qubit exists as a superposition of a rubidium atom at different energies .