
  • 网络buffalo;Buffalo,NY;BuF
  1. 布法罗比尔队以41:14大胜亚特兰大猎鹰队。

    The Buffalo Bills routed the Atlanta Falcons 41 – 14 .

  2. 如果你能让一万个合适的人从硅谷搬到布法罗,布法罗就会变成硅谷。

    If you could get the right ten thousand people to move from Silicon Valley to Buffalo , Buffalo would become Silicon Valley .

  3. 这时,吉姆手里提着一个锡皮桶,嘴中唱着“布法罗的女娃们”蹦蹦跳跳地从大门口跑出来

    Jim came skipping out at the gate with a tin pail , and singing Buffalo Gals .

  4. 另外,布法罗鸡翅烧烤店(BuffaloWildWings)也投资了一家披萨连锁店PizzaRev。

    And Buffalo Wild Wings invested in the pizza restaurant chain PizzaRev .

  5. 马文已经被皇后区的圣约翰大学(St.John’sUniversity)和布法罗的德尤维尔大学(D’YouvilleCollege)(提供部分奖学金)录取。

    Marvin has been accepted by St. John 's University in Queens and , with a partial scholarship , D'Youville College in Buffalo .

  6. 辛迪在纽约州奥尔巴尼郊区的科隆尼长大,曾因成绩优异在高中时作为毕业生代表发言,并在纽约州立大学布法罗分校(StateUniversityofNewYorkatBuffalo)和哥伦比亚大学法学院(ColumbiaLawSchool)就读。

    Cindy grew up in Colonie , N.Y. , outside Albany , where she was her high school 's valedictorian . She attended the State University of New York at Buffalo and Columbia Law School .

  7. 新来的人在这里度过三晚之后,就会拥有自己的昵称,然后必须在晚上洗完桑拿之后跳进小溪里完成整个仪式(克莱恩的昵称是Zubaz,名字来自他和其他布法罗比尔队(BuffaloBills)

    Newbies earn a nickname after their third night on the property , and following a requisite post-sauna plunge in the brook after dark .

  8. 当与grep命令组合使用时,我可以检索布法罗市的天气状况。

    When combined with the grep command , I can retrieve the conditions in Buffalo .

  9. 其中一名来自布法罗的参议员MarkGrisanti因为宗教原因反对同性婚姻,但他无法为剥夺同性恋夫妇该州赋予已婚夫妇的1324项权力和法律保护辩护。

    One , Mark Grisanti of Buffalo , opposed gay marriage for religious reasons , but could not justify denying to gay couples the 1324 rights and legal protections the state offers married couples .

  10. 目的:采用布法罗大鼠肝细胞条件培养基代替重组LIF,建立在不加任何化学诱导剂的情况下诱导体外培养小鼠胚胎干细胞(ES细胞)分化为心肌细胞的方法。

    AIM : To evaluate the method of inducing mouse embryonic stem ( ES ) cells in vitro to differentiate into cardiomyocytes without using any chemical reagents .

  11. ElaineAckley,58岁,住在纽约州布法罗市。

    Elaine Ackley , 58 years old , lives in Buffalo , New York .

  12. 布法罗新闻和BlueChipStamps是伯克希尔早期收购的两家企业,这只是伯克希尔打响的第一枪:自那以来,该公司从未停止收购企业,也没有压制自身大手笔收购的野心。

    Among the first of these were the Buffalo News and Blue Chip Stamps , and they were just the opening shots : Berkshire has never since stopped buying companies nor suppressed its ambitions of buying big .

  13. GaryGiovino在纽约州立大学布法罗分校就职,他也是这项研究的领导者。

    Gary Giovino is with the University of Buffalo School of Public Health and Professions in New York State . He also was the lead researcher in the study .

  14. 居住在布法罗(Buffalo,纽约州第二大城市)的纽约州立大学教授南丁格尔先生,为了保证公平,把殖民城市的出现当做一个简单的现象来研究。

    Mr Nightingale , a professor at the State University of New York in Buffalo , makes a fair case for studying the emergence of colonial cities as a single phenomenon .

  15. 如清单10所示,我可以使用curl命令从美国国家气象局了解我所在位置(纽约州布法罗市)的当前天气状况。

    As shown in Listing 10 , I can use the curl command to access the current local conditions of the National Weather Service for my location ( Buffalo , NY ) .

  16. 拿快餐行业来说,麦当劳的一美元菜单和布法罗鸡翅烧烤吧(BuffaloWildWings)等休闲餐厅的表现都非常出色,但介于两者之间的产品,比如套餐,销量却出现了缩水。

    In the case of the fast food industry , the McDonalds ' dollar menu and fast casual restaurants like Buffalo wild wings have done well , while sales of offerings in between like combo meals have been squeezed , he says .

  17. 在我开始讲话前,请允许我用片刻的时间对今天因大陆航空公司3407航班不幸遇难而丧失亲人的家庭、出事地点克拉伦斯中心(ClarenceCenter)的居民及整个布法罗(Buffalo)社区的人民表达我的哀思并与他们一起祈祷。

    Before I begin , let me just take a moment to say that my thoughts and prayers today are with the families who lost loved ones in the tragic crash of Continental Flight 3407 , with those who live in Clarence Center where this tragedy occurred , and with the entire Buffalo community .

  18. BNAC位于卡利达。赫尔斯布法罗总医院,是雅各神经中心-布法罗大学医学生物学院神经学系的分支机构。

    The BNAC , housed in Kaleida Health 's Buffalo General Hospital , is part of the Jacobs Neurological Institute , the Department of Neurology in the UB School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences .

  19. 还有一辆经过布法罗的,下午六点四十五开车。

    And one via Buffalo leaving at 6 : 45 pm .

  20. 在罗切斯特和布法罗我们可以在我祖父母家借宿。

    We could stay with my grandparents in Rochester and Buffalo .

  21. 布法罗女孩,今晚能否出来?

    Buffalo gals , can 't you come out tonight ?

  22. 而当时布法罗唯一的娱乐业经纪人就是哈维。

    And the only show business in Buffalo was Harvey .

  23. 布法罗儿童的前途就是我们的前途。

    That the future of the child in Buffalo is our future .

  24. 他在布法罗市开了个小小的烤馅饼店。

    He 's got his own little pizza place up in Buffalo .

  25. 在布法罗或密苏拉,一场20英尺厚的降雪可能得到一次不感兴趣的耸肩。

    In Buffalo or Missoula , a20-inch snowfall might get a half-hearted shrug .

  26. 此项授予萨米特位于布法罗市的子公司&萨米特陶瓷有限公司。

    The contract was awarded to Surmet 's Buffalo-based subsidiary , Surmet Ceramics Corp.

  27. 理科学士,计算机科学与工程系,纽约州立大学布法罗分校。

    State University of New York at Buffalo , Buffalo , New York , U.S.A.

  28. 布法罗并不是唯一受灾情影响严重的城市。

    Buffalo is not the only shivering city .

  29. 布法罗的每一个人都到加拿大去装满他的油箱。

    B : Everybody in Buffalo is going to Canada to fill up his tank .

  30. 布法罗大学是她在几个纽约州立大学中的首选。

    UB was her first choice among several other State University of New York schools .