
  • 网络market organization
  1. NGO作为政府组织和市场组织的补充,在美国等西方国家获得了长足发展,在其社会经济的发展中发挥了重要的作用。

    NGO , as a supplement to government and market organization , has developed for a long time and play an important role in the development of social economy in U.S.A and other western countries .

  2. 市场组织既存在主导型角色,也有治理协调者角色。

    Market organization occupies the role of domination as well as coordinator .

  3. 加入WTO将对我国证券业的运行机制、监管模式和市场组织结构产生重要的影响。

    The operating mechanism and supervision model as well as marketing organization strcture will be influenced deeply after China 's entry into WTO .

  4. 社会的和谐发展需要社会治理结构中的三大主体(政府组织、市场组织和非政府组织)各司其职、各尽所能,NGO在社会治理结构中不可或缺;

    It needs three main bodies ( government organizations , Enterprises and non-government organizations ) undertaking their duties and performing their functions as capable as possible for the harmonious development of society . NGO is indispensable for the Structure of Social Governance ;

  5. 建立稳定高效的市场组织和营销队伍;

    Establish stable and efficient marketing unit and sales team ;

  6. 技术分级与技术市场组织设计初探

    The first inquiry about technology classification and organization design of technology market

  7. 层级组织和市场组织是两种最基本的经济组织形态。

    Hierarchies and markets are the two kinds of fundamental economic organizations .

  8. 我国票据市场组织模式的选择

    On the Choices of Instrument Market Organizational Models in China

  9. 本文对建筑市场组织演变的考察,具体内容有市场结构的变化,以及因此变化而带来的市场行为和市场效果的变化。

    The focus is on the evolvement of construction industry and market organization .

  10. 该公司现在已经上市,正在拓展销售与市场组织。

    It 's now public and working on the sales & marketing organization .

  11. 绿色食品市场组织及保障体系

    Marketing Operation of Green Food and Its Security System

  12. 参加人才市场组织的现场招聘会。

    Participate on-the-spot recruitment organized by labor market .

  13. 论农产品批发市场组织形态的演进与交易方式的更新

    On the Evolution of Agricultural Products Wholesale Market Organizing Pattern and the Replacement of Trade

  14. 准市场组织的发展与寡头主导,大、中、小共生的金融组织结构研究&以银行业为例的分析

    The Research on the Development of Quasi-market Organization and Evolution of the Financial Organization Structure

  15. 市场组织及其层级结构研究

    Market Organization and Its Level Structure

  16. 股权转让市场组织方案

    Proposal for Markets for Stocks Transfer

  17. 构建中国再保险市场组织体系

    Constructing Chinese Reinsurance Market System

  18. 模块簇群介于科层组织与市场组织的中间地带,是一种新的组织形式。

    Modular clusters exist between bureaucratic organization and marketing organization and is a new form of organization .

  19. 用比较分析方法对国内外农产品市场组织的发展过程和现状进行比较研究,探究我国农产品市场组织演变发展的趋势与目标,弄清北京市农产品市场的现状和问题。

    Comparing analysis is used to study the development and status of agricultural markets at home and abroad .

  20. 我国转型经济中的集贸式市场组织演进研究

    The Study to Evolvement of the Fair Trade Type Market Organization in the Economy Reforming Times of China

  21. 研究结果表明,培育物流组织层是有效解决中国物流市场组织问题的关键。

    The research shows that breeding the organizing layer is the key to solve problems in organizing logistics market .

  22. 反哺农业的产业组织与市场组织&基于农产品价值链的分析

    The Industrial Organization and the Market Organization that Repay Agriculture & An Analysis Based on the Value Chain of Agricultural Products

  23. 三是从演进特征看,在一定的信息、知识和时空结构下,准市场组织相对稳定地存在。

    Thirdly , as to the evolution characteristic , with certain information 、 knowledge , time and space , quasi-market organization will be relatively stable .

  24. 如果马格里布共同市场组织能超越历史上的断裂带,它将成为联系中东和非洲的欧洲-地中海一体化的一个组成部分。

    If the Maghreb can move beyond historical fault lines , it can be part of a Euro-Med integration linked to both the Mideast and Africa .

  25. 提出了一个基于市场组织模型的方法,并用它控制一个多智能体机器人系统完成工业上的合作和竞争作业。

    In this paper , a market organization model_based approach is presented for a multi_ agent robotic system to complete cooperative and competitive operations in industry .

  26. 北京市果蔬市场组织模式研究退耕还林工程管理机制和管理模式研究

    The Market Organization Pattern of Fruit and Vegetable in BeiJing Study of the Management System and Management Mode of the Conversion Program of Cropland to Forest

  27. 并针对农村市场组织体系不完善对农地内部市场化流转的制约,提出了一个解决问题的框架。

    Then the paper advance a frame to solve the problem towards the faultiness of rural market organization system and its ' restriction to the farm land interior market .

  28. 根据科斯(1937),消费的市场组织方式中的“发现相对价格”费用是相当高的。

    According to Coase ( 1937 ), it is obvious that OCTM involves higher " costs of discovering the relevant prices " than those of organizing consumption through the firm .

  29. 科斯的企业理论从交易成本对市场组织分工的能力的影响角度,论证了企业的生产性功能,并由此出发对企业做出了有别于市场的定义。

    Departing from the effect of transaction costs on the market 's capability of organizing the division of labor , Coase 's theory demonstrates the producing function of the firm .

  30. 层级组织(政府和企业)和市场组织是规制交易的传统治理结构,二者都存在缺陷,在某些交易情况中,它们的治理成本都很高。

    Hierachical ( governmententerprise ) and market organizations are traditional governance structure of regulating transaction . Both of them have limitations , during some transactions , they can cause high governance cost .