
  1. 台湾软枝杨桃平均果重210g,可溶性固形物8.5%、总酸0.04%,平均种子数10个,周年开花结果,品质优异,市场批发价6 ̄8元/kg,效益好。

    It 's average weight is 210 g , total soluble solids are 8.5 % , total acids are 0.04 % , average seeds are 10 . The fruits all year round is with excellent quality and the price of 6 ~ 8yuan / kg .

  2. 各地商贾来到市场,批发交易、营办公、务信息、活服务等各种需求一应俱全。

    Here , we will meet your various needs : from retailing market to wholesale exchange , from office operation and business information service to living service .

  3. 上海嘉定区的居民费玉琴(音译)经常是早上6点去农贸市场大量批发蔬菜,自家和邻居拼购。

    Fei Yuqin , who lives in Jiading district in Shanghai , frequently hurries to a farmers ' market before 6 am to buy large amounts of vegetables for her family and neighbors .

  4. 以北京地区为例,研究了电力供应商和电力经纪人从事电力零售服务的盈利水平,讨论了电力零售市场与电力批发市场的异同。

    At last , the differences between retail electricity market and wholesale electricity market are discussed .

  5. 因此,在一些有条件的区域电力市场逐步实施批发竞争运营模式不仅是必要的,也是可能的。

    Therefore , it is necessary and practicable to implement wholesale competition operation mode in some regional electricity market with necessary conditions .

  6. 购货权利:直销商订立独立直销商加盟协议书后,便有权在香港特别行政区的市场上以批发价购买机汇产品及以零售价销售机汇产品。

    Right to Purchase : Through this Agreement , Distributors are authorized to purchase for sale all OV products and services available in the HKSAR market .

  7. 除了上述八个经济体之外,苏格兰皇家银行在亚太地区另外八个市场还拥有批发银行业务,包括越南和菲律宾,但预计它将缩减这些业务的规模。

    As well as the eight countries named , RBS has wholesale banking operations in a further eight markets in Asia-Pacific , including Vietnam and the Philippines , but it is expected to reduce these operations .

  8. 第三十九条国家支持农产品集贸市场和农产品批发市场和建立和发展。

    Article 39 The State shall support the establishment and development of rural fairs and wholesale markets for agricultural products .

  9. 其次,生产资料市场、消费品批发市场和消费品零售市场存在价格粘性。

    Second , there is price stickiness in both the capital goods market and the whole-sale and retail consumption commodity market .

  10. 最后,培育市场品牌,促进批发城的品牌化发展,构筑企业营销活动平台。

    Finally , developing market brand , promoting the branding development of whole-sale market and constructing a platform for corporate marketing .

  11. 我和朋友们成为秀水街、原来的五道口服装市场和动物园服装批发市场的常客。

    Friends and I became regulars at the Silk Market , the original Wudaokou Clothing Market and the Zoo Whole-sale Clothing Market .

  12. 五金批发市场、小商品批发市场、灯饰市场、石材市场、纺织品市场等。

    Project content : Wholesale markets of hardware , wholesale market of commodity , lighting market , stone market , the textile market .

  13. 义乌小商品市场是我国批发市场的排头兵,浙江省唯一的商品市场类上市企业。

    The small commodity market in Yiwu is a file leader of the wholesale market in our country , which is the only commodity market enterprise of Zhejiang Province issuing stock in stock market .

  14. 现有批零贸易业和餐饮业网点12万个,商品交易市场330个。批发及零售业、进出口贸易、饮食店及酒店业按年统计调查

    At present it has 120,000 wholesale and retail shops and mts , 330 commodity exchange markets . " Annual Survey of Wholesale , Retail and Import / Export Trades , Restaurants and Hotels "

  15. 梁园批发市场对面还有金鹰服装鞋帽批发市场还有道北的京陇商贸城,和市场街批发市场。

    It across the wholesale market for gold and clothing wholesale market and way of the north , and from commercial market street wholesale market .

  16. 外汇市场通常分为银行间外汇市场(批发市场)和零售市场。

    The foreign exchange market includes Banking Market and Retail Market .

  17. 随着粮食产品在价格、经营方面对市场的逐步开放,粮食流通市场在以批发市场为中心,以收购市场和零售市场为两翼的体系地不断发展完善。

    With the changing of food price and the open of market , the food circulation market system , of which the terminal market is center and retail markets are wings , has become more and more perfect .

  18. 在电价信号的作用下,开展电力零售市场的负荷管理,使电力零售市场和电力批发市场相互联系、相互影响,可以有效地促进竞争、降低电价。

    Under the action of price signal , load control of end-users will be widely adopted . As a result , drastic competition occurs and price declines due to their inter-effect and interaction between the wholesale electricity market and the retail electricity market .

  19. 随着中国入世承诺的兑现,中国的石油贸易和石油市场将越来越开放,符合条件的外国企业将全面进入中国石油市场的零售、批发领域,中国的石油市场将更趋向国际化。

    With China 's WTO membership , China 's oil foreign trade and oil market will increasingly be deregulated so that the qualified foreign enterprises can enter China 's oil retail and wholesale market .