
  • 网络Balaclava;balaklava;Battle of Balaclava
  1. May女士暗示到警察应运用现有的权力来强迫抗议者摘下那些劫贩经常带的巴拉克拉瓦帽以及面罩。

    Mrs May hinted that the police should use existing powers to force protesters to remove the balaclavas and face-coverings often worn by rioters .

  2. 在他看来,这一切真使人不由想起巴拉克拉瓦战役。

    To him all this strongly smelled of the battle of balaclava .

  3. 我们知道在巴拉克拉瓦湾巡逻的军舰是听从克里姆林宫的命令的;

    We know the naval ship that patrols the Balaklava Bay take its orders from the Kremlin ;

  4. 全世界的音乐家都在抗议这场审判,麦当娜表示支持乐队,甚至本周在莫斯科演出时还戴了一顶巴拉克拉瓦盔式帽。

    Musicians around the world are protesting the trial . Madonna expressed support for the band -- and even wore a balaclava -- while performing this week in Moscow .