
chāi qiǎn
  • send sb. on an errand;dispatch;assign;send
差遣 [chāi qiǎn]
  • [send] 派遣

  • 听候差遣

差遣[chāi qiǎn]
  1. 我不再听他差遣。

    I don 't take orders from him any more

  2. 我们不能再差遣他们做更多的事了。

    We cannot boss them into doing more

  3. 办公室里每个人都指望我听他们差遣。

    I 'm expected to fetch and carry for everyone in the office .

  4. 我听候您的差遣。

    I 'm at your disposal .

  5. 战鸽高傲,听候差遣抓好了,“mademoiselle(法语:小姐)”

    Lofty pigeon , at your service , hold on , " mademoiselle . "

  6. 那些奉差遣来的,是法利赛人。

    And those who had been sent were of the pharisees .

  7. 我需要你的帮助达蒙没问题听候差遣莉兹

    I need your help , Damon.Sure . Anything , Liz .

  8. 现在主耶和华差遣我和的灵来。

    And now the Lord Jehovah has sent me and his spirit .

  9. 父怎样差遣了我,我也照样差遣你们。

    As the Father has sent me , I am sending you .

  10. 我奉差遣将凶事告诉你。

    I have been sent to you with bad news .

  11. 王第三次差遣一个五十夫长,带领五十人去。

    So the king sent a third captain with his fifty men .

  12. 差遣我医好伤心的人。

    He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted .

  13. 而你这个臣子难道不是听我差遣么?

    And are you not a Lord at my command ?

  14. 13所罗门王差遣人往推罗去,将户兰召了来。

    And King Solomon sent for Hiram and brought him from Tyre .

  15. 我说,我在这里,请差遣我。

    And I said , 'Here am I.Send me ! '

  16. (“西罗亚”翻出来,就是“奉差遣”)他去一洗,回头就看见了。

    So the man went and washed , and came home seeing .

  17. 当然!记得,我永远任你差遣!

    Of course ! Remember , I 'm always at your service !

  18. 以及听候她继母和两个继姐妹的差遣。

    As well as waited on her stepmother and stepsisters .

  19. 好好感谢上苍吧你不用听她差遣了

    Be grateful you don 't have to answer to her anymore .

  20. 我现在得去听他的差遣。

    I have to go an errand for him now .

  21. 有向导和追踪高手供你差遣。

    You 'll be provided with a guide , trackers .

  22. 我将差遣一位使者去找你,明天你必须回到这里来。

    I will send a messenger and you must come back tomorrow .

  23. 我叫佛庄,我的剑听候差遣。

    My name is Faudron . My sword is yours .

  24. 到了时候,神差遣这位忠仆

    The moment came when God led forth his servant

  25. 这个英文字源自拉丁文「差遣」一字。身为基督徒的意义包括被差遣到世上去作耶稣的代表。

    Includes being sent into the world as a representative of Jesus Christ .

  26. 王差遣人招聚犹大和耶路撒冷的众长老来。

    Then the king called together all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem .

  27. 老鹰飞下来问说有何差遣。

    The Falcon flew down and asked how he could be of help .

  28. 约翰完全清楚地知道是谁差遣他,以及为何蒙召。

    John knew exactly who sent him and why .

  29. 我不喜欢受他那种人差遣。

    I don 't like to be bossed by a fellow like him .

  30. 差遣伯兰罕弟兄以及这信息的神并没有改变。

    The God who sent Brother Branham and this Message did not change .