
  • 网络work atmosphere;Working atmosphere;Work Environment
  1. 通过流程标准化运作,倡导积极、敬业、高效的工作氛围及友好、公平竞争、协作的团队精神。

    We advocate a positive , dedicated and effcient work atmosphere and friendly , fair competition , teamwork and cooperation through the operations of process standardization .

  2. 就性和性别而言,他们所描述的工作氛围,在一定程度上让人联想到另外两个令人艳羡的行业在蓬勃发展的青春期时的状况:20世纪50年代的好莱坞,和20世纪80年代的华尔街。

    As far as sex and gender were concerned , the work atmosphere they described sounded retrograde to a degree reminiscent of other glamorous industries in the growth spurt of adolescence : Hollywood in the 1950s , Wall Street in the 1980s .

  3. 你需要了解办公室权术是如何影响工作氛围的。

    You need to understand how office politics influence the working environment .

  4. Tom:我们的工作氛围并不是很紧张。

    Tom : We don 't run a tight ship here , John .

  5. 我强烈拥护以结果为导向的工作氛围。

    I am a big proponent of the results oriented work environment .

  6. 郑希瑜和同事们已经创设出一种低碳的工作氛围。

    Zheng Xiyu and her colleagues have created a low-carbon working environment .

  7. 我喜欢公司里的工作氛围。

    I like the working environment in our company .

  8. 这会打击士气,形成可怕的工作氛围。

    It saps morale . It 's a horrible atmosphere to work in .

  9. 在这里我们有个大家庭的工作氛围。

    We have an atmosphere which is family oriented .

  10. 布伦南的领导风格在团队中营造了一种严谨而又协调有序的工作氛围。

    Brennan 's leadership inspires a close-knit and collaborative environment among her team .

  11. 自觉创建和谐的工作氛围;

    To create a harmonious circumstance for work ;

  12. 本公司的工作氛围很和谐,每人都有一席之地。

    The working atmosphere in our company is pretty harmonious and everybody gets a foothold .

  13. 理性企业文化就是要将工作氛围变得和谐、健康、向上。

    Rational enterprise culture is to make the working atmosphere harmonious , healthy and progressive .

  14. 员工之间良好的工作氛围和建设性态度对于成功是根本性的。

    The sound working atmosphere among employees and their constructive attitudes are crucial to success .

  15. 迈克尔:雇主非常欣赏职员用职业词汇进行交谈创造工作氛围。

    Michael : Employers appreciate it when employees facilitate a business atmosphere with professional vocabularies .

  16. 对下属发展的技能要求提供协助,同时营造一个良好的工作氛围。

    Assists direct reports in further developing their technical skills while maintaining a positive work environment .

  17. 这样,该总部大厦就缔造出了充足的光线和友好的工作氛围。

    In this way , the light and friendly atmosphere sought for by the bank is achieved .

  18. 反之,吹毛求疵的强制制度所形成的工作氛围不利于企业的健康发展。

    On the other hand , captious and restrictive atmosphere goes against the healthy development for the company .

  19. 快速学习能力、快速融入国际化工作氛围的能力;

    Quick learner with analytical capabilities and some basic knowledge or experience of working in an international business environment ;

  20. 我之所以能和悦榕一起风雨同舟15载,我觉得和悦榕融洽温馨的工作氛围分不开。

    I think it is Banyan Tree 's sweet and intimate atmosphere that has kept me here for15 years .

  21. 不可否认,好的工作氛围对一个组织的和谐运转至关重要。

    There is no denying that a good working atmosphere is vital for the smooth operation of an organization .

  22. 我们努力创建一种充满宽容和尊重的工作氛围,而不是让公司里充满满嘴只会说是的人。

    We foster to create an atmosphere of tolerance and respect , not a company full of yes men .

  23. 生产线上的工作氛围非常好,所有的工人的领悟能力都很强而且对我们都非常热情。

    The atmosphere of the assembly line was good , and all the workers were very understanding and nice .

  24. 组建和管理销售团队,培养销售人员的积极性与创造性,营造实事求是的工作氛围;

    Organized and managed sales team , fostering a team climate in which every team member is innovative and aggressive ;

  25. 走进论坛总部,国际化、包容性、高效率的工作氛围让我们印象深刻。

    Approaching to the headquarters of the forum , the internationalized , compatible and effective work style is so impressive .

  26. 暴雪娱乐承诺提供有趣的、创造性的、并且技术上追求上进的工作氛围,良好的福利以及其他各种好处。

    Blizzard Entertainment offers a fun , creative , and technically challenging environment with excellent compensation and a full range of benefits .

  27. 离职原因有观念问题、心理问题、工作氛围问题、自身素质问题等。

    It is assumed that many reasons account for dismission such as concept , psychology , work environment , personal quality , etc.

  28. 我强烈拥护以结果为导向的工作氛围。完成工作就走。

    I am a big proponent of the " results oriented work environment 。 " Get your work done and get out .

  29. 说明管理者应运用有效的管理方式,制造良好的工作氛围,创造良好的工作环境。

    Note managers should use an effective management style to create a good working atmosphere and to create a good working environment .

  30. 她说,老板赞扬员工不仅能让工作氛围更加愉快,甚至能提高公司的经济效益。

    She said that words of praise did more than create a pleasant place to work & they could even boost profits .