
  • collapse;Destruction;mass wasting;collapse,crumble
崩坏 [bēng huài]
  • [collapse,crumble] 毁坏;崩溃

  • 诗道崩坏

  1. 白居易诗道崩坏论

    Bai Juyi 's View of the Collapse of Poetic Principles Poetry

  2. 第二部分着重论述了井田制相关概念及崩坏因素。

    The second part focuses on the concepts relating to the well-field system and the factors of collapse .

  3. 初步探明煮沸丝胶溶液并不发生崩坏,而是发生变性,从而重新支持传统的易溶性与难溶性A、B丝胶论;

    Therefore , the traditional theory of both easily and difficultly soluble sericin A-B has been supported again .

  4. 黑夜崩坏呵她不在我身旁。

    The night is shattered and she is not with me .

  5. 宇宙大帝重新格式化大黑暗天并唆使其播下未来崩坏之种。

    Oslash ; Unicron reformats him and instructs him to sow the seed of future destruction .

  6. 道路多数已崩坏,碎裂的道路统统坠入了河流中。巨石从山顶滚落下来,挡住了他们的去路。

    Much of the road had collapsed into the river and large boulders had fallen and blocked the way .

  7. 通常在这时候,感情关系可能因为承受不了压力而崩坏,有些人可能会分手或是离婚。

    Quite often relationships do not withstand the pressures at this time and you may go through separation or divorce .

  8. 宇航员出行之前不能吃豆类食品,因为放个屁就会把宇航服崩坏。

    Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a spacesuit damages them .

  9. 他的新生活考验着他的勇气和他对自己所爱之人的忠诚,在他身周所有事物开始崩坏之时这种考验尤以甚。

    His new life tests his courage and loyalty to those he loves , particularly when everything starts to collapse around him .

  10. 我们许多国家的教育系统已经崩坏了。我们未能创造未来所有需要的技能类型。

    Our education systems in many countries are broken . We are not creating the types of skills needed for the future .

  11. “诗道崩坏”是白居易在《与元九书》中提出的一个重要的诗学命题。

    The " collapse of poetic principles " is an important proposition put forth by Bai Juyi in A Letter to Yuan Jiu .

  12. 当这些怨气积累起来,自然的和谐就被打破了,于是天闸崩坏,洪水泛滥。

    When much wrath accumulates , the peace of nature is disturbed , so the heaven break open and waters flood the land .

  13. 春秋时期是礼乐制度崩坏的时期,也是礼学思潮兴起的时期。

    The Spring and Autumn Period is a phase when both the destruction of principle and the rise of the learning of principle co-existed .

  14. 他很担心家庭文化的崩坏。如果他的担忧变为现实,那将是对于新加坡长远发展最大的威胁。

    He feared that the collapse of the family , if it ever happened , would be the main threat to Singapore 's success .

  15. 对刘炜来说,社会规范与人的本性永远矛盾,其中的破坏力在肉身崩坏中展现了出来。

    For Liu , social norms are at perpetual odds with essential human impulses , a tension which ultimately finds release through the corruption of mortal flesh .

  16. 一位可怜的主教练,根本从最初都不该被任命的人,现在没有办法保证球队度过安全线,已经彻底崩坏了却又不得不继续糊弄下去。

    A poor manager who never should have been appointed and was failing to guide his team to safety has now been fatally undermined but must carry on .

  17. 在他认为的礼乐崩坏仁义沦丧的社会,孔子对一切“违仁”“非礼”的现象和言行,大声说“不”。

    In the society in which he thought courtesy was broken and righteousness ruined , Confucius said loudly " NO " to all phenomena of violations of righteousness and indecorous behaviours .

  18. 其内部戍防体系的构建、发展、变化、崩坏,反映了该地区地缘政治格局的变化与诸方势力的消长。

    The construction , development , change and crush of this internal garrison system reflected the geopolitics pattern changes as well as the growth and decline of various forces in this region .

  19. 网络带来的信息爆炸促使审美活动的剧烈发生,大规模的审美活动的剧烈运动,原本稳固的审美范畴逐渐崩坏。

    Information explosion brought by network promoted the intense occurrence of the aesthetic activities , the vigorous exercise of a large scale of the aesthetic activities , and the gradual collapse of the original stable aesthetic category .

  20. 从军役的发展、演变的过程来看,辽东卫所军役在辽东军政体制崩坏,都司的民事化改革上起到重大推动作用。

    The army served the development , the process of evolution the garrison military service in the Liao dong military and political structure collapse , all play a significant role in promoting civil reform of the Secretary .

  21. 因为信用额度崩坏,外界都在号召行动,现在不仅仅是欧元命悬一线,整个欧盟和世界经济都遭受着严重危机。

    As credit lines gum up and outsiders plead for action , it is not just the euro that is at risk , but the future of the European Union and the health of the world economy .

  22. 在马舒尔对意识的神经机制进行研究的过程中,与传统观点相背离的证据一再出现,这些证据表明,在无意识者的大脑中,感觉网络仍在局部地发挥作用,只是大脑内部的通信系统完全崩坏了。

    Mashour , who also studies neural correlates of consciousness , has repeatedly found evidence that - contrary to conventional - wisdom - sensory networks in the brains of unconscious people remain locally functional , but intrabrain communication has broken down .

  23. 这不仅影响到基本养老金的长期收支平衡,也破坏了我国社会保障制度的财务基础,甚至造成当前统账结合制度模式的崩坏和倒退。

    This not only affects the long-term balance of pension payments , but also destroys the financial basis of social security system in our country . And to the worst it may cause the collapse and regression of current social pension system .