
  • 网络Yuechi County
  1. 岳池县中小学生肠道线虫感染状况调查

    Current situation of intestinal nemathelminth infection among primary and middle school students Yuechi County

  2. 岳池县政府的信息管理人员黄建军帮助北京的艺术家联系上了齐胜利老人。

    Huang Jianjun , an information officer with the Yuechi county government , helped arrange for the artist to contact Qi .

  3. 岳池县和富顺县钩虫感染率高达43.67%和45.53%;

    The overall infection rates of hookworm in Yuechi and Fushun counties were 43.67 % and 45.53 % .

  4. 住在岳池县苟角镇的齐胜利自己都不记得是什么时候将钱埋于地下。

    Qi , who lives in Goujiao town , Yuechi county , could not remember exactly how long ago he had buried the money in a corner of his bedroom .

  5. 因此,本文以岳池县天龙世家房地产投资项目为研究对象,针对县域房地产投资项目的可行性研究的相关理论和实践展开分析。

    Therefore , this paper analyzes the theory and practice of the feasibility study for the county real estate investment projects with the example of " Dragon Family " real estate investment projects in Yuechi County .

  6. 四川岳池顾县话的语法

    On Guxian dialect grammar in Yuechi county , sichuan