- 网络stock

It is a small stock with character of S type granite and high abundance of Au and Ag , showing good ore searching prospects .
Structure features of the pluton and aureole rocks show that the emplacement of the stock was a diapiric process .
The Fangshan granodiorite pluton of Lower Cretaceous occupies the middle of core .
Stocks , dykes etc. can be placed in simple sequence with the sedimentary rocks .
Weiya composite stocks comprise a circular body including Weiya super-unit ( outer circle ) and Huanxinshan super-unit ( inner circle ) .
Massive coarse grained porphyritic granite The granite porphyry occurred in Tuan ? Jie ? Gou Gold Field is rock plant like hypabyssal / super hypabyssal intrusive mass .
In the northern part of mine area , stock of granite porphyry played a dominate role in coal metamorphism , and intrusive sill in coal seam was found locally .
Increased obviously from top to bottom of the silicification and broadened the pyrite-sericite-quartz alteration halo in this ore area shows the existence of hidden neutral-acid stock and subvolcanic rock mass .
The intrusive bodies are output in stocks , dikes and tectonic slices , which were suffered from later tectonism and evolved in the Kuhai-Saishitang Hercynian m é lange belt as tectonic slices .
Appearing as different sized rock stems and formed in middle latter part of Yanshan Period , the quartz mica dioritic porphyry is the host rock of Nong ping porphyry typed gold copper deposit .
Deposits in shallow crustal settings ( < 5km ) are associated with stocks , dikes and sills and include systems with epithermal-style veins to stockwork and breccia . A ANALYSIS OF HEAT STORAGE CHARACTERISTIC FOR ROCK BED IN PASSIVE SOLAR GREENHOUSE
Studies involving petrography , petrochemistry , rare earth elements , trace elements and isotopes indicate that the intrusive bodies of the orogen are dominated by diabasic sills , stocks and dykes with few intermediate to acidic stocks .