  • a piece of flat land in a mountain range
  • 中国浙江、福建等沿海一带称山间平地(多用于地名):薛~(在浙江省)。


(浙江、福建等沿海一带称山间平地, 多用于地名) a piece of flat land in a mountain range:

  • 薛岙


  1. 宁波大岙垃圾卫生填埋场填埋气的综合利用

    Comprehensive utilization of landfill gas in Da'ao refuse landfill in Ningbo

  2. 里岙水库除险加固技术措施和效益

    Technical measures of danger elimination and consolidation and benefit for Liao reservoir

  3. 六横大岙附近海域环境质量现状评价

    Present assessment of environmental quality in sea area near Daao , Liuheng Island

  4. 丽岙是温州地区有名的“欧洲村”。

    Li'ao is known throughout the Wenzhou area as " Europe village . "

  5. 截洪沟设置对宁波大岙垃圾填埋场渗滤液产量的影响

    To Control Leachate Output of Ningbo Daao Waste Sanitary Landfill Site by Using Cut-off Ditch

  6. 浙江中岙古火山热液金矿多阶段成矿及金的富集规律

    Multistage and patterns of gold enrichment in the paleovolcanic hydrothermal gold deposit in zhong-ao , Zhejiang Province

  7. 走近丽岙镇,它看起来和中国东部沿海地区的其他乡村小镇没什么两样。

    On the approach to Li'ao village , it looks like any rural hamlet in this part of eastern coastal China .

  8. 她今年回到丽岙开了自己的咖啡馆,并帮助孩子们准备考大学。

    She returned to Li'ao this year to open her caf é and to help her children study for possible entry to university .

  9. 主要经济作物有蔬菜、花卉、水果等,其中以大岙溪杨梅、龙牌花椰菜尤为著名。

    The main economic crops are vegetables , flowers , fruits , etc. , of which large Ao River bayberry , the dragon is especially well-known brand broccoli .

  10. 本文在多种方案比较的基础上,采用混凝土防渗薄墙对小陈岙水库大坝进行防渗处理,并对该方案的防渗效果及各种工况下防渗处理前后大坝坝坡稳定性进行了分析。

    Comparing kinds of methods , the thin cutoff wall was adopted and the analysis of the effect and the dam slope 's stability before and after the anti-seepage treatment was carried out .

  11. 她和丈夫在刚到欧洲的时候很穷,但到去年回国的时候,他们已经攒下了足够的钱,可以在普拉托大教堂附近买下一套公寓,并在丽岙开一家咖啡馆。

    Linda and her husband were poor when they arrived in Europe . By the time they returned to China last year , they had saved enough to buy an apartment close to the Duomo in Prato and to set up a caf é in Li ' ao .