
  • 网络gardenia jasminoides;gardenia jasminoides ellis;cape jasmine fruit
  1. 方法:利用柱层析、结晶从山栀子的成熟果实中进行分离纯化栀子苷。

    Methods : Silica gel column chromatography and crystallization were used to obtained gardenoside from Gardenia jasminoides .

  2. 高效液相色谱法测定山栀子中栀子甙的含量

    Determination of Geniposide in Gardenia jasminoides Ellis by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  3. 清降膏成分为山栀子,吴茱萸,黄柏等。对照组:用导赤散加减,方组为石膏,黄芩,甘草,通草等。治疗组与对照组汤剂组成及加减相同。

    The consist of DaoChi Powder were : gypsum , skullcap , licorice , through grass , etc. The medicine composition , addition and subtraction of the DaoChi Powder in treatment group and control group were the same .

  4. 黄栀子又名栀子、山栀子、红枝子等,为茜草科常绿灌木,其果实可入药和提取天然色素,是重要的医药、化工、食品原料。

    Yellow gardenia is also named gardenia , mountain gardenia and red gardenia , etc ; it is evergreen shrub of rubiaceae . Its fruit can be used for medicine and extracting natural pigment , and is important materials for pharmaceutical , chemical and food industries .

  5. 栀子是茜草科植物山栀子的干燥成熟果实,性寒、味苦,无毒,具有泻火除烦,清热利湿,凉血散瘀的功效。

    Fructus gardenia is the dry ripe fruit of Mountain gardenia Rubiaceae , cold-natured , bitter in taste , innocuity , with the function of reducing fire except vexed , clearing away heat evil and promoting diuresis , cooling blood eliminating stasis to activate blood circulation .

  6. 水栀类与山栀类栀子药理作用比较实验HPLC法测定不同产地栀子中栀子苷含量

    Comparative Study on the Pharmacological Effects of Gardenia Determination of Jasminoidin in Gardenia from Different Areas by HPLC