
  • 网络Office direction
  1. 但大约一周前,卡塔尔投资局向歌鸟董事长戴维•普理查德(DavidPritchard)抱怨称,其中存在大量利益冲突。

    But a week or so ago the Authority complained to chairman David Pritchardthat there were substantial conflicts of interest .

  2. 介绍S12-J型数字程控交换机的中继组织、来话局向和去话局向的创建、删除等。

    This paper introduces the trunk organization , creation and deleting of incoming route and outgoing route for S12 J family digital program control exchange .

  3. 香港电讯管理局向香港CSL公司颁发许可证,沿西港隧道安装无线电通信服务设施。

    Hong Kong 's Telecommunications Authority has licensed Hong Kong CSL Ltd to install radio communications services along the Western Harbour Tunnel .

  4. 然后,为了能访问到呼叫方和被叫方的地址信息,电话局向信令网关发一个SS7消息。

    The central office then sends an SS7 message to a signaling gateway in order to get access to calling and called address information .

  5. 警察局向群众发出通知。

    The police have put out a general call to the public .

  6. 瑞士邮政局向发行了一张费德勒的肖像邮票。

    Swiss Post has presented the special Roger Federer stamp to the public .

  7. 美国国家航空航天局向社会征询意见,该如何命名这一收尾工作。

    NASA recently solicited public suggestions for what to call this closing mission segment .

  8. 省通信管理局向上级主管部门提出相关的建议得到了认同。

    And the Department 's relevant suggestions has got the approval from its superior management .

  9. 号码分析表是程控交换机根据路由代码映射到具体局向时所需要使用的数据。

    Routing code analysis table is used to map the route code to the destination address .

  10. 由外服局向外交部和市建委申请将该工程项目列入本年度的施工项目计划之中。

    DSB shall apply to MFA and BURCC for including the Project in the Annual Construction Plan .

  11. 今年2月11日,佛罗里达州高速公路安全局向斯蒂文·迈尔斯先生发出了一封信。

    On February 11 , the Florida Department of Highway Safety issued a letter to Mr Steven Miles .

  12. 医院管理局向医院引入了“新陈代谢”这一概念,用于有效地配置资源。

    Hospital Authority introduced " Productivity Gains " initiatives as one of the method to allocate the resource effectively to hospitals .

  13. 去年9月,科威特投资局向中国派出了一个代表团,使命之一是考察地产投资。

    In September last year , the Kia sent a delegation to China with a mandate to look into property investments .

  14. 金融业监管局向投资者提出几点建议以防诈骗:查证鼓吹此类投资的人是否有执照;

    FINRA recommends a few things investors can do to avoid cons : verify that the person touting the investment is licensed ;

  15. 该市环境保护局向弃用二冲程机车的民众发放约45美元的换车补贴。

    The city 's Department of Environmental Protection offers replacement subsidies of around $ 45 for residents who retire their two-stroke scooters .

  16. 联邦政府税务局向美国广播公司新闻记者坦言,在执法方面他们大大地放慢了速度,但他们在试图强硬起来。

    The IRS admits to ABCNEWS it backed off way too far on enforcement , but says it is trying harder now .

  17. 为保障税收,税务局向有清晰界定认可团体的慈善地位及如何批准其豁免缴税申请的原则及标准。

    There have been clearly established principles and criteria for granting of tax exemption status to eligible charitable institutions for revenue protection purpose .

  18. 当灾害发生时,联邦政府通过联邦应急管理局向受影响地区发放大量资金。

    When disasters occur , the federal government dispenses large dollops of cash in affected areas through FEMA , the Federal Emergency Management Agency .

  19. 雅科夫列夫设计局向洪都公司提议雅可-152K,起初在1990年后期为俄国空军发展的雅可-152初级教练机的一个改进型。

    Yakovlev proposed to Hongdu the Yak-152K , an improved variant of its Yak-152 basic trainer originally developed for the Russian Air Force in the late1990s .

  20. 美国总统麦金急需一名合适的特使去完成一项极其重要的任务,军事情报局向总统推荐了安德鲁·罗文。

    He was proposed for the difficult mission by the chief of the Bureau of Military Intelligence when President McKinley requested the name of a suitable envoy .

  21. 在局向勃列日涅夫开放绿灯时,尼克松和基辛格正在克里姆林宫的总统下榻处开会,准备承受限制战略武器会谈失败的挫折。

    As the Politburo gave the go-ahead to Brezhnev , Nixon and Kissinger were meeting in the President 's Kremlin apartment , prepared to accept a setback on SALT .

  22. 周一晚间,美国联邦调查局向多家公司发布了一份非公开公告,提醒它们警惕一个清除电脑数据的恶意软件,称这些数据很难恢复。

    The F.B.I. issued a private bulletin late Monday to a wide range of companies about a malicious software threat that wipes data from computers beyond the point of recovery .

  23. 作为美国政府打击逃税的一部分,美国国税局向迈阿密一家法院提出起诉,要求瑞银交出5.2万个账户的开户人姓名。

    The IRS has lodged a case in a Miami court that UBS should hand over the names of 52,000 accounts as part of US administration attempts to combat tax evasion .

  24. 本文试图通过对昆明铁路局向现代物流拓展模式的研究,来探讨我国铁路运输企业向现代物流转变的模式选择问题,对铁路运输企业向现代物流企业拓展具有一定的参考价值。

    This thesis attempts to probe into the pattern selection by viewing Kunming Railway Bureau transformation from railway transportation to the logistics enterprise , which will provide references for some railway corporations .

  25. 受金融危机和法国人不友好名声的影响,来法游客人数有所下降,对此巴黎市旅游局向市民提出了一个简单的要求:微笑。

    Faced with a fall in tourist numbers due to the financial crisis and a reputation for unfriendliness , the Paris tourist board has made a simple request of the city 's residents : smile .

  26. 更近期发送的无线电信息有:美国宇航局向北极星传送的一支甲壳虫乐队的歌,向北斗星座一个行星系发送的一段“立体脆”食品广告,以及通过在克里米亚的一部天线向近地恒星发送的一系列无线电信号。

    More recent radio transmissions include a Beatles song beamed by NASA to the North Star , a Doritos advertisement launched to a planetary system in the Big Dipper , and a series of broadcasts sent to nearby stars using an antenna in Crimea .

  27. 欧洲宇航局向德国《明镜》杂志透露,最新测算结果表明,如果这枚2.5吨重的伦琴号卫星重返地球的时间再推迟7分钟,拥有2000万人口的中国首都北京将面临深度撞击。

    The European Space Agency told Das Spiegel magazine that its new calculations have discovered that if the 2.5-ton Rosat satellite 's re-entry had been delayed for seven more minutes , the Chinese capital of 20 million people would have faced a deep impact .

  28. 当地时间上周五上午,SpaceX第15次为美国宇航局执行向国际空间站运送补给的任务,利用“猎鹰9号”火箭为国际空间站送去了近6000磅物资。

    Last Friday morning , SpaceX launched its 15th cargo mission to the International Space Station for NASA , sending up nearly 6000 pounds of supplies on top of its Falcon 9 rocket .

  29. 《19号消防局》向当地消防站捐赠了N95口罩,《实习医生格蕾》向洛杉矶当地医院捐赠了库存的白大褂和手套。

    Station 19 donated N95 masks to the local fire station while Grey 's is donating their backstock of gowns and gloves to local Los Angeles hospitals .

  30. 在日常运作上,各政策局局长向两位司长汇报工作。

    For day-to-day operations , all secretaries of bureaux will report to them .