
  • Nikolai;Nicolas;Nicholas;Nicolai
  1. 相比之下,法国中右翼总统尼古拉•萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)对美国作用的批评已有所缓和。

    Nicolas Sarkozy , the centre-right French president , by contrast , has tempered his criticisms of the US role .

  2. 法国总统尼古拉•萨科奇(NicolasSarkozy)本周早些时候激起了愤怒,当时,他建议把瑞士加入到不合作避税天堂的黑名单中。

    President Nicolas Sarkozy of France triggered a furore earlier this week when he suggested Switzerland be blacklisted as a non-co - operative tax haven .

  3. 奇西克教堂为水手的守护神圣尼古拉而建。

    Chiswick church is dedicated to St Nicholas , patron saint of sailors .

  4. 在尼古拉·特斯拉的生活中存在着两股非常重要而且相互抗衡的力量。

    There were two central and countervailing forces in the life of Nikola Tesla .

  5. 尼古拉?斯托龙斯基(NikolayStoronsky)为自己的直言不讳感到自豪。

    Nikolay Storonsky prides himself on straight answers .

  6. 去年夏天,当苹果(Apple)股价达到260美元时,我们基于尼古拉•米哈拉齐的分析数据发表了一篇文章。米哈拉齐是一位罗马尼亚裔数学家,在巴黎大学任教。

    Last summer , when Apple ( AAPL ) was trading for $ 260 a share , we ran an item on some analytical work by Nicholae Mihalache , a Romanian mathematician who teaches at the University of Paris .

  7. 今年初,法国总统尼古拉•萨科奇(NicolasSarkozy)宣布,将努力寻找一项新的GDP衡量指标,以便更好地反映生活质量。

    At the beginning of this year , French president Nicolas Sarkozy announced an effort to find a new measure for GDP that took a greater account of quality of life .

  8. 他们也许甚至可以从法国改革的案例中得到帮助。法国总统尼古拉•萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)的劳动力市场改革似乎必将跨越莱茵河。

    They may even be helped by the example of the French renaissance that President Nicolas Sarkozy 's labour market reforms look set to unleash across the Rhine .

  9. 这座有着宽阔玻璃立面和夸张曲线的厂房曾经承办过招待法国总统尼古拉.萨科齐(nicolassarkozy)和德国总理安吉拉.默克尔(angelamerkel)的国宴。

    With its expansive glass fa ? Ade and dramatic curves , the site had previously hosted state dinners for French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel .

  10. 杜罗夫向哥哥尼古拉(Nikolai)学会了编程。尼古拉是一名数学家,也是杜罗夫在VKontakte和Telegram的得力助手。

    Mr. Durov learned programming from his brother , Nikolai , a mathematician and Mr. Durov 's right-hand man at VKontakte and Telegram .

  11. 法国总统尼古拉•萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)今年秋季将奋力争取欧盟在汇率问题上对中国采取更强硬的政策,以支持那些在强势欧元打击下痛苦不堪的出口商。

    President Nicolas Sarkozy of France is to push for a more assertive European Union exchange-rate policy towards China this autumn to try to shore up ailing exporters hit by the strong euro .

  12. 半岛酒店总经理尼古拉•贝利亚德(NicolasBéliard)对我说:“我们认为因特网是必备的基本服务”。

    As Nicolas B é liard , the Peninsula 's general manager , told me , " We consider internet to be a basic and necessary service for our guests . "

  13. 安格拉•默克尔和尼古拉•萨科齐7月16日在空客总部举行的会议原本会将欧洲航空防务与空间集团(EADS)上演的剧情推向高潮。

    MEETING at the Airbus head office between Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy on July16th was due to bring the drama of EADS to a climax .

  14. 首先,美国致力于重新建立与欧洲大陆的外交联系,其次涌现出更多如法国总统尼古拉•萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)和德国总理安格拉•默克尔(AngelaMerkel)这样的大西洋主义领导人。

    First , the US made an effort to re - engage diplomatically with the continent ; then more Atlanticist leaders emerged such as President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany .

  15. 来自伦敦东部哈克尼区的27岁临时工尼古拉•索普到金融公司PwC(普华永道)上班,却被告知她必须穿鞋跟高度在2英寸到4英寸的高跟鞋。

    Temp worker Nicola Thorp , 27 , from Hackney , arrived at finance company PwC to be told she had to wear shoes with a " 2in to 4in heel . "

  16. 一年前,法国宪法委员会否决了上述税收提案,对奥朗德造成了打击。在2012年成功击败前总统尼古拉•萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)的大选中,奥朗德将该提案作为一项关键的政策主张提出。

    The council struck down the tax a year ago in a blow to Mr Hollande , who had made it a key proposal in his successful 2012 election campaign against former president Nicolas Sarkozy .

  17. 法国总统尼古拉•萨科奇(NicolasSarkozy)在图卢兹EADS总部举行的法德峰会上表示:我们已达成共识,给EADS和空客以真正的公司领导架构。

    Nicolas Sarkozy , the French president , said at a Franco-German summit at EADS headquarters in Toulouse : We have agreed to give EADS and Airbus the leadership structures of real companies .

  18. 与此同时,在英吉利海峡的另一边,法国前总统(或许以后还会再度担任总统)尼古拉•萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)呼吁废止在欧盟境内取消边境管控的申根协定。

    Across the Channel , meanwhile , Nicolas Sarkozy , the former ( and possibly future ) president of France , has called for the repeal of the Schengen rules that have dismantled frontier controls within the EU .

  19. 他想要一种能与哥哥安全通讯的方式。杜罗夫的哥哥尼古拉(Nikolai)34岁,是一名数学家和工程师,他帮助杜罗夫创建了VKontakte,后来又为Telegram应用开发了加密代码。

    He wanted a means of communicating securely with his 34-year-old brother Nikolai , a mathematician and engineer who helped found VKontakte and later developed the encryption code for the Telegram app .

  20. 但是意大利艺术家、47岁的尼古拉?波拉将施华洛世奇水晶制成了一组凶险之物――AK47攻击步枪以及人类遗骸等恐怖、死亡的象征。

    But Italian artist Nicola Bolla , 47 , has transformed them into something a bit more sinister-macabre tokens of death that include an AK47 assault rifle and human remains .

  21. 尼古拉•特斯拉是19世纪末20世纪初与托马斯•爱迪生相媲美的发明家。1901年,他从亿万富翁J.P.摩根那里获得资助,在纽约长岛修建了一座高达187英尺的无线电能传输塔——沃登克里弗塔。

    Backed by the financier J.P. Morgan , Nikola Tesla , the inventor and rival to Thomas Edison , built in the early 1900s the Wardenclyffe Tower , a 187-foot-high structure on Long Island , which he said could transmit electricity wirelessly .

  22. 尼古拉·特斯拉&一位慷慨的电学大师和天才的发明家

    Nikola Tesla & A generous master of electricity and gifted inventor

  23. 尼古拉放下日记,看了看妻子。

    Nikolay put the book down and looked at his wife .

  24. 尼古拉曾带她去看电影“派对”

    Nicola said he took her to see " the party "

  25. 布什特别称赞了法国总统尼古拉.萨尔科齐。

    And he singled out French President Nicholas Sarkozy for praise .

  26. 这样尼古拉博士和凯瑟琳就可以搜集标本。

    And Dr Nicolai and Kathryn can gather their samples .

  27. 尼古拉二世的备忘录〉476-478页。

    " Memorandum to Nicholas II . " Pp. 476-478 .

  28. 化装成丑角的季姆勒和化装成太太的尼古拉首先跳起舞来。

    The clown Dimmler and the old lady Nikolay opened the dance .

  29. 在英格兰,尼古拉成为家喻户晓的圣诞节之父。

    In England , he became known as Father Christmas .

  30. 尼古拉在父母身边快要度完自己的假期。

    Nikolay went on spending his term of leave with his parents .