
jiān duān kē xué
  • Cutting-edge science;most advanced branches of science;frontiers of science
  1. 服装CAD技术是未来服装设计的重要手段,被人们称为艺术和计算机科学交叉的边缘学科,是以尖端科学为基础,不同于以往任何一门艺术的全新艺术流派。

    Clothing CAD technology is am important means of dress designing in the future , which called frontier branch of science that art and computer science crossed , it is a brand-new school of art of any art different from the past based on most advanced branches of science .

  2. 乔治奥尔科特(GeorgeOlcott)是东京大学尖端科学技术研究中心教授。

    George Olcott is a professor at the research centre for advanced science and technology at the University of Tokyo .

  3. 这是真正的尖端科学

    This is real science . This is cutting-edge .

  4. 精致的科研船上部署到海里的尖端科学仪器为人们的观测提供了更多毋庸置疑的证据。

    High technology deployed from elegant science ships supplements observation with more hard facts .

  5. 它的发展与不少尖端科学息息相关。

    The development of optical thin film technique depends on many advanced branches of science .

  6. 我还要提醒这个小组,变革性的创新并不总依赖尖端科学。

    Let me also remind this group that game-changing innovations do not always depend on rocket science .

  7. 再一点,这不是什么尖端科学,而是帮助过许多伟人的事实。

    Again , this is not rocket science but a simple fact that has worked for many great people .

  8. 先进陶瓷材料因其具有高硬度、高强度、高耐磨性和高耐腐蚀性等特性在尖端科学技术领域得到越来越广泛的应用。

    Advanced ceramics are being widely applied in industrial fields due to high hardness , strength , wear-resistant and corrosion resistance .

  9. 因此,无论公司还是国家所面临的挑战都是,要对将尖端科学与地方文化资源相结合的商业进行投资;

    So the challenge for companies and countries is to invest in businesses that combine cutting-edge science with local cultural resources ;

  10. 第二类包括得到那些国际资助的现代科研机构,这些机构唯一关注的就是尖端科学的研究。

    The second includes modern research institutes which attract international funding and whose sole purpose is to focus on cutting edge research .

  11. 与之类似的是,从尖端科学研究到银行监管等政府项目的复杂程度以及相应成本以超过整体通胀水平的速度上升。

    Similarly , the complexity and hence the cost of everything from cutting-edge scientific research to regulating banks rises faster than overall inflation .

  12. 加利福尼亚巴乐马山上的5.1米的哈尔望远镜已经为尖端科学服务60年,取得了关于银河系和类星体的关键发现。

    The5.1-meter Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain , California , has done cutting-edge science for60 years , making key discoveries about galaxies and quasars .

  13. 近年来,随着尖端科学技术的发展,金属陶瓷、光学玻璃等新型难加工材料在军事、航空航天以及民用等领域应用越来越广泛。

    With the development of modern technology , late-model material such as cermet and optical glass are more and more widely used in martial , aeronautic and civil fields .

  14. 随着航空航天、国防军工、信息与微电子等尖端科学技术的迅猛发展,光学零件的超光滑加工备受关注。

    With the rapid development of aerospace , defense industry , information and microelectronic technology , the processing of super smooth optical components has been more and more concerned .

  15. 大型锻件作为大型成套设备的核心零件,在国民经济建设、国防装备发展和现代尖端科学技术重大装置的建设中,起着非常重要的作用。

    Large forgings , the fundamental parts for heavy machine manufacturing , are very important to the national economy , defense and the momentous equipments with advanced science and technology .

  16. 随着国防与尖端科学技术的发展,高精密的光学系统得到广泛应用,使得光学元件的需求量与日俱增,精度要求越来越高。

    With the development of the national defense and tip science technology , high-precision optical systems are widely applied , which brings the growing demand on optical components and higher accuracy .

  17. 江铃的例子说明,无论是尖端科学还是现代化管理理论,只有与企业应用实践有效的融合,并充分转化成为企业所全面接受的管理思想,才能体现价值。

    The value of either top science or theory of modernized management can only be realized when it is effectively integrated with enterprises ' practices and turns into management conceptions that are fully accepted by the enterprise .

  18. 耐火材料是一种常用的工业原料,普遍应用于冶金、水泥、玻璃、陶瓷、能源动力等行业和一些尖端科学领域,对国民经济的发展起着重要作用。

    As a common industry material , refractory is used in many industries just as metallurgy , cement , glass , ceramics , energy power and some advanced branches of science , and plays an important role in development of national economy .

  19. 半导体诸如硅、锗因其具有对光、热、电、磁等外界因素变化十分敏感而独特的电学性质,已成为尖端科学技术中应用最为活跃的先进材料之一。

    Semiconductors , such as silicon , germanium , are sensitive to light , heat , electricity and magnetism . Because of this unique electrical properties , they have become the most active advanced materials in the fields of science and technology .

  20. 第二百八十五条违反国家规定,侵入国家事务、国防建设、尖端科学技术领域的计算机信息系统的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。

    Article 285 Whoever , in violation of State regulations , invades the computer information system in the fields of State affairs , national defence construction or sophisticated science and technology shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention .

  21. 随着社会不断的进步,人们对高性能计算的需求不断的增加,高性能计算的应用领域已经不再局限于几个尖端科学领域,而是涉及到了社会的方方面面。

    As the society evolves , the needs of High Performance Computing ( HPC ) are growing fast . The application of HPC is no longer restricted in certain areas , such as military or nuclear physics , it could be used in all areas of the society .

  22. 北京大学生命科学学院教授、14位共同发起该奖项的中国科学家之一的饶毅称,尖端科学技术对于提升中国的发展水平至关重要,对支持年轻的科学专业人士也十分重要。

    Cutting-edge science and technologies are crucial to lifting China 's development to a higher level , and it 's important to support young science professionals , said Rao Yi , a life sciences professor with Peking University and one of the 14 Chinese scientists who co-initiated the award .

  23. 磷酸是制备精细磷酸盐和磷复肥等磷化工产品的基本原料,在工农业和国防军工以及电子等尖端科学领域都有着广泛的应用。

    The phosphoric acid is a basic stock of phosphorus chemical product in the preparation of fine phosphate and phosphoric acid compound fertilizer , and so on has a wide rage of applications in the industry , agriculture and the national defense war industry as well as the cutting-edge electron .

  24. 道格·海兹曼:IBM聘用了前世界冠军在苏黎世研究工作实验室上班,现在他们在做一些尖端的科学和物理工作。

    DOUG HEINTZMAN : We 've had past world champions that IBM has gone and employed in our Zurich research laboratory and are now working on some of the leading edge materials in science and physics .

  25. 人类屈服于尖端的科学技术并上演了一系列荒唐可笑的闹剧。

    Human beings succumb to the sophisticated technology and behave ridiculously .

  26. 科学,尤其是像物理,或者化学这样较为尖端的科学,研究的都是不可观测的事物。

    Science , particularly more advanced sciences like physics or chemistry , are all about unobservables .

  27. 如果证明艾丁格是对的,那么他将被视为走在时代尖端的科学天才。

    If Ettinger turns out to be right , then he will be seen as a scientific genius who was ahead of his time .

  28. 对于我个人来说,看到创造性的、尖端的科学被应用到这种主要影响贫穷人口的疾病,几乎与做出决定争取根除疟疾一样令我感到振奋。

    For me , seeing creative , cutting-edge science applied to a disease that mainly affects the poor is almost as uplifting as the decision to aim for eradication .

  29. 高精度和高分辨率的精密微位移工作台系统在近代尖端工业生产和科学研究领域内占有极为重要的地位。

    Precision micro-displacement stage system with high precision and high resolution plays an important role in modern industry and scientific research field .