
  • 网络sharp wave;spike
  1. 头皮脑电图显示32例病人中30例患者有与损伤部位或对冲部位相符的恒定局限性高波幅尖波、棘波和棘慢波。

    The scalp EEG showed constant focal spike waves with high amplitude and sharp waves , and spike-slow waves near the contusion and contrecoup contusion in the 30 patients .

  2. SBSD可表现为棘或尖波、棘慢复合波与快节律三种类型,以棘慢复合波最为常见、占63%。

    Three forms of SBSD were found : spikes or sharp waves , spike and wave discharges ( the most commonly seen , taking up 63 % ) and fast activities .

  3. CTRC可以诱导双侧CPu网络出现尖波样连续发放,同侧振荡样网络发作具有明显的相位移动特征;

    The oscillatory network seizures with phase shift appeared between two sharp waves in ipsilateral CPu .

  4. 棘波是最基本的阵发性异常脑电活动,在临床EEG检查中,最重要的是识别EEG中是否出现棘波和尖波。

    In the clinical EEG check , the most important is to identify the presence of spike and sharp .

  5. EEG异常:表现为慢波(δ、θ)增多,有痫性波(尖波,棘波,尖慢复合波,棘慢复合波)发放增加。

    The EEG revealed the dysfunction of CNS which was characterized by the increment of 6 and 9 waves and single spikes or spike and wave complexes .

  6. 结果:邻域比较滤波法对叠加有单个噪声脉冲及连续噪声脉冲的脑电信号有很好的去噪效果,对尖波和棘波几乎没有影响,EEG信号无失真。

    Results : The neighbor comparing filter method showed better of effectiveness on EEG signals with simple interference pulse as well as serial interference pulse , and it had little influence on sharp and spike waves .

  7. 东莨菪碱可以部分再现重复施加ATPDH诱导出现巨大尖波连续发放IPI和神经元放电ISI平行发展特征。

    A parallel development of robust sharp wave IPI and neuronal firing ISI reappeared partially after the injection of scopolamine , which was induced by repetitive ATPDH trains .

  8. 发病兔胫前肌肌电图可见正相尖波和纤颤电位。

    Needle electromyography of anterior tibial muscle showed fibrillations and positive sharp waves .

  9. 失神经骨骼肌在肌电图上呈正尖波。

    DATA SYNTHESIS The denervated skeletal muscle assumes positive sharp wave on electromyogram .

  10. 脑实质出血以高尖波为主,蛛网膜下腔出血以尖波为主。

    Cerebral substance bleeding mainly showed as high sharp wave while arachnoid mater bleeding showed as high wave .

  11. 多普勒显示小儿颅内出血血流频谱变化复杂,如高尖波、尖波、高振荡波等。

    The spectrums of this bleeding were varied including high sharp wave , sharp wave , and high oscillation wave .

  12. 结果:手指、足趾活动均未见棘、尖波或其它干扰波。

    Results : spike wave , sharp wave and other interference wave were not found in activity of finger and toe .

  13. 棘波、尖波、高波幅慢波及棘慢综合波为主要异常方式。

    The main abnormal waves on ECoG include the spike wave , sharp wave , high attitude slow wave and spike slow complex waves .

  14. 切开硬脑膜后,先用皮质电极确定致痫灶,再横切传导痫性放电的神经元树突纤维,一直到棘尖波完全消除为止。

    After incising dura mater , we located epileptic focus with cortical electrodes and transected the nueron 's dendritic fiber until spike and sharp waves completely disappeared .

  15. 异常脑电图主要表现为弥漫性慢波活动22例,局限于一侧半球的慢波活动34例,散在或阵发性棘波、尖波或棘慢、尖慢综合波49例。

    The abnormal EEGs mainly showed diffuse slow waves in 22 patients , slow waves localized in one hemi - sphere in 34 , epileptiform discharges in 49 patients .

  16. 结果:28例难治性癫痫患者均通过皮质脑电图监测准确定位,切除致痫病灶后的棘波、尖波,棘、尖慢复合波减少或完全消失。

    Results : The focal excision of epilepsy of 28 patients was all successful , Spike waves , sharp waves complex were reduced or completely disappeared after focal excision of epilepsy .

  17. 癫痫放电的主要型式有:棘波、尖波、棘(尖)慢波综合、高幅失律等。

    The pattern of epileptiform activity in this model included : spike waves , sharp waves , spike ( or sharp ) slow wave complex , high amplitude irregular epileptiform discharges .

  18. 试验结果表明:尖波黄、湘妃翠、福鼎大毫和白毫早适制黄茶品质较好,尤其是尖波黄。

    The results showed that : sharp wave Huang Hsiang Fei Tsui Fuding cents and Pekoe early as suitable for making yellow tea quality is better , especially the sharp wave yellow .

  19. 强调了奇异直线的存在是导致系统出现非光滑的周期尖波、孤立尖波和破缺波的根本原因,获得了各种光滑波和非光滑波存在的充分条件。

    It is emphasized that the existence of singular straight line is the original reason for the appearance of non-smooth periodic cusp wave solutions , solitary cusp wave solutions and breaking wave solutions .

  20. 结果:对照组无显著行为学改变,铁离子组94%出现癫痫样表现的频繁发作,记录到与痫性发作一致的高幅棘波、棘慢波综合和尖波。

    The frequent episode rate of epileptic behavior was 94 % in Fe3 + group , and high spike wave , spike and slow wave colligation and sharp wave coincided with epileptic episode were recorded .

  21. 发作间期脑电图均有一侧或双侧中央或颞区尖波和棘波,7例清醒时脑电描记正常,睡眠状态下监测均出现癫痫样放电。

    During activating , EEG showed unilateral or both sides sharp waves or spikes in center and or in cen-trotemporal . 7 children 's EEG was normal at awake , but showed epileptic discharge at asleep .

  22. 脑电图异常改变以全脑或局灶性阵发性中~高或极高电位的δ波或δ、θ混合活动,伴尖波发放为特征,过度换气中可见每秒4~6次棘慢综合波。

    The features of EEG abnormal changes were global or focus paroxysmal middle - high or extremely high voltage delta wave or mixed delta theta activity associated with sharp wave discharge , and in hyperventilation with 4-6c / sec spike and wave complex .

  23. 结果:胸水消失或减少总有效率为7917%。脑电图原有的棘波、尖波消失或减少,阵发性异常消失或时间缩短。

    Result : The total effective rate of pleural effusion due to cancer diminishing or decreasing is 79 17 % . The spikes and shapes which existed on the EEG degrade or disappear now , the paroxysmal abnormity waves disappear or it lasted for shorter time .

  24. 结果:(1)各组大鼠均于伤后第2~5天出现纤颤电位和正尖波,约至第7~10天达到高峰,然后逐渐减少。

    Results ( 1 ) Fibrillation potentials and positive sharp waves were discovered at day 2 to 5 after contusion , and reached its peak by day 7 to 10 , and then normalized gradually around the 35th day with muscle healing in group natural healing .

  25. 阵挛发作10例中39次发作,发作期EEG表现各导联棘慢波、尖慢波;

    D. 10 presented 39 clonic seizure , and the EEG showed spike and waves or sharp and waves in all channels ;

  26. 它通过FWT变换把脑电信号从时域变换到序域,提取信号的序域功率谱特征并利用树分类器对尖棘波进行识别,有效识别率为85.5%。

    It first shifts EEG signals from time domain to sequential domain by FWT ( Fourier-Walsh Transform ), Then extracts power spectrum features of sequential domain , finally uses tree-classifier to recognize sharp-spike wave . The effective recognition ratio reaches 85.5 % .

  27. 结果:①尖棘波广泛分布于各类行为问题儿童中;

    Results : ① Spike and spark may be distributed widely in children with each of behavior problems .

  28. EEG需反复检测,方可见周期性尖慢复合波。

    EEG should be made repeatedly so that the periodic sharp wave complexes could be found .

  29. 22例脑电图均有中到重度广泛异常EEG改变,11例出现典型的周期性尖慢复合波(PSWCs)。

    Early psychiatric symptoms were also common . The characteristic EEG changes - periodic sharp and slow wave complexes ( PSWCs ) were occurred in 11 cases .

  30. 结果:深昏迷患儿双侧MCA呈全舒张期反向血流或尖小收缩波频谱,血流方向指数(DFI)<0.8,持续2小时以上无恢复,是预示或证实小儿脑死亡较可靠的指标;

    The results showed that persistence of retrograde diastolic flow or small systolic forward flow with direction of flow index ( DFI ) < 0.8 in bilateral MCA for more than 2 hours in severely comatose children was a reliable indicator for predicting or confirming brain death .