
  • 网络MINIBUS;minivan;wagon
  1. 丰田新型科斯塔牌小型客车大型游艺机&过山车的安全性分析

    New Coaster Minibus from Toyota Safety Analysis of Roller Coaster

  2. 交通事故的车型种类以小型客车占绝大多数,其次分别为助动车、自行车和行人。

    The majority of vehicles in traffic accidents were minibus , the others were moped , bicycles and pedestrians .

  3. 一种盒式的小型客车;通常含有抽取式座位。

    A small box-shaped passenger van ; usually has removable seats .

  4. 在街上骑车的男孩被一辆小型客车撞到,生命垂危。

    The boy who was hit by a car was in danger .

  5. 小型客车碰撞特性研究

    Research on the Collision Characteristics of Mini Bus

  6. 小型客车、重型车、二轮摩托车、四轮农用车4种机动车车祸占73.79%;

    Carriage , heavy car , motorcycle , farming car caused 73.79 % accidence .

  7. 小型客车构件的碰撞分析

    Crash Analysis on Passenger Car Components

  8. 小型客车车架前纵梁碰撞性能的模拟仿真

    Mini-bus chassis front rail crash simulation

  9. 小型客车移动门的设计

    Sliding Door Design for Microbuses

  10. 为了改进小型客车正碰撞性能,建立了小型客车车架前纵梁碰撞的有限元模型。

    In order to improve a mini-bus crashworthiness , firstly , a finite element method model was built .

  11. 想象一下,相对于小型客车来说,要让一辆货运车停止或改道是多么难。

    Imagine how hard it would be to stop or redirect a freight train compared to a compact car .

  12. 这一车型由克莱斯勒公司生产,而克莱斯勒的小型客车同样因点火开关问题召回了近30万辆。

    The mini vans were made by Chrysler which also recalled nearly 300000 of its own mini vans for ignition switches defects .

  13. 当压力增加时,交通工具由溜冰鞋变成自行车,小型客车,巴士,中型卡车,货运车。

    As you increase the pressure setting the vehicles change from roller skates to bicycles to compact cars to buses to semi-trucks to freight trains .

  14. 抵达北美几天后的一个早晨,我们乘坐美国主办方安排的一辆小型客车外出。

    One morning after we 'd been in North America for a few days , we were driving in the minibus which our American hosts had arranged .

  15. 以ADAMS/CAR二次开发模块为平台,建立了国产某小型客车虚拟样机的多体系统动力学仿真模型。

    On the platform of the ADAMS / CAR secondary development module , the MB dynamics simulation model of the virtual prototype of a domestic light bus has been created .

  16. 2011年前10个月,微型商用车主要用于商务的小型客车的销量同比下降了5%,制造商感到了压力。

    Sales of mini commercial vehicles – small vans used largely for business – are down 5 per cent year-on-year in the first 10 months of 2011 and manufacturers are feeling the strain .

  17. 本文以某小型客车制造公司为对象,通过对其深入调查,并结合这一行业的基本特点总结了其在生产管理中存在的问题,提出了生产管理系统信息化的建设目标。

    Through the in-depth investigation of the company , and combined with the basic characteristics of this industry , we can find the problems in production management and make the target of building an information management system for the production .

  18. 但在每天的黄昏时分,小型载客车就会从四面八方汇聚到这个台湾北部的海滩外。车上下来的有摄影师、助理、以及穿着无尾礼服与婚纱的准新人。

    But at dusk each day , minivans converge outside the beach in northern Taiwan , disgorging photographers , assistants and soon-to-be married couples dressed in tuxedos and bridal gowns .

  19. 本文基于S公司的小型多用途客车项目实例,开展了以下研究:1、对国内微型客车行业发展历程、现状及未来发展趋势以及竞争格局进行分析。

    Analyze the development history , status quo , future trend as well as competition structure of the domestic mini van industry ; 2 .

  20. 适用于各类轿车,旅行车,中小型货运车及客车的四轮定位的检查,调整和维修保养。

    Suitable for all kinds of cars , station wagon , medium and small-scale freight , the passenger train 's adjust , maintenance and Check .

  21. 小型汽车、中型客车、大型货车准驾车型可以在初次申领时申请。

    When applying for the first time , a person may apply for a driving license for small motor vehicles , midsize buses and large trucks .