
  1. 《红楼梦》的形象符号与湘楚文化

    Image Symbol in Dream of Red Mansions and Xiang-chu Culture

  2. 湘楚文化精神与道德人格培养

    Spirit of Xiang Chu Culture and Cultivation of Human Dignity

  3. 湘楚文化与湖南文学的承继创新

    The Inheritance and Creation of Xiang-Chu Culture and Hunan Literature

  4. 然后在谈谈自己对于湘楚文化及精神的理解。

    And then talk about their cultural and spiritual Xiang Chu understanding .

  5. 湘楚文化与当代湖南文学的叙事立场

    The Description of Xiang-Chu Culture and Hunan Literature

  6. 第一章从地域的角度去论述湘楚文化和巫文化的发展。

    The first chapter from a geographic perspective to discuss the development of Xiang Chu culture and witch cultural .

  7. 唯情,尚情&透视湖南乡土文学反映的湘楚文化特征陈冬梅

    Only the Feeling Still the Feeling & Perspecting the Chu Culture Characteristic of Hunan that Native Soil Literature in Hunan Reflects

  8. 王夫之是湘楚文化的杰出代表、明清之际的伟大思想启蒙家。

    Wang Fuzhi was a preeminent representative of Xiang Chu culture and a great enlightenment thinker during Ming and Qing dynasty .

  9. 湖南常德市是一个地理位置重要,历史文化悠久的城市,是湘楚文化的重要发祥地。

    The City of Changde in Hunan Province is located in a very important place geographically , with a historical culture .

  10. 作者是湖南湘潭人,其大部分作品都蕴含了湘楚文化的独特意蕴。

    The author was born in Xiangtan Hunan , hense a majority of his works reflected the unique flavor of Xiangchu Culture .

  11. 湘楚文化不仅是湖南现代乡土小说生长的土壤,也是它的基本内容。

    The Hunan Chu culture not only is the soil in which the Hunan modern local novel soil , also is its basic content .

  12. 湘绣不仅是中国四大名绣之一,而且是一门具有湘楚文化特色的刺绣工艺。

    As one of the four best embroidery of China , embroidery from Hunan province is a boutique embroidery with great culture of Hunan specific .

  13. 当前以湘楚文化为主题的酒店空间设计,具有极强的地域特色,在国内外主题酒店空间设计中,对于湘楚文化的应用相对较少。

    Xiang Chu Culture-themed hotel space design , with a strong regional characteristics , the theme hotel space design at home and abroad , Xiang Chu culture relatively small .

  14. 湘绣是中国四大名绣之一,以其精湛的绣艺和具有鲜明的湘楚文化特色而闻名于世。

    Xiang embroidery is one of the four famous embroideries in China , which is famous for its exquisite embroidery skill and distinct cultural characteristics of Xiang Chu in the world .

  15. 屈原在湘楚文化的土壤上以其充满传奇色彩的文学世界,开创了巫术与文学相结合且以浪漫主义为核心的巫诗传统;

    Combining the wizardry and literature , Qu Yuan created the culture of wizard poetry with the core of romanticism by a colorful literary world full of legends in the Hunan Province of china .

  16. 湘楚文化所蕴含的民族精神&兼论新时代民族精神的培育贾谊故居被视为湘楚文化的标本,社会各界一直强烈要求全面恢复故居的所有景点。

    As the Former Residence of Jia Yi is considered a paragon of Hunan-Hubei culture , people from all walks of life have been strongly demanding for a full restoration of all the scenic spots at the old residence .