
  • cutie;Little Darlings;De-Lovely
  1. 好的,那这个小可爱是谁啊

    Oh , okay . Who is this cutie pie ?

  2. 我说的是另一个小可爱

    I meant the other cutie pie .

  3. 又有着多啦a梦的好心肠,是爱调皮的小可爱

    Also has many a dream kindheartedness , is loves mischievously small lovable .

  4. 怎么了,Susie小可爱?

    What 's the matter , Susie Q ?

  5. 奥就是它你怎么可能不想要这只小可爱呢是的小CHAZBONO

    Awwww , there she is.How do you not want that ? Yeah , little Chaz Bono .

  6. 《小可爱与拳击手》(CutieandtheBoxer)几乎没有受到观影公众的注意,但好电影名单并非票房大片的罗列。

    ' Cutie and the Boxer ' was hardly noticed by the movie-going public , but a list of fine films isn 't a rundown of box-office triumphs .

  7. 谁能忍心伤害象你一样的小可爱?

    Who could ever harm a cute little trick like you ?

  8. 小可爱,我们什么时候才能高兴起来呢?

    Happy , when are we going to be happy ?

  9. 你最好也是其中一员,小可爱。

    And you better be one of them , byotch .

  10. 我的小可爱你想去哪儿?

    My little petunia . Where do you think you 're going ?

  11. 你怎么能拒绝这样一张小可爱的脸?

    How could you turn down a face like that ?

  12. 那好,唱赞美诗不是我的活,小可爱。

    Well , singing hymns isn 't really my thing , sweetie .

  13. 过来我这里,小可爱

    Come here , little girl . It 's got ...

  14. 这是哪家的小可爱啊那是我妈妈和我妹妹查莉

    That 's my mom and my sister Charlie .

  15. 或许陛下您需要叫个小可爱来。

    Perhaps your Majesty would like to send for one of the concubines .

  16. 你愿做个小可爱,还是赎罪的天使?

    Would you 've been a little angel or an angel of sin ?

  17. 小可爱去上学时日子不好过。

    They are bad days when memsaab kidogo has to go to school .

  18. 我觉得你帅呆了呢小可爱

    I think you look very handsome , lindo .

  19. 你真是个小可爱真想把它加进我的咖啡里

    You 're sweetest little thing , I just wannadump him inmy coffee .

  20. 嗯。那你一定是刚摆脱尿布的小可爱?

    Hmm. You 're the little cutie pie who just got out of diapers ?

  21. 你怎么这么可爱你就是小可爱

    You 're a real cutie , aren 't you ? Yes , you are

  22. 嗨,Suzzi小可爱,怎么了?

    Hey , Susie Q. What 's wrong ?

  23. 注意你的语气,小可爱。

    I 'd watch your tone , sunshine .

  24. 这小可爱的售价是350美元。

    These babies sell for $ 350 .

  25. 看看这个小可爱。

    Look at this cute little dog .

  26. 真是个小可爱你和这个小东西今天真的很勇敢

    Aren 't you the cutest ? You and that critter showed real grit today .

  27. 我们的小可爱知道搭乘路线固定的交通工具等于自杀

    Our lovely girl knows it would be suicide to travel on a predetermined route .

  28. 好了去转告那个时髦的小可爱照片放在我这儿很安全

    Now , tell that sweet little posh thing the pictures are safe with me .

  29. 你这个小可爱。

    Oh , you little cutie pie .

  30. 你什么时候找到小可爱的?

    When did you find happy ?