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  • 网络The Legend of the Condor Heroes;The Eagle Shooting Heroes
  1. 翁美玲曾主演过多部电视剧集,其中以《射雕英雄传》中扮演黄蓉最为成功。

    She is fomous for her lead role Huang Rong in Legend of The Condor Heroes .

  2. 虽然,她的电影作品多为人熟知,但她也曾成功塑造过一些经典的电视剧角色,比如《射雕英雄传》中的黄蓉,《大明宫词》中的小太平。

    Although she 's mostly known for making movies , Zhou has portrayed a couple of classic TV characters , such as Huang Rong in Legend of the Condor Heroes and the young Princess Taiping in Palace of Desire .

  3. “这些人现身,然后在大段的章节中消失。”(王家卫在举例时提到了作家金庸。王家卫1994年出品的影片《东邪西毒》(AshesofTime)就改编自金庸小说《射雕英雄传》(TheLegendoftheCondorHeroes)。)

    People turn up , then depart the story for long passages . ' ( As an example , he noted the writer Louis Cha , whose many novels included ' The Legend of the Condor Heroes , ' which Mr. Wong adapted in his 1994 film ' Ashes of Time . ' )

  4. 金庸小说的对照法则与蒙古想象&以《射雕英雄传》郭靖英雄形象的塑造为例

    The Mongolia Character and the Contrast Principle in Jin Yong 's Novel

  5. 梅超风是《射雕英雄传》中一个以恶魔形象出现的女性。

    Mei Chaofeng in the Hero 's Biography of Firing Carve is a female monster image .

  6. 其他珍贵展品还包括上世纪50年代出版的《射雕英雄传》的单行本。

    Other valuable exhibits include an offprint edition of " The Eagle-shooting Heroes " from the 1950s .

  7. 日前她终于读完《射雕英雄传》,对黄蓉有自己的看法,但她坚持不看前几版的「黄蓉」演出。

    Ariel has finished reading loch , she has her own views towards the role of Huang rong , and she insists that she does not watch the previous versions of Huang rong .

  8. 影片以中国黄历中循环的时间概念为构架,导演对经典武侠小说《射雕英雄传》的即兴重复颇具印象派风格,集中表现了沙漠中侠客们的情感与渴望。

    Structured with the concept of cyclical repetition from the Chinese almanac , the auteur 's impressionistic riff on the classic wuxia novel The Eagle-Shooting Hero is a desert-bound swordplay drama whose only concern seems to be its characters " sentimental longings .