
During the major flare , the two-ribbon appearance , loop system formation , mass ejections and their flows back to the chromosphere had a good correspondance in time to the peaks of the 3.2 cm radio flux curve .
Gain Measurement of a 13.7m Paraboloid Antenna and the Calibration of Solar Radio Flux Density
The radio flux is extremely variable , exhibiting erratic outbursts .
The predictable time scale for the monthly mean variations of the 10.7 cm radio flux is also discussed .
The combination of very large radio flux and exceedingly small angular size means that the sources have a fantastic surface brightness .
The activities of sunspots , calcium plages , 2800 MHz flux , solar flares and proton events during the rising phase of Cycle 21 arc expounded in this paper .
The square-law detector is used for detection , because only when the square-law detector is used , the linear relationship between the received record and the radio flow density exists .
For QSO with double radio components , the separation velocity of radio com - ponents with respect to the optical parent body can be derived from the radio flux ratio of the two components and the evolution law of radio luminosity .
Impact of Solar Radio Flux on Ionospheric Phase Delay in GPS / LEO Occultation Methodology
And there are no correlation between γ - ray emission and radio emission in low state .
Our results are as follows . For minimum γ - ray data , there is no correlation between the γ - ray and radio flux density ;
Radio emission was detected from 19 sources in the 37 IRAS galaxy sample . The radio parameters , for example , peak position , radio flux , etc.