
xún xìn zī shì zuì
  • crime of picking quarrels and provoking troubles
  1. 论寻衅滋事罪的证明

    On the Proof of the Crime of Make Trouble of Nothing

  2. 试析寻衅滋事罪的构成特征及司法认定

    On the Composing Features of Defiance and Affray Crime and Its Judicial Confirmation

  3. 这导致在司法实践中,寻衅滋事罪成为了一个比较难认定的罪。

    The result is the crime of creating disturbances becomes difficult to identify in judicial practice .

  4. 第五章探讨了寻衅滋事罪在司法实践出现的问题以及改进意见。

    In the last chapter , Chapter 5 , advices on the practice of justice are given .

  5. 寻衅滋事罪的主体是一般主体,单位不能成为本罪主体。

    The subject is the general subject , which means the units cannot be the subject of crime .

  6. 接着,笔者对寻衅滋事罪的四种客观行为表现进行了详细的分析。

    . Then , the author elaborates on the four objective behaviors of the crime and made a detailed analysis .

  7. 在明确寻衅滋事罪的客体是单一客体即公共秩序的同时,笔者还阐述了公共秩序的内涵。

    After an indication of the single object & the public order , the author elaborates on the connotations of public order .

  8. 寻衅滋事罪作为从1979年刑法中的流氓罪中分解出来的一个罪,是司法实践中的一个常见罪。

    The crime of creating disturbances , as a kind of crime derived from The Criminal Law of 1979 , is a common crime in judicial practice .

  9. 从历史上看,寻衅滋事罪和历史上的光棍罪、流氓罪一样,都是从国家主义出发,压制个人自由的产物。

    That historically , disturb the crime and the history of the bachelor and hooliganism , are starting from nationalism to suppress the product of individual freedom .

  10. 寻衅滋事罪作为从旧刑法流氓罪中分化出来的一个罪名,承袭了流氓罪定义不清、内容宽泛、实践混乱的缺陷。

    Disturb the crime as a criminal hooliganism from the old out of a differentiated charges for hooliganism inherited a poorly defined , broad content , practice chaotic defects .

  11. 目前,寻衅滋事罪在概念上存在争论,对四种客观行为表现的认定标准不明确,并缺少相应的司法解释。

    At present , there is a dispute over the concept of the crime and for lack of the corresponding judicial interpretation , the identification standards for the four objective behaviors are not clear .

  12. 昨日,北京知名中介公司中大恒基的前董事长刘益良因寻衅滋事罪和敲诈勒索罪被海淀法院判处有期徒刑八年。

    Yesterday , Liu Yiliang , former Board Chairman of Beijing Golden Keys Real Estate , was sentenced to8 years for defiance and extortion by the People 's Court of Haidian District , Beijing .

  13. 寻衅滋事罪的主观方面是直接故意,而不能是间接故意,寻求精神刺激等犯罪动机不是寻衅滋事罪的主观构成要件,只是定罪量刑的酌定因素。

    The subjective aspect is the actual intent rather than the indirect intent . Such motive as seeking mental stimulation is not a subjective constituent element of the crime , which serves only as a discretion factor in convictions and sentencing .

  14. 再次,梳理我国寻衅滋事罪的立法现状,流氓罪时期的立法总体呈现宽展化,寻衅滋事罪时期立法呈现细密化。

    Again , comb the present situation of China stir-up-trouble crime legislation , found that the period of the legislation of the crime of hooliganism ison the overall broad and wide change , and the period of the legislation of stir-up-trouble crime legislation presents the close and dense .