
xún gēn
  • Rooting;seek roots;in search of things related to one's ancestors
寻根[xún gēn]
  1. 是寻根小说、先锋小说、新写实小说在自身生命力趋于衰竭时,转向对历史的重新认识而产生的一种新的小说流派。

    That is to say that ' seek roots novel ' , ' pioneer novel ' and ' new write realism novel ' produce a new novel genre , when themselves life-force trend failure and turn to the historical new understand .

  2. 我最初到那里是为了寻根,探访我妈妈的故乡牙买加岛。

    I first went there to trace my roots , visiting my mum 's home island of Jamaica

  3. 这两个层面又集中体现在寻根派作家的创作实践与先锋作家群的尝试中

    The inditing experiments of searching-root writers and the attempts of avant-grade authors embody these two aspects .

  4. “食忆录”也有更感性的方式,作者在文中开启一段感人历程,返回老家寻根,其中很多也有菜谱。

    In more sentimental2 varieties of the foodoir , the author embarks3 on an emotional journey , returning to his or her ancestor ’ s roots . Many have recipes , too .

  5. 刘先生决定请一家名为“中华家脉”(MyChinaRoots)的小公司来帮他寻根。

    He decided to hire a tiny start-up called My China Roots based near Beijing 's Confucius Temple .

  6. 寻根聚类法EM生物技术及应用

    Root searching cluster technique and its application

  7. 在欧洲提供寻根服务的公司主要是数据提供商,提供从埃利斯岛(EllisIsland,指美国移民局&译者注)搜索的资料,以及多个世纪的婚姻、死亡和人口普查资料。

    Businesses focusing on European ancestry are basically data providers , offering electronic searches of material from Ellis Island or centuries of marriage , death and census records .

  8. 去年10月,阿弗莱克在PBS系列纪录片《寻根》(FindingYourRoots)中担任特邀嘉宾。盖茨在这部纪录片中与名人一道探寻自己的过去,如斯汀(Sting)、史蒂芬·金(StephenKing)、安吉拉·贝塞特(AngelaBassett)。

    Affleck was a guest last October on the PBS documentary series " Finding Your Roots , " in which Gates takes luminaries - Sting , Stephen King , Angela Bassett - on journeys into their pasts .

  9. 经济全球化的环境困境寻根

    An research on the causes of environmental problems in economic globalization

  10. 论新时期现代派与寻根派文学

    On New Era 's Modern School and Roots-Tracing School in Literature

  11. 魔幻现实主义作家与寻根文学作家的叙述话语艺术管窥

    On narrative art of magic realism authors and seeking-root literature authors

  12. 论中国第五代电影的寻根意识

    On the Root - seeking Consciousness of the 5th Generation of Chinese

  13. 寻根小说与新时期小说叙事话语的变革

    Root Novels And The Change Of The Narrative In The New Era

  14. 《马桥词典》&20世纪90年代文化寻根的升华

    Ma-Qiao Dictionary & The Sublimation of 90 's Root-searching Culture

  15. 寻找与背离:寻根派小说论

    Searching and Deviation & A Summarization of the Root-searching Novels

  16. 为张爱玲小说的艺术形式寻根

    To inquire deeply into the artistic form of Zhang Ailing 's novels

  17. 浅谈基于移民寻根旅游的乡村规划设计

    The rural planning design based on the tourism for the immigrantion roots

  18. 论寻根文学的伦理道德文化主题的审视

    On Survey over Ethical Culture Theme of Touch Rooting Literature

  19. 伏羲文化更是一种寻根文化,研究伏羲文化有着重大现实意义。

    Today , the research on the Fuxi culture is much reality .

  20. 寻根文学民族化追求的回顾与思考

    Retrospect and Thought of the Nationalization Pursuit of Root-Seeking Literature

  21. 《小鲍庄》与寻根文学

    The village of small Bao and Root - seeking literature

  22. 专业化背景下教师自尊文化的寻根与重建

    Retrospection and Reconstruction of Teacher Self-Esteem Culture Against the Background of Professionalization

  23. 寻根在语文&浅谈语文中的传统文化教学

    Searching for the Root in Chinese & Teaching Traditional Culture in Chinese

  24. 中国体育文化心理寻根

    On the Psychological Origin of China 's Sports Culture

  25. 二十世纪八十年代的寻根小说,虽旨归于从文化中寻根,但它们却朝着不同的方向展开。

    The root - seeking novels of 1980 's have various developing directions .

  26. 当代美国黑人文学寻根热潮

    A Discussion about the Upsurge of Seeking Roots in Contemporary African American Literature

  27. 寻根文学的地域文化特色

    The Local Characteristics of the Literature Seeking the Root

  28. 艰难的寻根路&《根》与《宠儿》之比较

    Searching For Root & Comparison of Root and Beloved

  29. 听起来好像你们家族打算寻根呀。

    It sounds Iike your famiiy 's ready to rediscover its Scottish roots .

  30. 与或图数据库的可达算法和寻根算法

    Accessibility and rooting algorithm for a hypergraph relational database