
  • 网络Contrast;contrast color;contrast colours;contrasting color;complementary colour
对比色 [duì bǐ sè]
  • [contrasting colors] 色相性质相反,光度明暗差别大的颜色。如红与绿、黄与紫、橙与青等

  1. 这是并列对比色的结果。

    It is the result of the juxtaposition of contrasting colors .

  2. adj.视觉的n.vision对比色制造了一个有趣的视觉效果。

    visual The contrasting colors created an interesting visual effect .

  3. 设计师选取了蓝和橙黄两种对比色。

    The designer has chosen the complementary colours blue and orange .

  4. 先对样品进行预处理以消除N2O4本身颜色对比色的影响。

    The pretreatment of the N_2O_4 sample was adopted to eliminate the influence of N_2O_4 's color on the colorimetric .

  5. 目的通过对比色记录的统计分析,比较Vita比色板与宁波地区人群牙冠颜色的适应性及分布频率,并提出临床比色要点。

    Objective Through statistical analyses of color-matching records , the author compared the adaptability of Vita color tabs tooth color of the people living in Ningbo and the distribution frequency . The key points of clinical color matching were also given in the paper .

  6. 通过对比色条件进行优化得最佳条件:加热时间15min,加热温度60℃,显色剂用量0.7mL8%香草醛-冰乙酸。

    The suitable conditions for colorimetry were obtained by optimization of determination with the heating time of 15 min , the heating temperature of 60 ℃ and the quantity of 0.7 mL of 8 % Vanillin-acetic acid glacial .

  7. 有海浪波纹的黄白对比色戒指。

    Ring with ocean waves in contrasting white and yellow gold .

  8. 背景及色彩培训对比色效果的影响

    Effects of different color background and color training in color matching

  9. 对比色制造了一个有趣的视觉效果。

    The contrast colors create an interesting visual effect .

  10. 蚊子喜欢对比色及运动中的物体。

    Mosquitoes hone in on color contrast and movement .

  11. 这种缝型常用作装饰格调,使用的线是对比色。

    Frequently , for a decorative touch , a contrasting color thread is used .

  12. 常对比色皿进行校正。

    Frequent correction of color comparison dish .

  13. 营造对比色对比的颜色设计,像一个温暖、凉爽的颜色组合。

    Create contrasting colour designs with contrasting colours , like a warm and cool colour mix .

  14. 梵高已打破了所有的对比色定律来创作他举世公认的杰作。

    Van Gogh had broken all the laws of contrasting color theory to create his undisputed masterpiece .

  15. 本文根据光纤传感技术叙述了对比色法测温原理的研究及应用。

    This article narrates the research and application of colorimetric thermometry principle basing on optical fiber sensing technology .

  16. 运动外套由羊毛制成,领口与袖口分别饰有对比色条纹细节。

    The varsity jacket is crafted from wool and has contrast-coloured piping on the collar and at the cuffs .

  17. 暗条纹也是个绝佳之选,因为对比色会增加视觉深度。

    Also , it would be best to stick with darker stripes , because contrasting colors add more depth .

  18. 色度和浊度对比色法测定猪场废水中氨氮的干扰及消除方法研究

    The method of elimination of the interference of color and turbidity by the colorimetric determination of ammonia in swine wastewater

  19. 结果:切片色彩鲜丽,与其它组织对比色强烈,较纤细的网状纤维也能显示清晰。

    Results : Sections are more bright and colourful in comparison with other tissues and tenuous reticular fiber appear clearer .

  20. 交给了不同的所作的,但不是很漂亮,也很酷对比色至于男孩对女孩。

    Sergi 's works are done in different beautiful but not very contrast colors and are cool as for boy as for girl .

  21. 从而消除了由于样品混浊对比色测定的影响,在一定程度上提高了土壤全磷测定结果的精确度与准确度,方便了大批量的土壤全磷分析工作。

    And this can also enhance the accuracy and precision of the testing result in a certain degree and facilitate a large number of soil phosphorus analysis .

  22. 请确保对文字和背景使用对比色,以便在您预览或发送电子邮件时,文字看起来不会很模糊。

    Be sure to use contrasting colors for the text and background , so that the text does not look blurry when you preview or send the e-mail message .

  23. 对比色的展现如银色、色,或是更强烈的黑色,都让这一季的运动风展现秋冬的酷劲。

    Compare with the representing if silvery , white of color , or stronger black , let the sport wind of this season represent the cool strength of autumn and winter .

  24. 现在我们都用数码相机拍照,所以一切都是未加工的,你必须在拍摄后才决定照片要什么色调蓝色、绿色或红色是否要增加对比色,是要暗色还是亮色。

    Today we work digitally so everything is raw , and you have to determine if you want the picture blue , green , red , contrasting or not , dark or light .

  25. 色彩:在色彩的运用上突破了以往的高级灰色、写生色,采用的是表现性色彩,摆脱真实感的束缚和限制,大量运用对比色以及明亮的色彩。

    Color : a breakthrough in the use of color on the senior gray , write chromophore is expressive color , get rid of the constraints and limitations of realism , extensive use of contrasting colors and bright colors .

  26. 通过对比色测温法灵敏度温区特性和波比数判据的分析,讨论了比色波长的匹配原理,试图解决选择比色波长的理论依据。

    Through analyses of the temperature characteristics of sensitivity and the wavelength ratio criterion in the colorimetric method , the matching principle of colorimetric wavelength is discussed , in an attempt to give the theoretical foundation of the colorimetric wavelength selection .

  27. 以红、黄与白、青为两组对比色,分别代表中日两国不同的色彩审美意识,进一步剖析色彩与民族文化心理的内在联系,并以此为切入点,对中日民族性格进行比较。

    Taking two pairs of contrastive colors red and yellow , white and black respectively representing different aesthetic views of the two nations for example , this paper analyzes the interrelationship between colors and national cultural psychology , aiming to compare the Chinese and Japanese national characters .

  28. 在采访中,他穿着一件灰色衬衫,衬托他灰蓝色的双眼,他的办公室里也铺着灰色的地毯,他入迷地详细描述着印度尼西亚的大量对比色和花纹(他的妻子萨莫·曼[SummerMann]是画家)。

    In the interview , he wore a gray shirt that set off his gray-blue eyes in his gray-carpeted office , and spoke in ecstatic detail about the volume of contrasting colors and patterns in Indonesia . ( His wife , Summer Mann , is a painter . )

  29. 建立了面向色盲人群的色彩模型,实现面向色盲人群的对比选色;

    A color model for color blind is established to select color contrastively .

  30. 为了便于丰控系统控制扫描转换器的输出图像的亮度、对比度和色饱和度,扫描转换器提供了RS-422和RS-232两种通信方式。

    The scanning converter supplies two communicative ways : RS-422 and RS-232 . Through these ways the main controlling system controls the brightness , contrast , saturation of output pictures .