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jīn sè
  • golden;gold;aureate;glow
金色 [jīn sè]
  • [gold] 一种平均为深黄色的颜色

金色[jīn sè]
  1. 厚厚的金色鬈发垂在她的肩上。

    Thick golden curls tumbled down over her shoulders .

  2. 金色的阳光使大海如金子般闪闪发光。

    The golden light gilded the sea .

  3. 蓝布中交织着红色和金色的线。

    The blue fabric was interwoven with red and gold thread .

  4. 冉冉升起的太阳在田野中洒下金色的阳光。

    The rising sun casts a golden glow over the fields .

  5. 想象一下那长长的金色海滩吧,在那里你可以独自徜徉。

    Imagine long golden beaches where you can wander in solitude .

  6. 我一直都穿着米歇尔那件黑色和金色相间的衬衫。

    I 'd been wearing Michel 's black and gold shirt .

  7. 她是个留着金色长发的俏女郎。

    She was a striking woman with long blonde hair .

  8. 楼梯油漆成金色和土褐色。

    The stairs are decorated in golds and earthy browns .

  9. 这个日记本配有一支金色的圆珠笔。

    The diary comes complete with a gold-coloured ballpoint pen .

  10. 店面上方的招牌醒目地刷成了金色大字。

    The name is picked out in gold letters over the shop-front .

  11. 她身穿一件暴露的金色紧身连衣裙。

    She was wearing a tight and revealing gold dress .

  12. 这顶白色的帽子戴在她金色的卷发上显得非常雅致。

    On her blonde wavy hair , the white hat looked nicely prim .

  13. 在大厅灯光的照射下,她的头发闪着金色的光芒。

    In the light from the hall , her hair had a golden gleam .

  14. 她有一头金色的长发,但她用头巾包住了。

    She 's got long fair hair but she 's got a veil over it

  15. 他的鹰钩鼻上架着一副金色无框眼镜。

    On the bridge of his hooked nose was a pair of gold rimless spectacles .

  16. 那个婴儿有一头金色卷发。

    The baby had blond curls .

  17. 她的头发是金色还是深褐色?

    Was she blonde or brunette ?

  18. 那些壁龛用金色的星星作装饰,边缘则用漆绘着小一些的星星。

    The recesses are decorated with gold stars , with smaller stars painted along the edges .

  19. 一本题为《金色十三》的新书讲述了他们的故事。

    Their story is the subject of a new book titled ' The Golden Thirteen ' .

  20. 我们用金色和绿色的色调为房间平添了一种清爽的秋日感觉。

    We used shades of gold and green to give the room a fresh , autumnal look .

  21. 她用皮筋将金色长发扎在脑后。

    Her long fair hair was fastened at the nape of her neck by an elastic band .

  22. 我不想晒得黝黑,只想晒成一种漂亮的淡金色。

    I don 't want to be really really brown , just have a nice light golden colour .

  23. 看!太阳被笼罩在一片金色烟霞中。

    Look ! The sun is surrounded by a golden haze .

  24. 这个可爱的小男孩有一头金色鬈发。

    The lovely boy has blonde curls .

  25. 金色的阳光投射到平静的海面上。

    The sun cast its golden rays on the calm sea .

  26. 和风轻拂着田间金色的小麦。

    A soft breeze kissed the golden wheat in the fields .

  27. 她乔装打扮戴着金色假发和墨镜。

    She disguised herself with a blonde wig and dark glasses .

  28. 房间里充溢着温暖、金色的阳光。

    The room was flooded with warm and golden sunlight .

  29. 我们决定用蓝漆和一种金色纸装饰卧室。

    We decided to decorate the bedroom with blue paint and a gold paper .

  30. 百里油田沐浴着金色的朝晖。

    The vast oilfield was bathed in the golden rays of the morning sun .