
hán shī
  • cold-dampness;weather
寒湿 [hán shī]
  • (1) [weather] ∶寒冷空气和潮湿

  • 穿衣以御寒湿

  • (2) [cold-dampness]

  • (3) 病邪。致病则阻滞阳气的运行,血流不畅,发生肌肤疼痛、关节挛痹等症

  • (4) 病证,由于湿困脾胃,损伤脾阳,或患者平素脾肾阳虚而致水饮内停。可见畏寒肢冷、腹胀、泄泻或浮肿等症

寒湿[hán shī]
  1. 目的观察电热针治疗寒湿型坐骨神经痛的疗效。

    Objective To observe the curative effect of electrical acupuncture on ischiodynia of cold-dampness type .

  2. 瘀血质原发性痛经患者临床证候以寒湿凝滞证为主。

    The haemostasis constitution about primary dysmenorrhea patients ' clinical symptoms were cold-dampness stagnation ones . 3 .

  3. 白腻苔和黄腻苔在Hp感染中无差异,淡舌和Hp的感染有相关性,脾虚寒湿证和湿热蕴脾证在Hp感染中无显著差异。

    There is no difference between the teams of yellow greasy fur and white greasy fur at infection of HP but correlation existing in the team of pale tongue .

  4. 雌性鼠风寒湿CIA、风湿热CIA及雄性鼠单纯CIA组关节炎症积分与E2含量呈显著负相关。

    In the groups of WCD CIA and WDH CIA of female rats , CIA of male rats , there were significant negative correlation between the level of E 2 and the arthritis scores .

  5. 寒湿阻滞和气血阻滞两型无统计学意义(P0.05)。(5)治疗组的中医三大证型黄疸消退时间短于对照组,湿热郁蒸有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Alpine block and two block-type blood was no significant ( P 0.05 ) . ( 5 ) in the treatment group , the three major traditional Chinese medicine syndromes jaundice was shorter in the control group , there was significant heat steam Yu ( P0.05 ) .

  6. 目的:通过临床观察,观察隔物温和灸对于寒湿痹阻型类风湿关节炎患者关节功能、体液免疫指标的影响,并且观察该方法对RA的治疗效果。

    Through the clinical observation , observed that sticks to the gentle dampness certified resistance type with rheumatoid arthritis joint function , the influence of the humoral immune index , and the method to observe the therapeutic effect of RA . Methods : 1 .

  7. 结论藿砂口服液对D-IBS(寒湿型)具有良好的疗效和安全性,且对肠电节律有一定的负性调节作用。

    There was no occurrence of adverse event in the experiment . Conclusions : Huosha oral liquid is safe and efficacious for D-IBS and on the intestinal electrical rhythm has a negative regulatory role .

  8. 方法:在采用异硫氢酸苯酯(APIT)灌胃诱导大鼠肝损伤的基础上,结合中药大黄灌胃加寒湿环境因素,建立中医阴黄证黄疸动物模型。

    Materials and Methods : We got the animal model of TCM jaundice of Yin - Huang in rats , which lived in the damp and cold environment and ig .

  9. 加味乌头汤不同配伍治疗寒湿痹证的临床观察

    Wu-Tang Flavored Cold Treatment of Different Combinations of Clinical Observation Arthralgia

  10. 隔物灸治疗原发性痛经寒湿凝滞型的临床观察

    Indirect moxibustion in treatment of primary dysmenorrhea of cold-damp coagulation type

  11. 寒湿入营证治初探

    Exploration on The Treatment of Syndrome of Invasion of Clod-dampness into Ying Fen

  12. 其中各寒湿加病毒感染组的下降程度更为显著。

    Viral infection in which the decline in alpine is far more significant .

  13. 背景:寒湿痹颗粒主治寒湿痹阻证风湿病。

    BACKGROUND : Hanshibi granule indicates rheumatism due to blockage of cold and damp .

  14. 复方南星止痛膏治疗寒湿痹阻型膝骨性关节炎中医证侯积分研究

    Compound treatment of prolonged cold-damp obstruction type of knee osteoarthritis study of TCM points

  15. 寒湿型铜、镍升高,锌、锰含量降低。

    Cold dampness lithium , copper and nickel ascension , zinc and the manganese reduce .

  16. 所选病人中医辨证均属寒湿痹阻型。

    The selected patients TCM syndrome differentiation belong to the cold dampness bi resistance type .

  17. 抗风湿汤治疗寒湿阻络型类风湿性关节炎疗效优于对照组。

    The effective rate in the treatment group was superior to that in the control group .

  18. 寒湿透骨散治疗寒湿痹阻证类风湿关节炎随机对照多中心临床研究

    Clinical study on efficacy and safety of Han-Shi-Tou-Gu-San in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of cold-dampness syndrome

  19. 蠲痹膏及其配伍方治疗寒湿型强直性脊柱炎的临床研究

    Clinic Study on the Treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis of Cold-dampness Syndrome with Juan Bi Gao and Its Decomposed Recipe

  20. 了解类风湿性关节炎住院患者寒湿闭阻和湿热闭阻型实验室检查概况。

    To know in-hospital rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) patients lab tests on cold-damp block and damp-heat block types .

  21. 复方南星止痛膏敷脐治疗原发性痛经(寒湿凝滞型)的临床研究

    Clinic Research of Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea Using the Analgesic Plaster of Compound of Rhizoma Arisaematis by Sticking to the Navel

  22. 同时,吴氏首次将湿温、寒湿相提并论,可见他对寒湿的重视程度。

    Meanwhile , Wu compared damp heat and cold damp for the first time , showing his emphasis on cold damp .

  23. 目的:观察风湿骨痛胶囊对寒湿型风湿性疾病的治疗作用。

    Objective : To observe the therapeutic effects of Fengshi Gutong capsule ( FSGTC ) on rheumatic diseases with cold dampness syndrome .

  24. 肾阳虚还包括火不温土、阳虚水泛、肾经寒湿、肾虚寒凝。脾肾阳虚,湿热留恋三型较为多见。

    The third is kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency ; deficiency of spleen and kidney yang , dampness and heat retention .

  25. 治则为滋润补肾、活血祛风寒湿。

    Principle of treatment is to moist and nourish kidney , and to regulate blood circulation to expel wind , cold and dampness .

  26. 其研制成的龙鳖胶囊,对肾阳不足、寒湿阻络型的伤科痹证,疗效甚佳。

    Yan prepared the Longbie Capsule which possesses a satisfactory effect for bi-syndrome with insufficiency of kidney-yang and stagnation of cold-damp in collaterals .

  27. 目的:观察隔物灸治疗寒湿凝滞型原发性痛经的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the effect of ginger-partitioned moxibustion in the treatment of patients with primary dysmenorrhea ( PD ) of cold-damp stagnation type .

  28. 目的探讨散寒除湿汤治疗慢性寒湿型荨麻疹的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of San Han Chu Shi Tang ( SHCST ) decoction in the treatment of acute chronic urticaria .

  29. 在经过一段时间的气候不稳定之后,农民又面临着一个将近60年的寒湿气候。

    After a period of unstable climate , farmers had to face the climate of coldness and wetness , which lasted for nearly 60 years .

  30. 温肾散寒、化湿通络法治疗强直性脊柱炎肾虚寒湿证的临床研究

    The Clinical Research of Warming-Invigorating the Kidney and Dispelling Cold , Dredging the Collaterals by Resolving Damp for Treatment of Kidney-Asthenia Cold-Dampness of Ankylosing Spondylitis