
  • 网络missourian
  1. 去年,两个密苏里人被诊断为发烧头痛,这是这种疾病首次被记载。

    This infection was described for the first time last year after two Missouri men were hospitalized with fever and headaches .

  2. 马克。吐温是美国伟大的幽默家,是我们老家隔壁的密苏里州人,对吧?

    Mark Twain is that great American humorist from my neighboring state of Missouri , isn 't he ?

  3. 维克多·福盖特是密苏里州巴特勒人,他写信告诉我他几年前失业了,但现在他获得了一份学位并找到了一份全职工作。

    Victor Fugate , from Butler , Missouri , wrote to tell me that he was unemployed for a while a few years ago , but today he 's earned his degree and found a full-time job .