
  • 网络Compactness;Density;consistency;Dense Degree
  1. 基于AR谱估计的软土密实度瞬态锤击测试信号分析

    AR Spectral Estimation-based Signal Analysis on Measuring of Soft Soil Compactness by Instant Hammering Method

  2. 石灰石粉的晶核作用,促进了水泥的早期水化,在水泥石中形成大量的AFt,和C-S-H凝胶交织在一起,增加了混凝土的密实度;

    Limestone flour as germ accelerates the early stage hydration of cement . The formation of mass Aft which interlaces with C-S-H gel increases the compactness of concrete ;

  3. 通过表面处理和选择合适的树脂、溶剂、助剂、膨胀型阻燃剂等,制备出用于PP板表面的膨胀型阻燃涂料。该涂料发泡率和密实度均良好,对底材附着力强。

    A intumescent paints with good adhesion for PP board was prepared by proper choice of resins , solvents , additives and flame retardants etc.

  4. 论文还从提高混凝土的密实度方面入手,通过降低水灰比(W/C)进行研究,证明降低水灰比(W/C)能提高混凝土的耐腐蚀性能。

    This paper also deals with the concrete density , from which a conclusion is draw that the reduction of W / C can improve the concrete corrosion-proof performance .

  5. 接着我们利用CPM模型分析了不同粒径不同掺量的颗粒对颗粒混合物体系堆积密实度的影响。

    The influence of particle distribution and volumetric content on packing density is studied using CPM .

  6. 通过室内实验掌握格栅与土间的界面作用效应,以及填料在不同密实度、不同含水率情况下填料的c、?值的变化,找出变化规律,从而得到相关模拟计算参数。

    Experimental control through indoor grille and the interface between the role of the effect of soil , As well as the packing density in different , under different moisture conditions change in the value of packing c 、?

  7. 研究结果表明:Aim和Goff模型能方便直观地得到水泥二元体系的堆积密实度;

    The studies have shown that : The Aim and Goff model can get the packing density of mineral powder-cement system conveniently ;

  8. 对防渗要求较高的大体积混凝土工程,通过在混凝土中引入FEA混凝土膨胀剂,以提高混凝土自身密实度;

    For mass concrete project with high request of anti-permeability , the self-density of concrete can be enhanced through the introduce of FEA concrete expansive agent ;

  9. 施工期原材料的检测,施工质量Vc值、拌和时间、机口抽检碾压砼的力学指标、铺料、碾压、密实度等检测成果。

    The instrumentation results are obtained in check of raw and processed materials , value Vc of construction quality , mixing time , mechanic index of RCC sampled from the outlet of batch mixer , spreading , compaction , degree of compaction .

  10. 针对目前铁路工程地质勘察数据CAD软件在辅助用户进行试样密实度判别、土层湿度分层与密实度分层等方面存在的不足,开发了铁路工程地质勘察数据处理辅助系统。

    Aimed at the lack of the railway engineering geology reconnaissance data CAD software that could assistant users to distinguish close-grained degree of samples and to delaminate humidity layers and close-grained degree layers of soil , etc. The authors developed the Railway Engineering Geology Reconnaissance Data Manage Assistant System .

  11. 同时,用Photoshop图形处理软件,运用有关像素亮度值的统计信息,对劈裂面的密实度和平整度进行了评价。

    Using software tool of Photoshop image processing , the compactness and planeness of the fracture surface of bond splitting tensile specimens are evaluated by statistic information of the picture element on luminance value .

  12. 锚杆锚固质量的超声应力波法(USW)检测,包括锚杆长度检测和灌浆密实度检测。

    The Ultrasonic Stress Wave ( USW ) Method for bolt bonding integrity includes detecting length of bolt and detecting degree of grouting compaction of bolt Bonding .

  13. 通过现场试验,结合分析前人的研究成果,论证了用静力触探的锥尖阻力Qc来评价台背回填砂的相对密实度是可行的。

    Field test and analysis based on former study results of others have proved the feasibility of evaluating the relative density of coarse sand filled in the back of bridge and culvert by applying the cone resistance of the static cone penetration .

  14. 坝基含卵砾中粗砂振冲加密试验与施工原河床上部平均5m地层结构松散,均需采用振冲加密法进行处理,才能达到设计要求的密实度。

    The structure of the stratum with the thickness of about 5 m above the original riverbed is quite loose and then has to be treated by the vibroflotation compaction , so as to meet the compactness required by the design .

  15. 本文首先根据紧密堆积Andreasen方程对多元粉体体系粒度分布进行计算,根据Aim和Goff模型计算了粉体颗粒体系堆积密实度。

    The tests of standard using water ratio can reflect the existence of the dense packing phenomenon directly , First , calculated the Particle-Size-Distribution of multi-powders based the dense packed Andreasen equation , then , calculated the packing density based Aim and Goff model .

  16. 碎石土密实度综合评判的新方法

    A New Comprehensive Evalution Method of Solid Degree of Spall Soil

  17. 地质雷达在节段梁注浆密实度检测中的应用

    Application of Geological Radar in Testing Grouting compactness of Subsection Beam

  18. 新疆沙漠砂密实度划分研究

    Study of delimiting methods of desert sand compactness in Xinjiang region

  19. 软土地区土密实度瞬态锤击测试及分析方法研究

    A Study on Density Measuring of Soft Subsoil by Instant Hammering Method

  20. 瑞雷波法在路基密实度无损检测中的应用

    Application of Rayleigh wave test to the subgrade compactness detection

  21. 基于神经网络模型的土密实度确定方法研究

    Study on Method for Determining Soil Compactness Based on Neural Networks Model

  22. 土密实度瞬态振动测试的分析方法研究

    Study on Signal Analysis Method of Instant Vibration Testing for Soil Compactness

  23. 三种摊铺机摊铺的沥青混凝土路面平整度、密实度比较

    Comparison of the Level and Compact Degree of Three Asphalt Concrete Pavers

  24. 瞬态振动法测试土密实度的神经网络模型

    ANN Model for Determination of Soil Compactness Tested by Instant Vibration Method

  25. 综合物探在高速公路路基密实度检测中的应用

    Application of integrated geophysical methods on the checking of density of roadbed

  26. 振动荷载及动水力对下层土体密实度影响较静力荷载明显。

    Vibrating load and dynamic waterpower compacts soil obviously than static load .

  27. 砌块成型机的振动对砌块密实度的影响

    Effect of Block Forming Machine Vibration on Block Compactness

  28. 砂垫层密实度评定指标和检测方法及标准

    Evaluative targets for compacted density of sand layer and it testing methods standards

  29. 混凝土密实度的雷达检测方法

    Ground penetrating radar in testing the compactness of concrete

  30. 增加沥青摊铺机摊铺密实度技术改造方案

    Technical reformation scheme to improve spreading density of asphalt-spreader