
gōng xíng
  • castration;punishment of castration
宫刑 [gōng xíng]
  • [punishment of castration] 古时一种残酷肉刑,阉割生殖器。又称腐刑

  • 诟莫大于宫刑。--汉. 司马迁《报任安书》

宫刑[gōng xíng]
  1. 后因李陵事件蒙冤,被处以宫刑。

    Unfortunately , Sima Qian was involved in the Li Ling Affair which offended the emperor , who sentenced him to castration .

  2. 本文在查阅历史文献的基础上,就我国古代宫刑的产生、发展、消亡进行一些探讨。

    In this paper , based on access to historical documents , ancient China castration 's production , development , and extinction are discussed .