- 网络The set of real numbers;real number set

Construct n-order differentiable function with compact support in set of real numbers
Chaotic system is very sensitive to the initial value and ergodicity on the set of real numbers as well as long-term unpredictability , thus the chaotic sequence has good cryptographic properties .
A class of topology on real number set r-sequence topology and some properties
ⅲ 、 The paper proves : 1 . The measure of the standard real number set R is equal to 0 ;
In this paper , a graphical method is proposed for realizing the four fuzzy fundamental operations of operator (· v ) in real number field R.
Finally , a sufficient condition which can decide whether there exists a homomorphism between a qualitative reasoning system and R ( real number set ) is presented .
This paper shows that the power mean is ( monotonic ) increasing about K on the set of real number using the inequation . Based on this the authors expand the concept of average .
Besides having some important properties of real number set , which myope topology possesses , in fuzzy number set , it has other good properties .
In this paper , the robustness of the n / 2 / P / C_ ( m ɑ x ) scheduling problem is studied by using a property of Abelian semi-group which containing identity element on the real number set R ~ + .
The Structure of a Transformation Group on the Set of Real Numbers
The supremum axiom of the reals refers to subsets of the reals and is therefore a second-order logical statement .
Fuzzy variables are mathematical descriptions for fuzzy phenomena , and are de-fined as functions from a possibility space to the set of real numbers .
The Real Number Completeness should be highlighted from the completely recognized theory of the real number collection to the explanation of a series of definitions in the Real Number Theory .
In addition , the use of non-negative real numbers as time domain enables us to express hiding of variables as standard existential quantification and express the relation of refinement between reactive systems as implications between logic formulas .
The paper developed similarity measure of real number vague sets based on score function to i-v Vague sets by using the mean of interval number and Hausdorff metric respectively , and compare the advantage and disadvantage of different methods .
Generalized Fuzzy Real Number s and Level Sets
The relationship between the generalized fuzzy real number and its level set is studied .
The relationship between the generalized fuzzy real number and its level set is established and some properties concerned are proved .
Based on the usual fuzzy real number s , the concept of generalized fuzzy real number and its level set is introduced . The partial order and the operations of these numbers such as sum , minus , product and division are also defined .
The Evolution of the General Julia Sets for Negative Real Index Number
The Overlapping Embedment Topology Distribution Theorem of the Generalized J Sets for Real Index Number
The Role Played in Teaching by Real Number Background of Point Set Topology
The internal structures images of the general Mandelbrot sets for positive integer index number are symmetry and fractal .
The researches showed the following results : ( 1 ) The internal structure images of the general Mandelbrot sets for negative real index number have the fractal feature .