- 网络rotational invariance;rotation-invariance;rotation invariance

On the Rotational Invariance of the INDO Method Including f Orbitals into the Basis Set
One novel labeled delay diversity structure was proposed for the V-BLAST OFDM system , which could elegantly introduce the rotational invariance property into the V-BLAST OFDM system .
Processed by Fourier operator , feature vectors become rotation-invariant , whose dimensions are reduced at the same time .
Rotation Invariant Analysis Approach to Texture Image Classification Based on Radon Transform and Bispectrum Analysis
A wavelet moment invariants is deduced and a new algorithm of wavelet moment based on FFT is proposed .
R transform is insensitive to the noise and cavity and it is robustness . R transform is invariant under translation and scaling but variant under rotation .
Rotation invariance of Zernike moment and estimation of rotation angles
Getting the Rotation Invariant Features by Using Zernike Moments
Step two , get the image 's rotation invariant features using Zernike moments .
Hong ' article gives many excellent characteristics of the singular values extracted from an image matrix , and reaches the conclusion that the singular values are invariant to rotation .
An OPR System with Rotation-Invariance Theory and CGH Filtering
Rotation invariance features of Zernike moments is analyzed and used to identify the rotation targets .
Zernike moment is invariable when image rotates and it is orthogonal , so it is suitable as invariant feature of the image .
Zernike polynomials were selected in this algorithm based on its orthogonality and completeness , and the rotation invariance of complex moment amplitude .
The improved Zernike moment has not only rotation invariance , but also scale invariance that the original Zernike moment does not have .
Zernike moments are widely used in the fields of pattern recognition and image analysis due to their good properties such as orthogonality and rotation invariance .
By exploiting the above rotational invariance property , one blind estimation scheme of multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) frequency-selective fading wireless channels was derived for the downlink V-BLAST OFDM system .
The whole procedure includes extraction of rotation-invariant features , smoothing of these features , initial segmentation based on three-layered neural networks , and extensive segmentation using multi-valued Boltzmann machines .
After the moving of the robot , we searched for a matching point between the image sequences , and the feature extracted had the properties of scale-invariants and rotation-invariants .
With the invariant performance of SIFT descriptors , the algorithm calculates DCT coefficients in 9 × 9 neighborhood of key-points and chooses a part of coefficients in middle frequency domain to proceed watermark embedding .
The experimental result on cultural relic image database shows that SIFT feature is not only invariant to rotation and scale variation but also has good retrieval performance on cultural relic images with complex edge .
Compared to the standard SIFT descriptor , SVD-SIFT and GOS is basically preserved the good characteristics of the original SIFT descriptor with scale invariance . rotation invariance .
The local Zernike moments makes the watermark more robust to rotation attacks than the global moments . The watermark is also robust to scaling as well as regular attacks such as JPEG compression and added noises .
As Z image is made up of many color clustering regions and method of moments is used for feature representation , our approach is robust , and of 2D invariance in translation , scale and rotation , while time consumption pixel by pixel can be avoided .
To achieve rotation invariant features , we use the mean of energies and standard deviations of all subbands at each NSCT scale .
In this paper , using a new feature extraction method-based on 2-D Log-Gabor sub-band image segmentation method , applied this method to make the dimension of the iris signature greatly reduced , and the image with rotation invariance .
The results of experiments show that the algorithm of scene matching based on RPFT is not only rotation invariant , but also more robustness and has a higher matching accuracy .
From this algorithm , a rotation-invariant descriptor called VD2 , which can simultaneously provide common features among models in the same class and differential features among models in different classes , is generated .
In this paper , a new method of processing codes was proposed , which enabled the Minimize Sum Statistical Direction Code ( MSSDC ) based on Freeman chain code to be invariant to the origin and rotating , and also enabled the direction entropy to be invariant to scaling .
In this paper , Truesdell derivative is applied into large strain consolidation constitutive relation , which take consideration of the influence of rigidity rotation and deformation , and which makes the theory objective in a wide range .