
  • 网络Livable city;liveable city;Best places to live
  1. 国际视域下的重庆宜居城市道路建设

    Road Construction of Chongqing as a Livable City from the International View

  2. 宜居城市居民休闲生活的代际比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Leisure of the Livable City among Generations

  3. 根据就业咨询公司美世(Mercer)公布的2015年排行榜,上海甚至未能跻身前100座全球最宜居城市之列。

    Shanghai did not even make it into the top 100 of the world 's most liveable cities , according to 2015 rankings from Mercer , the employment consultants .

  4. 快速的城市化进程需要科学的城市发展思路来指导,宜居城市正是在这样的背景下应运而生的。

    Rapid urbanization process requires scientific urban development philosophy to guide .

  5. 宜居城市有宏观和微观两个层面的含义。

    Livable cities have two meanings on the macro and micro levels .

  6. 关于宜居城市的拙见韶关市区居民体育消费调查研究

    Investigation on Sports Consumpition of the Resident in Shaoguan City

  7. 北京市宜居城市与土地资源利用探讨

    The Construction of Beijing Into an Amenity City and Its Land Resources

  8. 宜居城市目标下广州绿地系统规划探索

    Guangzhou green space plan for the target of livable city

  9. 城市发展和规划的目标是要建设宜居城市。

    The livable city is a goal for urban development and planning .

  10. 建设宜居城市有关问题的探讨&以秦皇岛市为例

    The Related Problems of Building the Livable City in Qinhuangdao

  11. 对宜居城市判定标准的分析

    A Analysis on the Standards of Judging the Livable City

  12. 对宜居城市建设的思考&从国际宜居城市竞赛谈宜居城市建设实践

    Livable City Practices Based on Competition of the International Awards for Livable Communities

  13. 关于宜居城市的理论探讨

    A study on the theory of the livable city

  14. 由龙王台风所引发的宜居城市环境问题反思

    Considerations upon livable urban environment arousing by typhoon Longwang

  15. 中国明日的宜居城市规划研究

    Research on the Lodgeable City Planning for Tomorrow China

  16. 温哥华荣膺世界最宜居城市,请来温哥华观光和享受吧。

    Come and enjoy Vancouver , famously rated the world 's most liveable city .

  17. 宜居城市与北京城市居住适宜性评价

    Amenity City and Evaluation on Beijing City

  18. 北京生态与宜居城市评价及建设途径探讨

    Evaluation and Discuss of Constructive Approach of Beijing , Eco-city and Urban suitable For Living

  19. 尽管如此,按照宜居城市的标准来衡量,上海的声誉远非一流。

    Still , Shanghai 's reputation as a place to live is far from stellar .

  20. 最后结合实际的适宜性评价结果,从宜居城市建设角度对北京城市的发展提出对策建议。

    Finally , some solutions and suggestions are provided for the construction of Beijing amenity city .

  21. 慢行交通系统建设是创建生态宜居城市的重要内容,城市注重快速交通发展的同时,不能忽视为自行车和步行提供便利的慢行交通。

    The construction of Slow Mode Transportation System is an important part to create Eco Livable City .

  22. 宜居城市与城市旅游的互动研究&以浙江省金华市为例

    The interactive research about " desirable city " and urban travel & take Jinhua Zhejiang for example

  23. 进入最宜居城市榜单前五的城市还有昆明、三亚、大连和威海。

    The other four cities among the top 5 are Kunming , Sanya , Dalian and Weihai .

  24. 重庆宜居城市建设中的法律保障体系探析

    On the Legal Protection System ( LPS ) for the Construction of a Livable City in Chongqing

  25. 宜居城市是城市发展的高级阶段,体现了以人为本的精神。

    Livability city is the advanced moment of urban development , which reflects the spirit of human oriented .

  26. 本文作者认为宜居城市就是适宜居民生活和工作的城市。

    The author of this article thinks that Livable City is the city for life and the work .

  27. 宜居城市是由自然物质环境和社会人文环境相互交织、融合形成的一个复杂巨系统。

    The livable city is a comprehensive system which is composed of natural and humanistic environment and social environment .

  28. 近十年来我国优秀宜居城市城市化与城市人居环境协调发展评价

    Assessment on the Coordination between Urban Human Settlements and Urbanization of Outstanding Liable Cities in China in Recent Decade

  29. 城市发展是一个不断持续的过程,城市人口的急剧增长和污染的不断加剧使得建设生态宜居城市成了城市发展的必然选择。

    Population and increasing pollution , building ecological and livable city has become an inevitable choice for urban development .

  30. 城市化、生态城市、宜居城市、紧凑城市、旧城改建等成为热门话题。

    Urbanization , ecological city , living-suitable city , compact city , old city renovation are the hot topic .