
dìnɡ qī hánɡ bān
  • scheduled flight
  1. 定期航班、服务等。

    A scheduled flight , service , etc.

  2. 定期航班的数量正让空中交通指挥系统不堪重负。

    The volume of scheduled flights is straining the air traffic control system

  3. 泛美航空公司开通了第一条国际定期航班线路。

    Pan Am inaugurated the first scheduled international flight .

  4. 加拿大航空公司及其地区性分公司jazz每天平均运营1300个定期航班。

    Air Canada and its regional affiliate Jazz operate 1300 scheduled flights each day on average .

  5. 世界上最大的客机“空客A380”昨日降落北京首都国际机场,这是其首次执飞从迪拜到中国的定期航班。

    The world 's largest passenger jet , the Airbus A380 , has made its maiden voyage to China yesterday , landing at Beijing Capital International Airport from Dubai .

  6. 飞往雅典的定期航班6时起飞。

    The regular flight to Athens leaves at 6:00 .

  7. 去雅典的定期航班早晨6点起飞。

    The regular flight to Athens leaves at 06:00 .

  8. 他乘定期航班去了赫尔辛基。

    He left for Helsinki on a scheduled fight .

  9. 乙:好,那是我们去东京的定期航班。

    B : Oh , yes , that 's our regular flight to Tokyo .

  10. 定期航班通航国际及地区城市

    International & Regional City Connections of Scheduled Fights

  11. 根据“澳大利亚人”报道,一架定期航班最近遭遇一次飞行中的严重颠簸。

    According to " The Australian ," an airliner recently encountered severe vibration in flight .

  12. 定期航班通航国内城市

    Domestic City Connections of Scheduled Flights

  13. 但目前,这些对跖点间都没有直达的民航定期航班。

    There are no non-stop scheduled flights between any two antipodal locations by commercial airline service .

  14. 2013年,有31亿名乘客乘坐国际或者国内的定期航班,其中有173人死于事故。

    In 2013 , 3.1bn passengers took a scheduled international or domestic flight . Of those , 173 died in an accident .

  15. 定期航班通航国内城市介绍国外客车概况及先进技术,并阐述我国城市客车的发展趋势。

    This paper discusses the status and advanced technique of foreign buses , then introduces the development trend of the domestic city buses .

  16. 机场在1920年启用的时候,开始了定期航班的运营,将乘客、邮件和货物运往巴黎、阿姆斯特丹和鹿特丹。

    When the airport opened in1920 , scheduled flights were introduced , carrying passengers , mail and freight to paris , Amsterdam and rotterdam .

  17. 航空公司的平均载客率座位使用的百分比去年上升到了82.8%,是1945年以来定期航班载客率的最高水平。

    The average airline load factor the percentage of seats filled rose to 82.8 % last year , the highest for scheduled air service since 1945 .

  18. 此外,在为客户提供最为方便的定期航班和轻松转机的同时,葡萄牙航空公司还为其提供了多种更灵活的选择。

    Thus , TAP offers customers an extended and highly flexible choice while providing them with the most convenient scheduled flights and easy connectivity onto further distant destinations .

  19. 欧盟规定,在往返欧洲的航线上,禁止采取班轮公会的形式,而以往定期航班的运营商们常常通过班轮公会来讨论运力管理和定价。

    The rules ban the use on routes to and from Europe of liner conferences , in which operators of scheduled shipping services used to discuss capacity and pricing .

  20. 一家空运企业就代理人为定期航班的运输出售的客票或填开的货运单支付给代理人的代理手续费。

    The rate of commission paid by an airline to an agent in respect of tickets sold or air waybills completed by that agent for carriage on scheduled services .

  21. 上周末签署的第二份协议《海峡两岸空运补充协议》将扩大两岸之间去年才开通的直飞航班,从每周108班次包机航班增至270班次定期航班。

    A second agreement signed this weekend expands direct flights across the Taiwan Strait , which only began last year , from 108 chartered flights to 270 scheduled flights a week .

  22. 萧山国际机场是华东地区第二大国际机场也是国内重要干线机场、重要旅游城市机场和国际定期航班机场,是上海浦东国际机场的主备降机场。

    It is the major domestic airport known as main tourist destination airport and regular international flights airport , which is also the main alternate airport of Shanghai Pudong International Airport .

  23. 一家空运企业为在定期航班上运输旅客及其行李所收取的票价和对此种运输辅助服务的费用和条件;

    The fare charged by an airline for the carriage of passengers and their baggage on scheduled air services and the charges and conditions for the services ancillary to such carriage ;

  24. 但是最显著的变化发生在航空业,定期航班航线里程840万公里,比1950年末增长734倍。

    But the most dramatic change has taken place in air travel , with the total length of scheduled flights reaching 8.4 million kilometers , 734 times higher than the distance traveled by air in 1950 .

  25. 货运和客运航空承运人,经营包机、期航班和非定期航班,以及湿租业务。这家航空公司只办理货运业务,没有客运服务。

    Cargo and passenger air carrier . Operates charters worldwide ; scheduled and non-scheduled flights ; wet lease ; provides customers with efficient , flexible , and reliable services . This aircraft company deals with freight only ; it has no passenger service .

  26. 越南航空北京办公室的一名雇员接到记者的询问电话后称,周末以来预定中国飞越南航班的乘客数量减少了多达90%,该公司已经取消了部分飞往越南的定期航班。

    Reached by phone , an employee at the Beijing office of Vietnam Airlines said the airline was canceling some of its regularly scheduled flights to Vietnam , as such bookings from China have dropped by up to 90 % since the weekend .

  27. 如果航空业规范优质服务和公平交易多年来一直是一个让人为难的问题,而现在的风险则更高了。航空公司的平均载客率——座位使用的百分比——去年上升到了82.8%,是1945年以来定期航班载客率的最高水平。

    How to regulate good service and fair dealings , if at all , has been a quandary for years . But stakes are higher now . The average airline load factor -- the percentage of seats filled -- rose to 82.8 % last year , the highest for scheduled air service since 1945 .

  28. 昨日早些时候,中国国际航空(airchina)宣布将于7月4日开通北京至台北和高雄的定期直航航班。

    Earlier yesterday , Air China announced the start of regular direct flights from Beijing to Taipei and Kaohsiung from July 4 .

  29. 定期直达航班运输比较安全可靠些。

    Transportation by regular direct sailing is safer and more reliable .

  30. 在北安大略提供定期客运航班服务和加拿大包机服务。

    Scheduled passenger service throughout northern Ontario , Charter service across Canada .