
  • 网络orientation;Orientation functions
  1. 用FANUC数控系统实现主轴任意位置的定向功能

    Realizing Spindle Random Location Orientation Function Using FANUC NC System

  2. 然后对由不同的卫星之间构成的双差载波相位方程的解析解取交集,从而完成定向功能。

    The analytical solution for the satellite carrier phase double difference equations between different compositions can realize the orientation function . 4 .

  3. 1.5TMRI对立体定向功能神经外科靶点定位影响的研究

    Study of Effect of 1.5T MRI on Localization of Stereotactic Intracranial Target

  4. 基于此平台运行的各应用模块不仅可以相互间实现紧密集成,并能够基于平台资源定向功能实现应用的网络分布和Web化访问,且对国产数据库应用提供专门支持。

    All application modules based on this platform can integrate closely , which provides a network distributed application directional navigating based on the platform resource directional function and visiting from web browser , and provides particular support for homemade DBMS .

  5. 立体定向功能性神经外科不可见靶点的坐标计算方法软件

    Software for Computing the Coordinates of the Empirical Targets in Stereotactic Functional Neurosurgery

  6. 全球化视野下的人文教育价值定向功能

    The Value-Oriented Function of Humanistic Education under Globalization

  7. 立体定向功能神经外科的发展趋势

    The development tendency of stereotactic and functional neurosurgery

  8. 理时空执行着整合的任务。所以,审美态度具有三种功能:动机功能、定向功能和整合功能。

    So the aesthetic attitude has three functions of motive , direction and arranging .

  9. 目的推导并验证立体定向功能性神经外科不可见靶点坐标计算的方法,并将其软件化。

    Objective A software for computing the coordinates of the empirical targets in stereotactic functional neurosurgery was designed and tested .

  10. 从齿轮传动的机械原理上分析及证明了该机构的机械定向功能;

    The mechanical orientating function of the new orientating structure is analyzed based on the mechanical principle of gear transmission .

  11. 整个验证将定向功能测试和指令集随机测试有机地结合起来,迅速定位了设计中多个难以发现的错误。

    The whole verification integrated directed functional test and ISS random test into one flow , and located several ordinarily hard-to-discover bugs effectively .

  12. 此次大会的成功召开必将大大推动亚洲乃至世界立体定向功能性和计算机辅助神经外科的发展。

    The successful holding of this meeting certainly will boost the development of three-dimensional directional function and computer-aided neurosurgery in Asia and even the world .

  13. 其对外功能是指对周围环境的影响和改造,对内功能主要有行为动力功能、自我调控功能和价值定向功能。

    The outside function of it is its influence and rectification to the surroundings , while its inside function mainly includes function of behavior power , function of self - control and function of value orientation .

  14. 基于目标在管理活动中重要作用的系统分析,凝练出目标管理的五大心理功能,即定向功能、控制功能、激励功能、凝聚功能和反馈功能。

    The five psychological functions of the management by objectives have been obtained based on the systematic analysis of the importance of objectives in administration , namely , direction function , control function , encouragement function , cohesive function and feedback function .

  15. 单向混合淋巴细胞培养的MTT比色分析结果为导向毒细胞的定向杀伤功能和供体淋巴细胞胸腺注射的T细胞克隆衰减功能提供了细胞学证据。

    The results of MTT colorimetric assay after one way mixed lymphocytes co culture provided the cellular evidence in vitro .

  16. 立体定向和功能性神经外科杂志

    Chinese Journal of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

  17. 而定向网络功能无差异。肥大细胞的功能

    There was no deficit in the orienting network between the young and the older people . Function of the Mast Cells

  18. 法律思维对于法律文化的形成起着中介的作用,其思维倾向对于文化特色的蕴育有着定向的功能。

    Legal thinking is a medium in the formation of legal culture , whose thinking tendency plays an orientational function in the fostering of cultural features .

  19. 接着运用问卷调查的方法分析了品牌客户对于无线营销的需求,得出最受重视的无线营销服务特性分别是精准定向、功能全面、高度创新、优质服务、用户行为分析、低价和媒体覆盖广泛。

    Then the thesis analyzed the brands requirement in mobile marketing through survey . The finding is that the most recognized features are accurate targeting , full-function , creativity , service , customer behavior analysis , price and wide media coverage .

  20. 趋化因子是由白细胞分泌的一类可诱导的分子量为7~10Kd的小分子促炎因子,通过与靶细胞膜上特定的受体相结合调节细胞的活化、分化和定向迁移等功能。

    Chemokines are chemotactic cytokines that regulate the activation , differentiation , and migration of leukocytes by binding to specific cell surface receptors on target cells .

  21. 研究结果表明,光子晶体波导之间的耦合遵循普通介质波导耦合的一般规律,有定向耦合的功能;

    Results indicate : photonic crystals waveguide coupling follows general regulation of conventional dielectric waveguide coupling .

  22. 法律传统在法律实践与法律发展中具有积淀、指引、整合、定向四种功能。

    It has accumulative , indicative , integrative and directive function in the practice and development of law .

  23. 中间过程主要包括造血干细胞的自我更新,定向分化和功能成熟,而每个步骤涉及众多复杂的调控过程。

    The main program involves self-renewal , directionally differentiation and functions maturity hematopoietic stem cells , and contains numerous complex regulated process .

  24. 仿真结果表明,改变耦合线间距和耦合线宽度,可改变耦合线的耦合系数,从而实现可重构定向耦合器的功能。

    The simulated results show that the reconfigurable couplers can be realized by changing the distance between the coupled lines and the width of the coupled lines .

  25. 本次供应链信息化管理系统具有定向开发的功能特点,系统具有能适应目前快速、准确、灵活、多变的市场需求等优势。

    The supply-chain information management system has directed the development of features , the system has to adapt to the current rapid , accurate , flexible , changing market demand and other advantages . 2 .

  26. MRI引导立体定向开颅切除脑功能区病灶

    MRI guided stereotactic cranial trephination for the removel of the lesion in eloquent brain

  27. 方法:运用ANT测查76名中国成人注意网络的警觉、定向和执行控制功能。

    Methods : The study has used " ANT " to examine 76 normal Chinese adults and analysed the effect on alerting , orienting and executive attention .

  28. OTS自组装单层膜诱导定向生长SrTiO3功能陶瓷薄膜

    Orientation Growth of SrTiO_3 Functional Ceramic Thin Film Directed by OTS Self-Assembled Monolayer

  29. 最新推出的Dylan男表与Bradshaw女表拥有通知、地图以及语音定向谷歌探索等功能,其零售价为329英镑,比analogue系列腕表大约贵100英镑。

    The new Dylan andBradshaw models include features such as notification functions , maps , and avoice-directed Google search facility . It will retail for £ 329 - about £ 100more than the analogue version

  30. 立体定向放射外科治疗功能区顽固性癫痫

    Stereotactic radiosurgery treatment on focal functional area for intractable epilepsy