
  • 网络kobo abe;Abe Kobo;kobe abe
  1. 笔者在论文中以安部公房的小说文本为研究依据,在论文结构上形成疏离主题与归属主题对照论证的两大体系。

    Based on the novel text of Kobo Abe as the research basis , the thesis writer has formed two big theme comparison demonstration systems of " Alienation " and " Attribution " .

  2. 而安部公房的独创性就在于,他勾画出了人的行为由平庸的生存性行为向存在性行为转变的富有特色的可能模式。

    Abe Kobo 's creativity lies in the possibility of change from subsistent behavior to existential behavior , which is expressed in his works .

  3. 安部公房著述颇丰,小说取得重大成就的同时,戏剧也在日本文坛占有重要的一席之地。

    His novels have made significant achievement . At the same time , the dramas also occupy an important place in Japanese literary world .