
  • 网络Anxi;An Khe;Ann Kway;Annecy
  1. 本试验结果还表明,安溪油柿叶的最适萎凋时间为6h,以该萎凋柿叶为材料,可以研制成一种色、香、味俱佳的柿叶保健茶。

    Our study indicated that withering persimmon leaf for 6 hours at ambient temperature could yield a healthy tea product with desirable color , aroma and flavor .

  2. 安溪茶园土壤微生物PLFA标记分析及群落结构变化动态的研究

    The Analysis of PLFA Biomarkers and Study on Dynamic of Microbial Community Structure in Anxi Tea Garden Soil

  3. 以银染法AFLP分子标记技术用5对引物组合对来自福建武夷山市、安溪县、台湾省和广东潮安县45份乌龙茶品种资源进行遗传多样性分析。

    Genetic diversity in 45 Oolong germplasms collected from three provinces , Fujian , Guangdong and Taiwan was evaluated by AFLP fingerprinting based on silver staining technique using 5 primer combinations .

  4. 茶业是安溪的特色优势产业。

    Tea industry is the characteristic of competitive industries in Anxi .

  5. 安溪县桥梁建筑与技术分析

    Analysis of Architectural and Technology of Bridges of Anxi County

  6. 该平台对安溪茶业信息化建设具有一定的实用意义。

    It had practical significance in tea information of Anxi .

  7. 安溪油柿柿叶的营养成分分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of Nutritional Components of ' Anxi ' Persimmon Leaves

  8. 小安溪大桥箱梁悬浇施工控制

    Construction Control for Suspended Casting Box Girder on Xiao ' anxi Bridge

  9. 安溪油柿叶保健茶的加工工艺

    Processing Technology of ' Anxi persimmon leaves ' Health Tea

  10. 安溪茶文化旅游开发研究

    The Research on Tourism of Tea Culture in Anxi

  11. 福建省安溪县食管癌的遗传流行病学研究

    A Genetic Epidemiology Study of Esophageal Cancer in Anxi County , Fujian Province

  12. 安溪县地质灾害防治工作有特色

    A good way of prevention and control of geological hazards in Anxi County

  13. 福建平和安溪火山侵入杂岩区金的区域地球化学特征

    Regional gold geochemical characteristics of pinghe & anxi volcanic-intrusive complex area in Fujian Province

  14. 云和县安溪小流域治理&河道治理技术探讨

    Technique of river regulation for small watershed treatment of Anxi river in Yunho county

  15. 安溪铁观音的产销行为与可持续发展的研究

    Study on The Production , Marketing and Sustainable Development of Anxi Tie Guan Yin

  16. 福建安溪茶农闲暇生活及其质量实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Leisure Life of Tea Farmers in Anxi County of Fujian Province

  17. 安溪县山地茶园产业化经营的研究

    A Study on the Industrialized Management of Tea Gardens in Mountainous Regions of Anxi County

  18. 三复合外加剂混凝土在万安溪面板坝的应用

    Application of Concrete with a Composite of Three Admixtures in Wan'anxi concrete Face Rockfill Dam

  19. 论茶叶的创名牌&安溪乌龙茶创名牌的启示

    A discussion on establishing a brand of tea & The enlightenment from Anxi oolong tea

  20. 福建安溪圆潭茶文化园设计札记

    Notes on the Design of Tan Tea Cultural Garden in An Xi Yuan , Fujian

  21. 第8章对安溪县茶叶安全生产的典型案例进行分析。

    In Chapter 8 , the typical case of safe production of Anxi tea was analyzed .

  22. 安溪县学业中等生成就目标倾向与心理健康状况关系的研究

    Research on the Relations Between Achievement Goals Orientation and Psychological Health Status For Average-achieving Students in Anxi

  23. 福建省安溪县矿山地质灾害防治对策浅谈

    Strategies for preventing from and controlling of geological disasters in the mines of anxi , fujian Province

  24. 安溪县实施新型农村合作医疗的运行绩效分析

    The Analysis of the Application Achievements of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Treatment Implemented in Anxi County

  25. 岩崩的成因分析与治理方法研究&以安溪县金溪公路为例

    Analysis on causes of rockfall and its harnessing method research & cased by Jin-xi highway in Anxi

  26. 土壤侵蚀危险度的计算与影响因子分析&以福建安溪红壤水土流失区为例

    Soil Erosion Risk Assessment Based on the Research of Impact Factors : Taking Anxi County as an Example

  27. 第四部分归纳安溪县科教兴农推进县域经济发展的做法与经验。

    Part IV analyzes the development practices and results about science and education promoting agriculture in Anxi County .

  28. 狐狸发现了机会,听说过安溪吗,赶快下来,极力赞扬喝好水。

    The opportunity to find a fox , the hearts of Anxi , calm down immediately , strongly praise .

  29. 农村留守儿童问题研究及对策&以福建省安溪县为典型调查

    Research and Countermeasures on Left-behind Children in Rural Area & A typical survey in Anxi County , Fujian Province

  30. 同时安溪县县域经济的发展仍然存在问题。

    At the same time there are still existing problems in the development of the county economy of Anxi .